50 Times People Saw Real Glitches In The Matrix And Had To Take A Pic To Document It (New Pics)
Celebrity look-alike contests are currently taking the Internet by storm. What started as a search for Timothée Chalamet’s double has now spiraled into a marathon of fans trying to find doppelgangers of their favorite famous people like Harry Styles, Paul Mescal, Jeremy Allen White, and Dev Patel. It seems that the public is seeking something lighter amidst pretty heavy events these days, such as the election results and ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
To distract us from the world for a moment, Bored Panda is jumping into the fun too, and featuring some of the most uncanny doppelgangers ordinary people have unexpectedly run into. Scroll down to find them, and we’ll let you decide whether these instances are glitches in the matrix or something entirely different.
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Whoever Understood The Impact Of This Photo, Understood Everything
Yes Dani, Tell Us How
Face To Face With Yourself In A Museum, The Doppelgänger Experience
Communications professor specializing in celebrity and audience culture Erin Meyers speculated more about why the look-alike contests are so popular at the moment.
"They're not a protest. They're not an election rally," she explains to NPR. "They're not things that have been kind of contentious lately. They're around something that's a little more fun and they're very grassroots."
I Wasn’t Convinced Until Now…. We Are Definitely In A Simulation. Today I Randomly Swam Past My Doppelseäner At The Flamingo Pool In Vegas
My Friend The Emperor Hadrian
clearly he is a time traveller who will travel back in time and become Hadrian
10 Years Ago I Went Off To College And People I Didn't Know Kept Coming Up To Me And Calling Me "Brian". My Name Is Josh. Then A Few Weeks Later I Met Brian And We Took This Picture Together
In more recent years, people have been embracing a more individualistic approach to living, and communal events seem to be withering away. Those who long for fellowship might see the look-alike contest as a great way to spend time with their community or even meet potential romantic partners.
In addition, such a gathering was organized organically, without being weighed down by promoters or sponsors. Instead of being corporate and formal, it felt spontaneous and goofy. The switch-up probably felt quite freeing and enjoyable for the attendees.
I Can Only Hope To Be Painted So Someone In The Future Can Do This As Well
My Family Friend Is A Persian Replica Of Jeff Goldblum... They Finally Met
When You Go To Get A Flu Shot And The Pharmacist Is Your Doppelgänger
Another interesting fact about this event is that the participants are mainly male. “Why would that be strange?" you might ask. Well, it’s relatively rare for men to want to look a certain way and get validation for it so publicly, which has been a norm for women for a long time, says Meyers. "The history of media representation is all about giving these standards for women, in particular, to live up to," she says. "You're already trying to look like Kim Kardashian or look like whoever and emulate them in your social media posts. It doesn't feel as novel, I guess."
My Japanese Friend Found A Game About Himself In A Shop In The Netherlands
Pretty sure I read somewhere that this dude IS the guy in the photo and not just a doppelganger
I Found My Doppelganger At Work
Behind the silly fun of look-alikes, there are actually some fascinating scientific explanations for why complete strangers might be doubles of each other. Research suggests that Chalamet doppelgangers have genetic similarities even though they aren’t biologically related.
These Two People Had Such A Similar Look It Was Uncanny
Pretty Sure I Saw Robin Williams Identical Twin While On Vacation In Germany
My Friend Found Himself In A Bag Of Chips
Manel Esteller, a molecular geneticist, in a study published in 2022 revealed that unrelated look-alikes share distinct parts of their genetic makeup that are responsible for bone structure, skin pigmentation, and water retention, all of which affect how our face looks.
My Friend Got On The Train And The Same Woman Sat Down, 4 Times
The French Gentleman Spawn Is Broken
I Have Worked Here For 2 Years. I Have Only Seen Them Individually. Had A Major What The S**t Moment Today When I Realized It Was Two Different People
The researchers ensured that the subjects weren’t related and that any similarities in their looks were coincidental. “There are so many people in the world right now, that eventually, people that share a higher number of [genetic] variants are expected,” he said, explaining the reason for it. As he pointed out, there are only so many combinations that make up a human face.
In The Flesh
Friend Looks Exactly Like The Painting At A Bar
Glitch In The Matrix
Scientist Nancy Segal, a professor of psychology, has additionally found that doppelgangers might not only share similar appearance but other attributes as well, like the manner of walking (due to their bone length), their voice, and even their level of addictiveness. So for example, a Harry Styles look-alike may walk, sound the same, and smoke cigarettes but won’t have the same personality, charisma, and talent as him.
Little Brother Went To Get His Vaccine, Ran Into Himself From The Future
Met My Doppelgänger (Right) At A Concert. Even Had On The Same Shoes
I guess in the simulation, there are a limited number of avatars aliens can choose from.
Met My Doppelganger At Ef!
I bet now you’re wondering if there is a person who looks, walks, and sounds like you somewhere out there. Well, scientists think that it’s very likely, but the precise number of that being true is difficult to calculate with statistical quirks and subjectivity getting in the way. Despite this, there’s still a pretty good chance we all have a doppelganger. “I think most people have somebody who is a facial lookalike unless they have a truly exceptional and unusual face,” concludes statistician Nick Fieller from The Computer-Aided Facial Recognition Project.
I Found A Glitch In The Matrix
Leaked Photo Of The Rarest Planet Sequencing Event
Einstein's Doppelganger Found In A Random Supermarket, Egypt
I Found This Random Painting In A Thrift Store That Looks Unsettling Similar To Me
My Mom Had A Nanny That Was A Mrs. Doubtfire Lookalike, C. 1981
My Girlfriend Met Her Doppelganger
Two Stranger Twins Met At A Hockey Game, And The Third One Found Their Picture Online
Glitch In The Matrix
The Guy Is Playing For Both Teams, And Still Watching It From The Grandstand
There's A Glitch In The Matrix!
Vincent Van Stay
Noticed A Peculiar Resemblance In My Friend's Nativity Scene Today... I Present You, The Fresh Prince Of Bethlehem
Spotted A Glitch In The Matrix Today
Found My Slimmer Alterego On The Bus Stop Commercial
Donna Trump
I Am On The Train And Those Two Ladies Look The Same But They Don’t Know Each Other At All... Freaky
I Found My Sister's Doppelgänger At The Coldplay Concert In Gothenburg
The Adoration Of The Magi
And thanks a lot for the gold and frankincense, er, but don't worry too much about the myrrh next time. All right? Heh. Thank you. Good-bye.
So It Turns Out I Have A Twin In Israel. Either That Or There's A Glitch In The Matrix
Each Booth Is An Alternate Reality
These Three Random Men In My Photo Look Like The Same Person
I Met My Doppelgänger Today!
I’m Visiting The USA For The First Time: There Was A Glitch In The Matrix Yesterday As I Stood In Line At The Met, NY. [oc]
This is two ladies who look totally different, but have both chosen to dye their hair blue. Hardly a glitch. Sorry for the snarkiness, I'll go get myself a snack.
Still Wondering Whether He Did This On Purpose Or Not
She Is Nowhere Near As Thrilled As Her Father
Tenet (Christopher Nolan, 2020)
Despite there being such a ridiculously high number of possibilities of how a persons dna can be arranged it can’t be infinite, in the same way you can draw all the kings from a pack of playing cards, it’s unlikely but if you keep on trying eventually you’ll do it again, the same has to be true of how a person looks, humans have been around for around 200,000 years so there has to have been ‘matches’ and with 8 billion people alive now those matches will be more common
This is happening too often to be mere coincidence...
Load More Replies...Many of them were people surprised that their mass produced clothes had also been bought by someone else.
Load More Replies...My brother was stopped by someone in a grocery store and asked where he'd been, hadn't seen him in a long time, talked to him like they were long, lost buddies. My brother didn't know the guy and actually showed him his driver's license to prove he wasn't the guy's long lost friend. About 6 months later, I saw my brother's doppelganger in a parking lot. I took his picture and sent it to his wife. All random, just freaky.
A few years ago I excitedly said “Hey man!” to a guy in a CTA station in Chicago because he looked so much like my brother. To the guy’s credit, he waved. It was not my brother. Perhaps another German/Polish/Czech hybrid with fluffy hair.
Load More Replies...Despite there being such a ridiculously high number of possibilities of how a persons dna can be arranged it can’t be infinite, in the same way you can draw all the kings from a pack of playing cards, it’s unlikely but if you keep on trying eventually you’ll do it again, the same has to be true of how a person looks, humans have been around for around 200,000 years so there has to have been ‘matches’ and with 8 billion people alive now those matches will be more common
This is happening too often to be mere coincidence...
Load More Replies...Many of them were people surprised that their mass produced clothes had also been bought by someone else.
Load More Replies...My brother was stopped by someone in a grocery store and asked where he'd been, hadn't seen him in a long time, talked to him like they were long, lost buddies. My brother didn't know the guy and actually showed him his driver's license to prove he wasn't the guy's long lost friend. About 6 months later, I saw my brother's doppelganger in a parking lot. I took his picture and sent it to his wife. All random, just freaky.
A few years ago I excitedly said “Hey man!” to a guy in a CTA station in Chicago because he looked so much like my brother. To the guy’s credit, he waved. It was not my brother. Perhaps another German/Polish/Czech hybrid with fluffy hair.
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