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Success Stories

Want to make your story viral?

Bored Panda is the #1 story publishing platform for creative people who want to become popular. 75M pandas read us every month, and our best stories are reposted by big publishers such as HuffPost, Buzzfeed, Mashable and many others.

Tell Your Story

How does it work?


1.Post your story on Bored Panda

Have you created something beautiful lately? Built a tree house or saved a kitten? We want to hear about it!

2.Be seen by 75 million pandas

The best stories will be featured on our homepage and shared on our FB with 14 million fans. We get around 75 million unique visitors per month.

3.Become a worldwide sensation

Bored Panda is watched by TOP publishers, so you'll instantly get attention and interviews from the biggest newspapers and magazines such as Huffington Post, DailyMail, Buzzfeed, Mashable, etc.

Success stories

"After posting my illustrations here, we went from 2-3 monthly orders to 150." Read More
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Her stories were reposted on:
"Literally in 1 day I gained thousands and thousands of new likes, interviews, reposts and in 1-2 weeks’ time I was booked for the next 6 months upfront." Read More
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Her story was reposted on:
"In just a couple of weeks my Facebook page went from 800 likes to 8000." Read More
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His stories were reposted on:

Share Your Story With 75M Bored Pandas!

The best stories from our site usually end up getting reposted by big publishers such as The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Mashable, etc.

Tell Your Story