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50 Wholesome Pics From The “Wholesome Meets The Internet” Account To Brighten Up Your Day (New Pics)
Decent_Friend_1511 reply
If you’re wearing protective/sterile gloves, they don’t continue to be sterile once you’ve touched something gross. The amount of times I’ve seen coworkers handle human specimens with their gloves on, and then touch their face, phone, or hair really shocks me. Same note of people handling raw chicken/meat with gloves and then proceeding to touch every surface imaginable with the gloves on drives me nuts.
Decent_Friend_1511 reply
If you’re wearing protective/sterile gloves, they don’t continue to be sterile once you’ve touched something gross. The amount of times I’ve seen coworkers handle human specimens with their gloves on, and then touch their face, phone, or hair really shocks me. Same note of people handling raw chicken/meat with gloves and then proceeding to touch every surface imaginable with the gloves on drives me nuts.