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Austeja Zokaite
BoredPanda Staff
A curious person who is always on the lookout to experience something new.
- BA in English Philology, Vilnius University 2023
Activity & Interests
- Lend a hand as a translator to the project E-kinas to make Lithuanian historical movies more accessible to foreigners
- Conducted research on serial killers’ speech (gory, I know)
- Fulfilled my dream of being a writer
- Never ever seen the cult favorite series “Friends.”
- Passionately advocate for sustainable fashion
- Enjoy vintage, moody, and antique interior design
- Wish every day was Christmas
Hi, glad you swung by! My name is Austėja, and I’m a writer at Bored Panda. With a degree in English philology, I’m interested in all aspects of language. Being fresh out of university, my mission is to master the art of writing and add my unique touch to every personal story and uplifting article we publish. In my time here, I’ve covered some fun topics such as scrungy cats and pareidolia, as well as more serious ones about mental health and relationship hiccups. When I’m not on my laptop, you’ll probably find me devouring pastries, especially croissants, paired with a soothing cup of tea. Sunsets, the sea, and swimming are some of my favorite things.