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Quizzes & Trivia

Origin of things trivia

Which country is credited with inventing paper money?

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50 general knowledge questions

How many hardworking letters team up to make up the English alphabet?

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Match The Outfits With The Movies

This movie gave us very pink and very cute fashion moments back in the 2000s. Can you guess the movie this outfit appears in?

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Weird History Facts

True or False: Anne Frank lived earlier than Martin Luther King Jr.

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Name that Dinosaur trivia

What is the name of the dinosaur famous for its three facial horns?

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Match The Iconic Quotes To Their Movies

Match the quote with the movie.

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Egyptian Gods Trivia

Who is the god and chief judge of the Underworld, as well as the god of resurrection?

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Body of water trivia

The Red Sea belongs to which ocean?

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Guess the celebrity trivia

This celebrity helped Lisa boost her confidence. Who is she?

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Sleep spirit animal

How do you feel waking up in the morning?

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Your High School Persona

What was your go-to after-school activity?

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Name the band trivia

Which band is behind the song "Bohemian Rhapsody"?

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Guess which continent trivia

In which continent is Senegal located?

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Match The Slogan To Its Brand

‘See what's next.’

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Guess the actor role trivia

In which movie did Meryl Streep not star?

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Identify Celebs From Childhood Photos

Who is this princess?

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Guess the language trivia

Guess the language:

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Random Pub Trivia

Which male tennis player has won the most number of Grand Slams?

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Back-To-School Trivia

Grade 1, Science. Which season is the warmest season?

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Star Wars Trivia

Who is this?

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No words trivia

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Unscramble the acronym trivia

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90s Sitcoms Trivia

This character was a home attendant called Daphne. Which show can this character be found in?

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Find Out How Others Perceive You

Pick the color palette you like wearing the most. 

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