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BoredPanda Staff
Visual virtuoso, forever dancing on the edge between traditional artistry and the digital frontier
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Activity & Interests
- I'm an enthusiastic still life photographer who prefers capturing objects over people
- I enjoy using my free time to create digital illustrations and paintings of random everyday items
- I'm passionate about listening to music in different languages. Whether it's Sweden's catchy beats or Turkey's vibrant rhythms, I'm always tuned in
- I have a keen interest in fashion psychology
- Going to theaters and museums alone is my idea of a perfect day out
I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader's experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It's like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually.