Everyone loves life hacks because of how convenient and fun they tend to be. These handy tips and tricks are often things people randomly discovered while trying to simplify whatever they were doing. They then pass on this information so that other folks don’t have to struggle the way they did.

Sometimes, though, these pro tips might involve unethical or immoral things as well. It’s up to folks to decide if they’re comfortable using them; the examples in this list certainly prove that some people definitely are.

More info: Reddit 


A group discusses unethical life hacks over laptops and tablets at a wooden table. Don’t work hard. Work at the pace of your co-workers. The harder you work, the more that’s expected of you for the same pay.

LamesBrady , fauxels Report


    Close-up of a person's ear, showcasing detail, possibly related to unethical life hack discussions. Tell your coworkers you have terrible hearing (which, personally, partially true, but it’s not nearly as bad as i play it up to be) and everyone feels comfortable whispering around you. i know everything.

    decayingfoundations , Kindel Media Report


    Person opening a hotel room door, suggesting entry without permission as an unethical life hack. Hotels often have fees if you cancel too close to your intended stay. In a lot of cases you can however call them, reschedule into the future, then wait a bit and call again to cancel, but this time without the fees.

    aamurusko79 , Pixabay Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please only do this with chain hotels. Smaller, family run places really can't take the hit.

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    The idea behind using life hacks is to simplify the things we do and to make our day-to-day tasks easier. The only problem is that psychology is still on the fence about the effectiveness of these pro tips. In some cases, research has found that the placebo effect plays a strong role in how effectively a life hack can work.


    It’s very tough to test the effectiveness of pro tips because so many factors could affect how people feel or what they do. Even though we don’t fully know the power of life hacks, it seems like they are more popular than ever. According to a survey, nearly 6 in 10 respondents love watching videos about pro tips, and 42% have even shared their own hacks with people.


    A hand using a white computer mouse on a wooden table next to a laptop, representing unethical life hack strategies. If you WFH, invest in a mouse jiggler. No one cares in the office when you go for a 10 minute stroll for a coffee but heaven forbid my icon goes orange!

    alexlp , jcomp Report


    Man in blue shirt on a phone call at a desk, working on a laptop, representing unethical life hack in a modern office setting. In our ever accepting world I have made many phone calls for utilities / subscriptions in my wife’s name as she didn’t want to make the phone call. They always insist on speaking to the account owner and there’s generally an awkward pause when I say I am the account owner named (wife’s feminine name) with a clearly manly voice. Can’t say a thing nowadays (rightly so)! Always found it ridiculous anyway as it could be anyone!

    OkMarket7141 , RDNE Stock project Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have done this with my ex husband's name and got into a heated argument about my name being "Kevin"...

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    Man at desk looking at laptop screen, holding a coffee cup, with window in background, illustrating an unethical life hack. Work as little as possible for the maximum amount of money.Avoid letting your boss know when you've completed tasks ahead of time, as finishing quickly often leads to being assigned even more work. Focus on keeping your boss satisfied without overextending yourself.

    xarokk , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not where I work. It's all based on favoritism. I'm not friends with the big boss, so I keep getting the same stuff dumped on me - IE the work no one wants.

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    Although these tips and tricks are meant to make our lives better, experts say that they might be actually simplifying our lives too much. In the rush to find the best “shortcut,” we might be missing out on a lot of essential learning. So people might not actually realize how to fend for themselves because they’re too busy finding an easy way out.

    Also, sometimes, the simplest way isn’t always the most efficient. If it had no caveats, then it would simply be the way to do things. The fact that it’s a hack might mean that there is a price to pay for choosing that route. In the end, it’s up to each person to decide whether they want to use such pro tips in their daily lives.


    Email app on a smartphone screen showing 20 unread messages, related to unethical life hack tactics. Using a second email address to repeatedly claim *first-time customer* discounts on websites. Not proud of it, but hey, those deals add up.

    Blossom-Hazel , Torsten Dettlaff Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did that with Schwans all the time. I think it was 20% off and free delivery for new customers. Did this every month for pizzas for years. They never caught on that they should be using a phone number to verify new customers.

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    Person in protective suit loading labeled boxes into a van, concept of unethical life hack. Dressing in a suit and having hands full of books / boxes or carrying a clipboard will get you into most places.

    armahillo , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    Person viewing a food menu on a smartphone, considering an unethical life hack for ordering food. Not sure if this is unethical at all since they allow it to happen. Get the app for fast food places that have reward points. Any time you go there or just walk by it, look for receipts laying on the ground. Scan in the receipts for reward points. Free food. I have already got over $1600 worth of free food from one app.

    When Menards does their 11% off, look for rebate receipts laying around the parking lot. Last year I got several hundred dollars of rebates that way.

    inkseep1 , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the past at race tracks, there were people who had their shoes modified so they could secretly pick up discarded betting tickets that someone dropped b/c they did not realize that Win.Place,Show is a winner. (they had to be sneaky b/c they would be banned if they were seen)

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    Of course, it’s fun to try out different pro tips and to see what actually works well, but research says that it’s important to question the intention behind each life hack. In this list, all of the tips are unethical or immoral in some way, so a person should only try them if they are comfortable dealing with the consequences of the hack.

    People who share such pro tips may not always have our best interests at heart and might be selling such secrets to con folks out of something valuable. Rather than just accepting every life hack you come across, it’s important to understand how it impacts all areas of your life and only then proceed with it.


    Children playing with wooden blocks at a small table, exploring creativity and teamwork in a cozy room setting. I got summoned for jury duty when my kids were in elementary school. I called them and asked if I need to bring activities for my kids, or if they had a daycare. I was released.

    Mopngloflo , cottonbro studio Report


    Person in colorful costume with hands on hips, posing in front of shimmering backdrop. If you act like your dumb/stupid nobody will ask you to do things for them.

    tafkatp , freepik Report


    Close-up of a smartphone screen displaying the Amazon shopping app icon, related to unethical life hacks. I got tired of Amazon delivering stuff to the wrong apartment building, which is right next-door, but we are both gated. I can’t just go get it. Usually this person will bring it to me within a week or two. I don’t wanna wait a week or two. I’ve flipped out on Amazon and and told them to look at their notes and see how many f*****g times I’ve called about this and NOT waiting three more days to re-order. So now they send me the item immediately and THEN my neighbor brings The OG item to me. so I get two of some things on their mistake. Not sorry either.

    Myveryowndystopia , Sagar Soneji Report

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    Katie Allen
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amazon and other delivery people are CONSTANTLY leaving stuff out in the courtyard of my apt bldg, sometimes even in the street. I don't even have anything delivered here anymore. I have it sent to my friend's house and my friend just calls me when it gets there and I go over there and get it.

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    One of the most important things to consider when choosing to follow a life hack is whether it will actually work for your personality type. People who like having a system in place and enjoy organizing might be better suited to following through with such pro tips.

    Others who are intuitive in nature would be better served by following their unique paths and learning on the go. Life hacks are meant to make decision-making easier, but that doesn’t mean everyone needs to follow them just for the sake of it.


    Person sitting on floor with laptop, surrounded by a cozy setting, suggesting focus or work on unethical life hack strategies. For any type of web-delivered service where your physical location doesn't matter (digital downloads, event tickets, online credits), choose a zip code in a place with no sales tax. For this purpose I've memorized 59901, which is Kalispell, Montana.

    xkulp8 , Anna Nekrashevich Report


    Homeless man sleeping on the ground with a sign and cup, illustrating unethical life hack concepts. Once talked with a homeless man that mentioned he would often empty and clean out a dog food can and re-fill it with beef stew. He ate it outside of the grocery store while he was asking for money or food and would get hooked up.

    exis10shell , Timur Weber Report


    Person using a paint roller to cover a wall, demonstrating an unconventional painting technique. I’m my area, the building codes are super strict and a lot of the time you won’t get permission to tear down a house completely to build a new house. However, if you don’t demo the entire house and instead remodel the house, then you’ll get permission. So what we have done in the past is literally demo everything except for like the fireplace and chimney and literally build a brand new house around it. Personally I think that it goes against the spirit of the law, but whatever I’m not in charge of the company.

    amdabran , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Saw this a lot in California. Tear down all but one wall and part of a floor. Then get remodel permit and may not get your property taxes reviewed & raised.

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    An optimized and efficient life is the goal of pretty much everyone you come across. Even though we’re all trying our best, it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. Using life hacks should come naturally and should be more related to efficiency rather than manipulating the people around you.

    Unethical life hacks may seem like a ton of fun, but their consequences might be tough to handle. The best you can do is to take these recommendations with a pinch of salt and set your own standards.

    Do you have any creative pro tips you swear by? Don’t keep it to yourself, tell us about them too!


    Wooden gavel resting on a desk, symbolizing an unethical life hack in legal context. Got this one from a friend who’s a judge.

    If you get called for jury duty and want to get out of it, the fool-proof way for both sides to throw you out is to say you have a strong respect for law enforcement and if they’ve brought a charge against someone, they must have done something wrong. Even if there’s no evidence, you believe they don’t arrest innocent people. You’ll be home before lunch.

    Sadiq8474 , Report

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    Devin Schmitt
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It makes it extremely difficult to have a "Jury of your Peers" when qualified people try to avoid jury duty. I've been called dozens of times, and have served on at least eight juries (twice as foreman!) I strongly encourage everybody that can serve, do so. It's as important as voting.

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    Two men in a hotel lobby with papers, conveying an unethical life hack atmosphere. I had a conference at a hotel. During a break I went out into the hall and dished up a full breakfast. Turns out the meal was for a completely different conference and our conference only had coffee and muffins. So it was accidental and I never did it again but it would be very easy to do if you needed a meal.

    houseonpost , DC Studio Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a meeting planner I've had to stand guard over hotel buffets before because people think it's just free food. But the hotels charge the company who's paying for it an arm and a leg - usually per person.

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    If you hit up Golden Corral at 3:30pm, you pay the lunch rate, but they haul out the dinner foods at 4pm!

    954kevin Report


    Person in blue shirt using a laptop at a desk, illustrating a potential unethical life hack in a work setting. If you have a document due your boss/coworker/client/etc and you are not done by the due date but could get it done if you had one more day, find a DLL file in your computer, rename it (like to Budget.xls or Proposal.doc or Presentation.ppt) and email it with an email that says here it is.

    When the recipient gets it they wont be able to open it and will email you back thereby buying you time to finish. When done, send them the right one and say “not sure what happened. Here it is again. Try this one.”.

    stewie_68 , Sora Shimazaki Report

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    Robert T
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DLLs will normally get blocked by antivirus software. Better to send something innocuous like an image or a blank document, but with a seemingly correct filename.

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    Man sitting at a desk with laptop and notebook, contemplating an unethical life hack. I take an extra 10min every time I take a s**t at work to take a little break.

    DrunkenLeprechaun69 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    Jef Corb
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I s**t on company time..

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    Smartphone on a wooden table displaying an audiobook app logo, representing an unethical life hack concept. I have 4 different Audible accounts...1st to get the free book for singing up for each account, but now I just constantly rotate activating and deactivating accounts for a 'first 3 months (1 credit/book per month) for 99 cents per month promotion. As soon as I get my 3rd credit/book, I deactivate and reactivate a different account on same promotion. Sometimes they have deals where you can get 2 books for a credit too. I also, about every 3-4 books will 'return' a book, even if I read it fully and get a free credit /book since they let you do that.

    Grandizer_Knight , Report

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    Janelle Collard
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like too much work to remember which account to activate/deactivate.

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    Car partially crushed by a fallen tree on a street, illustrating an unethical-life-hack scenario. Lower your car insurance collision/comp deductibles to $0 right before a snowstorm, or a roadtrip. After the weather/trip, raise the deductible back up. You’ll only be out a few dollars for the few days you had the lower deductible and in the event of an at fault accident, you pay nothing out of pocket.

    Cool_Username_9000 , Mike Bird Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Would this really work in the US? Wherever I've owned and insured cars the policy is taken out for a whole year, so you can't just change it w***y nilly. I mean, I gather that it's common to pay it monthly over there, but surely it's still calculated on an annual basis?

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    Man lounging on a sofa, wearing sunglasses, with a relaxed posture next to a window; represents a casual unethical life hack. Really good-looking blind people won't care if you're ugly.

    Resident_Second_2965 , Eren Li Report


    Ketchup packets on a plate, illustrating an unethical life hack for obtaining free condiments. Taking extra ketchup packets when you’re at a fast food place just because you know they won’t track them.. And also hotel's freebies.

    Shy_Peachyy Report

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    Judy Reynolds
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My father did that, only never used the packets. Do you have any idea how many we threw out when he died?

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    Man looking shocked at a document while holding a phone, woman pointing at it, representing an unethical life hack scenario. It's surprising easy to fake a utility bill to prove you live somewhere you don't.

    krs1426 , Mikhail Nilov Report

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    At wholefoods it's cheaper to fill up a soup container with food instead of soup then it is to by the food with the normal boxes ...

    neovinci1 Report