Most of us, especially young people, might think we're immune to online frauds and scams. However, according to data from NatWest, people aged 18-34 were the main targets of scams, as 55% say they have been approached by scammers in the last 12 months.

Nobody likes scammers, so, most of us cheer when we see a good scammer takedown. The Scammer Payback subreddit is a place where scammers get baited and burned so bad they're usually left speechless. Here we have for you the most hilarious texts where scammers finally met their match and were trolled, ridiculed, and utterly destroyed.


Sometimes I Feel Sorry For Them

Text message exchange showing a response to a scam-text with empathy and concern.

Effective-Ad8546 Report


    My “New Job” Is Working Out

    Phone screen showing a response to a scam text, discussing digital fraud division.

    blahreport Report


    The Person Who Expertly Hit A Scammer With A "Your Mom" Joke

    Text messages with a scam text response about a flexible remote position.

    NomadFreelance Report

    The Scammer Payback subreddit is the community for the audience and fans of the American YouTuber and streamer Pierogi. The YouTube channel has 7.89M subscribers and features the creator baiting phone and online scams. 

    Pierogi is a former cybersecurity professional who was inspired to start his career on YouTube and Twitch after watching YouTube videos. At first, his channel featured videos of him prank calling scammers to waste their time. But, as time went by, the project grew into something more serious.


    In 2022, Pierogi and his team set up a "People's Call Center," the opposite of a scam call center. The team called internet scammers for a week, pretending to be victims and wasting their time, preventing other people from getting scammed.

    As the creator told FOX 7, he would usually do this by himself. "It was kind of good versus evil, the anti-scam call center versus the scam call center," Pierogi explained. "There's going to be evil in this world. And... I think that for every kind of evil thing that's going on, there's a positive as well."


    The Person Who Let A Scammer Know They Might Want To Double-Check Their Scams

    Text exchange highlighting scam-text responses with a misspelled shipment alert.

    DOUMEKl Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I corrected one of those Norton email scams on the way they wrote their phone numbers… 🤣

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    So Sad

    Scam-text responses depicted in a humorous exchange about recent passing, illustrating an unexpected twist in the conversation.

    ResponsibilityFew318 Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Correct response is "Oh dear. How sad. Never mind" a la Sergeant Major Williams

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    Pierogi isn't just some Internet vigilante; he's not against working with the government. Recently, as he's told TIME, he started feeding federal authorities information about scam rings. "All different sorts of agencies have knocked on my door," he said. 


    I Guess I Came On Too Strong

    Screenshot of a scam-text conversation highlighting responses to a wrong number text about law enforcement.

    dogbert730 Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Doesn't seem to matter what you say. They still stick to their scripts.

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    There Was An Attempt

    Scam-text-response screenshot with suspicious dialogue questioning identity.

    Matthias0211 Report

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    Hmmm hmmmm
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They were planning to go through all the names randomly asking

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    The creator also draws attention to the fact that it can be hard to put scammers behind bars. When people seek justice, often authorities of multiple countries have to be involved. Also, you'd need victims who would be willing to testify, which doesn't happen often. "We're making it harder for the scammers, but they're also getting smarter," Pierogi told TIME. "It's this cat-and-mouse game."


    This Is How I Deal With These Assholes

    Scam text responses featuring a fake property inquiry and a fraudulent subscription charge message.

    SardonicSuperman Report

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    Costco card
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here's the text if anyone needs it for "personal use" Thanks for joining "Daily Wonders"! ✨🤩 $299.95 has been billed to your wireless account for a non-refundable yearly subscription. Get ready for a new fun fact each day! 🤑 Here's your first fun fact to get things rolling: Receiving a new fact each day means you'll know 365 new facts in a year! Enjoy your daily dose of wonder 🏆

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    What is it exactly that scambaiters like Pierogi do? Aside from wasting their time and holding up the phone lines, scambaiters also expose their personal information or even target them with cyberattacks. Another popular streamer and scambaiter Kitboga told NPR how he's sometimes able to get bank account details, cryptocurrency wallet addresses, and other info out of scammers.


    Short And Sweet…

    Text conversation with unsettling images, illustrating a response to scam-text-responses scenario.

    FuneralPotatoes801 Report

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    Steve Robert
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have added " you scammers sure do get around. He's very upset!"

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    Scambaiters usually assume some other persona when talking to scammers. For Kitboga, one of their names is an elderly woman, Edna, inspired by his grandmother. One of the reasons the streamer began scambaiting on his channel was because his grandmother fell victim to fraudsters: he found out she was paying for multiple internet and cable packages.


    Simple But Sweet

    Chat screen showing a cybersecurity expert identifying a scam-text-response about rental inquiries.

    rosssettti Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The hard thing to buy into is that someone who is in cyber security is using Cricket. I was with them until my identity got stolen.

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    I Saw Someone Do This 1 Trick. So I Wanted To See

    Text message exchange showing a scam-text response conversation.

    dankhits Report

    Kitboga then realized he could manipulate the scammers under the guise of an older woman. "The initial drive or mission was, if I spent 10 minutes on the phone, then that was 10 minutes that that scammer wasn't talking to my grandma or your grandma," he explained to NPR.


    The Person Who Cursed A Scammer With Dark, Dark Magic

    Text message with question asking "Is this Laura?" followed by an unsettling image response in a scam-text context.

    Lopsided_Pick9368 Report

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    Enclave destroyer
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you ever think the devil gets scam calls cause his Nokia still works well in hell?

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    It’s Become My Favorite Thing To Do

    Screenshot of a humorous scam text response claiming to be Batman.

    RichardCinAZ Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's Fred. Fred from the fisting workshop? Oh, you must remember me. ;)

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    Another scambaiter Jim Browning hacks into scammers' computers and CCTV cameras and shows his viewers how the fraudsters are reacting to the baiting in real time. In one operation together with the Australian ABC News, he gained access to a scammer's computer and shared the screen with the journalists as the scam of an Australian man took place.


    The Person Who Tried To Scam Someone With A Truly Special Name

    Screenshot of humorous scam-text-responses conversation with sarcastic remarks. Report


    Not Quite Payback But Felt Good

    Text exchange showing scam-text-responses to a suspicious safety request.

    beepidybop Report

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    John Dilligaf
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't get this scam. They send you a random 6 digit number - what's the scam?

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    After the reporters reached out to the man and warned him about a possible scam, the man unfortunately didn't believe them. He supposed that ABC News were the scammers. '"A lot of the time the scammers build up a rapport with their victims," Browning explained. "I've seen scammers completely turn this around, even though I've warned the victim that the person you're speaking to is a scammer."


    Glad To See The FBI Has Begun Stepping In On Scammers

    Text conversation with humorous impersonation of an FBI agent, related to scam-text-responses.

    astroconfessorr Report

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    Scambaiting isn't always successful, but it is, however, almost always entertaining. Which of these texts made you laugh the most, Pandas? Do you have any similar scammer takedowns to share from your own experience? Don't hesitate and do so in the comments! And, if you want to see more scammers getting owned, check out our other posts here and here!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    The Person Who Was Just Trying To Give A Scammer A Deal

    A screenshot of scam-text responses discussing a piano sale offer with a mistaken number apology.

    WhatJuDoing Report


    The Person Who Gave A Scammer Detailed Instructions The Specifics Of Their Home

    Text exchange showing a scam text conversation about selling property, featuring a humorous response about a "butcher room."

    PoundPuppyReject Report

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    Panda-sized Potato
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's that lovely house in Texas. The family is a bit weird. The big son is pretty nifty with a chainsaw. The bbq they make can vary in taste person to person, but is to die for.

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    Omg They Sent It Again

    Scam text responses involving fake PayPal message, humorous reply highlighting scam awareness in text conversation.

    why_seal_why Report

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One slipped by the censors! My eyes! My eyes! Oh, the humanity!

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    How My Buddy Deals With Scams

    A scam text message and humorous response, highlighting scam-text-responses.

    xMrSaltyx Report

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    Panda-sized Potato
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't understand who that scam would work on? Are there women waiting for random strangers to tell them their favorite sex positions? And that link. It's basically them trilling the keyboard a few times, the adding an "18" at the end.

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    Straight To The Point

    Text conversation with a playful response to a scam text, featuring a woman's smiling photo.

    Totknax Report


    Are You Ready?

    Scam-text responses with suspicious job offer and eerie image included in a chat.

    mvrtxna Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    The Person Who Let A Scammer Know They Already Have Plans Tomorrow

    Text exchange highlighting humorous scam-text responses with emojis and witty replies.

    Car_car166 Report


    First Time, How I Do?

    A humorous exchange in a scam text response, discussing a fake job offer and responding skeptically.

    emptybottle-151 Report

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    Multa Nocte
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another f word. I am now tainted forever. Thanks for nothing BP! 😭

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    Sick Of These Motherfuckers, Been Texting Me For 4 Years… Im Not Trent!!!

    Text conversation showing humorous response to scam-text-responses about a real estate offer.

    nikschwab Report


    Got ‘Em

    Text exchange highlighting scam-text-responses with threat warning in blue bubbles.

    Messybones Report

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