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Kornelija Viečaitė
BoredPanda Staff
Ardent explorer of the Internet culture and its postmodernist ways
- Master's in English Lit from Vilnius University
- Exchange semesters at UAntwerp and Universität Konstanz
- Bachelor of Political Science @ Vytautas Magnus University
Activity & Interests
- Wrote a thesis on queer futurity and one of my favorite musical artists Perfume Genius
- Worked as a correspondent for a business media outlet, interviewed a lot of FinTech people
- Wrote for a student magazine during university years; interviewed musicians, media personalities, and young entrepreneurs
- Actually read Ulysses
- Eternally in love with Jeff Buckley
Hi there, fellow pandas! As a person (over)educated both in social sciences and literature, I'm most interested in how we connect and behave online (and sometimes in real life too.) The human experience is weird, so I try my best to put its peculiarities in writing. As a person who grew up chronically online, I now try to marry two sides of myself: the one who knows too much about MySpace, and the one who can't settle and needs to see every corner of the world.