30 Women Sit Back And Let Men Dig Their Own Graves In New Mansplaining Trend
InterviewJoining the words “man” and “explain”, society has coined the perfect term to use when a male feels the need to tell you how things are done or how they work. And it’s safe to assume that many people—men and women alike—have experienced what it’s like to listen to someone “mansplain” things.
One of the many problems with that is, you really have to know when or—more importantly—who to mansplain things to. That has been emphasized by a new internet trend where women let a guy mansplain something to them, only to show that that something is (related to) how they make a living themselves.
Scroll down to find some viral examples of the trend on the list below, and see for yourself why it might be better to ask if a person knows how things work, before jumping to conclusions that they don’t and that they’re waiting for you to tell them.
On the list below, you will also find Bored Panda’s interview with one of the women that went viral on TikTok for her video of “letting the guy explain”, neurosurgeon Betsy Grunch, MD, better known as Ladyspinedoc, who was kind enough to share her thoughts on the trend.
@ladyspinedoc Tell me more 👀. #womeninmedicine #brainsurgery #neurosurgery ♬ That dont impress me much - MusicVideos102 👑
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Some years ago I worked in an office block, with parking on the ground level. A colleague came in and asked whose m/bike was parked there. I said it's mine; he clearly didn't believe me. When the time came to leave, I put on my leathers, picked up my crash helmet, walked down to the bike, kick started it and rode away. Girl power!
Here that. Got retired military friends where I live (I'm in S.E. Asia) and I've twice seen different instances where a friend either shut down someone who was bragging about their "special ops" background, or in the case of this story, just flat out told the person, "you wouldn't have got through training, and you certainly are not S.O. material.
By now, TikTok has seen quite a few videos following the format of “letting the guy explain… me the next day”, many of which have gone viral. Take Dr. Grunch's video, for instance; uploaded roughly a week ago, it has already been viewed more than eight million times.
Known to her followers as Ladyspinedoc, the Georgia-based neurosurgeon, Betsy Grunch, MD, has been in practice since 2013, and on social media since 2021. Talking about the latter with Bored Panda, she noted that it can be a great tool to fight such issues as gender inequality or support such ideas as women’s empowerment.
“Social media and the internet are powerful platforms for raising awareness about gender inequality. They allow us to share experiences, shine a light on problems, and propose solutions to change our collective mindset,” Ladyspinedoc said.
Why are you at a bar when you have to preform surgery the next day is the question.
Talking about the “letting the guy explain” trend on TikTok, Dr. Grunch pointed out that such trends can be empowering, as they show women that they are not alone in their experiences. “They remind us that we are enough, encouraging confidence in our intelligence and abilities.
“I believe it’s essential to highlight that women are intelligent and capable of achieving incredible things. Too often, we’re underestimated or spoken down to, and that needs to change,” she added, sharing why she, too, decided to give the trending video format a go.
In American football, if a player jumps the scrimmage line before the play is called, they're offside. Beats me what it means in soccer.
People can bring bragging for a cpr certificate way too far, but I think mentioning you have that is only a huge plus. Besides, for all the things people can brag about, a potential life saving knowledge is one of the most respectful.
In many of the viral videos, the mansplainers supposedly comment on a job that’s often considered to be a “manly” one. But, as the videos clearly show, women can do a great job in male-dominated sectors, too.
“Categorizing jobs as ‘manly’ or ‘womanly’ is harmful,” Dr. Grunch noted, seconding the idea that occupations shouldn’t be gendered. “It can discourage individuals from pursuing careers they might excel in, simply because of societal expectations about gender roles.”
I'm assuming that the brain pictured was no longer required by its owner
While it’s no secret that in some sectors, the numbers of men and women working are far from equal, in certain occupations, the difference is no less than shocking. Careersmart notes that when it comes to vehicle technicians, mechanics, and electricians (as of 2023), men comprise 99.2% of the workforce, while their female counterparts add up to less than 1%.
The situation is reportedly similar with carpenters and joiners, electricians and electrical fitters, metal working production and maintenance fitters, and plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers, among others. (The occupation with the highest proportion of females, comprising as much as 97.8%, is nursery nurses and assistants.)
Got the overall meaning of it now, thanks to those that sent the link/explanations!
I think the fact is you're both allowed to complain because both jobs are hard for you in different ways. There doesn't have to be a winner.
Talking about the situation in her field of work, Ladyspinedoc shared that unfortunately, misogyny remains prevalent in the field of medicine. “That said, efforts to change the narrative are gaining momentum, and things are steadily improving,” she added.
“In my particular specialty, neurosurgery, only about 9% of board-certified neurosurgeons are women. This lack of representation often discourages other women from pursuing careers in these fields. Diversity is essential for growth, and I hope social media trends like this can inspire more women to enter traditionally male-dominated professions.”
There was another one of these "would have punched a drill sergeant" earlier. Maybe it was the same guy and he says that to every women he talks to. Me, I would have joined the army but I didn't like the idea of having my long hair cut and beard removed
Was confused on this because based on the pic, it seemed like part of her job was to ask them so they could explain it on camera to people at home. But I sold a piece of my soul & watched the clip. She's a social media manager for certain drivers & the dude in blue was just mansplaining away while she was visibly & audibly checked out, lol.
I would be surprised if any of these actually happened, it's all contrived for their followers.
Load More Replies...I wonder how many of these were just men talking about what they do, and the women didn't bother to mention they also do a similar job. Rather than engaging in conversation about your shared interests, you decide instead to do a TikTok about it.
What a vacuous and pointless rehash from Bored Panda, total s**t of the highest order. Clearly none of this happened, just facile BS from tik tok people, who at some point in life will have to actually grow up.
This site has gone to complete s**t in the last two or three years. They've managed to monetise second hand c**p off reddit and the daily mail, its pure click bait now, oh and there's a premium subsciption too, complete waste of money.
Load More Replies...I would be surprised if any of these actually happened, it's all contrived for their followers.
Load More Replies...I wonder how many of these were just men talking about what they do, and the women didn't bother to mention they also do a similar job. Rather than engaging in conversation about your shared interests, you decide instead to do a TikTok about it.
What a vacuous and pointless rehash from Bored Panda, total s**t of the highest order. Clearly none of this happened, just facile BS from tik tok people, who at some point in life will have to actually grow up.
This site has gone to complete s**t in the last two or three years. They've managed to monetise second hand c**p off reddit and the daily mail, its pure click bait now, oh and there's a premium subsciption too, complete waste of money.
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