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Miglė Miliūtė
BoredPanda Staff
Potato-fuelled music enthusiast covering everything from 2000s memes to animal pics.
- Master's in International Communication, Vilnius University
- Bachelor's in Linguistics, Vilnius University
- Exchange semester in Universidade de Coimbra
Activity & Interests
- Creating travel itineraries is a favored pastime, whether or not they have the potential to become a reality
- Will travel to other countries for a concert, even if that means a 12-hour bus ride
- Active sports also fall under the category of things I enjoy, even if not regularly
- Have lived in Portugal, Iceland, and the US for short periods of time, hoping to add more countries to the list
- Can be bribed with potato dishes and all sorts of pasta
A writer here at Bored Panda, I am a lover of good music, good food, and good company, which makes food-related topics and feel-good stories my favorite ones to cover. Passionate about traveling and concerts, I constantly seek occasions to visit places yet personally unexplored. I also enjoy spending free time outdoors, trying out different sports—even if I don’t look too graceful at it—or socializing over a cup of coffee.