50 Times People Opened Up Things And Just Had To Share What They Found Inside (New Pics)
You might remember lucky packets as a child. You never really knew what to expect when you opened them. And that was all part of the fun. Same goes for Christmas crackers or wrapped gifts. With those things, the element of surprise is expected. But sometimes, the most unexpected items can hold a "gift" we never even knew was there.
Like finding money hidden in a mattress, an engagement ring in your glass of champagne, or a snake in your car engine. People have been sharing their most surprising discoveries after they opened or broke something by mistake. Some are super cool, some are oddly satisfying and others are just plain strange. Bored Panda has compiled a list of our personal favorites. Keep scrolling and don't forget to upvote the ones that left your jaw on the floor.
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This Natural Heptagram In An Amethyst Geode Found In Mexico
Found A Busted Rock On My Lawn So I Pulled It Apart And Found This Little Guy Inside
Secret Message Inside My Dog's Squeaker Toy
The dog's absolutely begging with its eyes for its owner to throw the toy.
When a South African woman bought a loaf of bread and left it in the refrigerator, she wasn’t expecting much. Except to be able to take the bread out and make herself a sandwich as and when needed. Nombulelo Mkumla had purchased the bread at a local store on the 27th of August. The first two days eating it was rather uneventful. As far as daily bread goes.
But on day three, things took a rather unusual turn. ‘On the morning of August 31st, I took the bread out of the fridge to make toast and noticed something disgusting and scary,’ she said, during an interview with a food magazine.
Found These Beautiful Colors Hiding Inside A Piece Of Wood
Came Across This Tree With Neatly Stacked Bricks Inside Of It
That was the only way to seal the dark portal to the nether realm. No more would the people of the village be harrassed by the things from beyond...
The Inside Of This Tree Looks Like A Fish
When Mkumla opened the bread, she found something she totally was not expecting. But she couldn’t figure out what it was. So she took a photo. “I sent it to my friends, and one of them said, ‘Yi mpuku leyo tshomi‘.” Translated to English: “That’s a rat, my friend.”
Yes. You read it right. A rat. Or rather, pieces of rat remains, had been baked into her store-bought bread. Talk about finding "interesting" things inside of something else. Unexpectedly.
I'm Changing The Door Knobs. The Previous Owner Put A Fake Spider Inside The Keyhole. Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack
This Chinese Toy
Cut A Log & Found A Tiny Star Inside
Mkumla didn’t want to believe it at first. But soon, her denial faded. And disgust took over. “The rat scenario made sense – it’s possible the rat got into the bread at the factory, and no one noticed," she said. Her video of the discovery didn’t take long to go viral after she posted it on Facebook. People shared it. International media reported on it. And soon, the bread supplier had issued a statement.
The Inside Of This Maple Tree Had A Maple Leaf Pattern
Found This Rock Within A Rock On A Beach Walk
Malachite Nodule Cross-Section From China. The Near-Perfect Growth Patterns Resemble Rings In A Tree Trunk. You Never Know What Treasures Are Hidden Within A Rock Until You Slice It Open
PepsiCo South Africa responded to the incident by calling it an “isolated occurrence”. The already outraged public went into overdrive. The woman claims she had received a call from a representative of the company. But it was a call that left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Here’s what she said they said: “I sincerely apologize for what happened to you. It shouldn’t have happened, but you must understand that it gets hot where we bake our products, so things like this are bound to happen.’ Yes, I admit that your bread had a rodent. We are putting measures in place to prevent this from happening again. Don’t worry; it won’t affect you health-wise.” We might beg to differ.
One Of My Parents' Chickens Laid An Egg Inside An Egg
The Inside Of A Pine Cone
A Guy In New Hampshire Was Cutting/Splitting Up A Tree That Fell Near A Ballpark And Found This
Inclusions like that is the reason sawmills don't take what they call "city trees". If that was a metal object it would ruin an expensive saw blade.
Inside A Saguaro Cactus
Mkumla definitely isn’t the first person to find something unexpected inside her food. Here are some other equally indigestible moments. Some are shocking, some are surprising. There have been stories about people finding anything from bandaids, to frogs, to teeth and even needles in the food they worked so hard to buy.
One Of My Chess Knights Broke And Revealed A Dice Hidden Inside It
Mini Crab Found Inside Of Mussel Shell
Awwww he was just playing hide n seek and having a lil snack
Cross-Section Of A Telecom Cable
She's also not the first to find a rodent in her meal. As this magazine reported, "Matt Jones was eating at a Subway in Lincoln City, Oregon with coworkers back in 2015 when he said one of his coworkers opened up his sandwich and found a dead mouse between the spinach and cheese."
This Peeled Aloe Vera Leaf
I can smell that picture. To me, aloe smells like perspiration odor.
The Inside Of A 70s Pinball Machine
If you ever watched the movie Forrest Gump, you might remember the scene where he says his momma told him that “life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Personally, we'd prefer the surprises to stay out of our food...
Have you ever opened, or bitten into something, and found something unexpected? Let us know in the comments.
Cross-Section Of A Maple Tree That Had Been Tapped Into Over The Years (New Hampshire)
Found Something Growing Inside My Fire Agate
Inside A Wind Turbine Blade
My Daughter Asked If We Could Take Apart One Of Her Used Insulin Pumps So She Could See Inside It
The Inside Of The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Is Empty
Inside Of An Air Mattress
My Antibiotic Capsules Just Had A Whole Pill Inside
What The Inside Of A Gas Pump Looks Like
Would you want someone opening up your clothing, taking a picture of you, and posting it? For shame!
My Girlfriend's Vitamins Have Tiny Beads Inside Them
A Bullet That Got Stuck In A Tree A Long Time Ago
The Inside Of A Sunflower. You Can Already See The Seeds
This Is What The Inside Of A Bowling Ball Looks Like
Bowling balls with an asymmetric core like this one make it easier for expert bowlers to make the path of the ball curve (hook) to target the bowling pins from an angle.
What The Inside Of A Pool Table Looks Like
Natural Cross-Section Of An 8-Foot-Tall Sandstone Concretion In Red Rock Coulee, Alberta, Canada
Alberta has many natural wonders like this, like Drumheller (dinos) Okatoks erratics, really big rock from a glacier in the middle of nowhere.
When I Opened My Ruko I Found A Bunch Of Signatures On The Inside
What's a Ruko? (Google was of no help). Just this one, or from the injection mould? edit: I was supposed to be asleep and with a fever, and also the title is wrong.. 😸
The Inside Of An IKEA Kallax Bookshelf
Cross-Section Of Agave Americana Mediopicta Alba
Pretty bizarre to see that there are distinct white lines that continue inside the plant where the chlorophyll lacking white section meets the outer green sections. This cut is about an hour old, so it looks fibrous as it begins to dry out.
There’s A Mushroom Growing Inside My Potato
Saw that pic on the front page I thought that was a horse hoof getting prepped for horse shoes.
What The Inside Of A Golf Ball Looks Like
Just Opened Up My Broken SD Card To Find It Contains A MicroSD Inside
The Inside Of My "Genuine Leather" Watch Band
"Genuine Leather" is technically real leather in the same sense that chicken nuggets are technically real chicken--small pieces of leather that have press molded into a single large sheet and cut to need. Also known as "bonded leather" and often used for book covers. If you want actual leather--meaning leather made from a single whole cow hide, look for labels such as "whole grain leather" or "genuine calfskin".
There Was A Piece Of Hose Inside This Log I Split
The Inside Of An Escalator
A Cross-Section Of A Fiber Optic Cable Being Laid In My Neighborhood
My Sliced Agave Cupreata Experiment. Here's The Full Plant Exposed And Then Transplanted Into A Pot After A Few Days Of Drying Out
Cross Section Of A Screw In Wood
Cross-Section Of An Old Hot Tub
Inside Of A Redbox Machine
It allows you to rent DVDs from a kiosk but just went under so you won't see them.
The Inside Of A New Modern Bidet Toilet
I was waiting to see the inside of a wallet but these days most will be empty.... Thanks governments..
I think you mean "thanks corporations" - governments don't dictate what prices those people set.
Load More Replies...Kinder eggs in the US are required to have the candy and toy in separate compartments due to food safety laws, so the cross section for our eggs wouldn't be very exciting.
Load More Replies...I was waiting to see the inside of a wallet but these days most will be empty.... Thanks governments..
I think you mean "thanks corporations" - governments don't dictate what prices those people set.
Load More Replies...Kinder eggs in the US are required to have the candy and toy in separate compartments due to food safety laws, so the cross section for our eggs wouldn't be very exciting.
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