Target Employees Are Calling Out Unbearable Customer Behavior With These 50 Pics
Interview With ExpertWhether you’re a shopper or a shop assistant, you’ve possibly had at least one annoying experience in a store. Research shows customers are getting increasingly irate and retail workers are being treated worse than ever.
Target has more than 400,000 employees and almost 2,000 stores across America. It seems there’s no shortage of buyers behaving badly at some of these outlets. From shoppers demanding doors open early, to leaving dirt in the aisles, or causing food to go off, Target employees say they are going through the most.
Enter r/Target: "A Place For Team Members To Do Stuff That Kind Of Matters". More than 197,000 members have joined this online community since it started. We've gathered a list of some of the worst customer crimes they've come across, so that you can check yourself before you commit them. Scroll on to see how you might be making someone's life a living hell. And don’t miss the interesting chat Bored Panda had with a consumer research specialist who broke down why customers are acting cocky, and what retail staff can do about it.
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Shocking ⚡️⚡️
The National Retail Federation says around 55 million Americans work in retail. That's 1 in 4 working people. 78 percent of those surveyed are "satisfied" with their job, while nearly eight in 10 are “happy”. But a separate study shows the opposite is true for customers. General customer satisfaction has taken a dive. And unhappy shoppers are taking their anger out on staff. And don't we know it... Every now and again, there's a viral video or story about someone losing their cool, complaining or cussing in a store. In case you missed it, here are some rude customer stories collected by Bored Panda.
Customer Care Measurement & Consulting (CCMC) and Arizona State University have been conducting studies on customer rage since 2003. Their most recent survey found that “Americans are experiencing more product and service problems than ever before” and are becoming “more belligerent when they complain”.
John Goodman is the vice president of CCMC and a leading expert in customer care and consumer complaint behavior. He’s written books on the topic, directed over a thousand studies, and has been called to speak in more than twenty countries. He agreed to chat to Bored Panda to unpack what makes consumers tick and how retail staff can deal with some of the craziness they face.
Old But Gold
“The average consumer has seven good yells in her,” Goodman told us. “If she or he calls you seven names, they will then be deflated, and ultimately embarrassed by their behavior when the blood comes back in their brain. Therefore, the objective is to depersonalize the interaction.”
Goodman says one way to do this is to turn it into a game. “At one leading nameless computer company, I had reps who had an informal contest with abusive customers. They would identify the abuser and then hold up their hand to count off the number of expletives they had been called,” he revealed.
“The question was – ‘could you get to seven?’ Once depersonalized, they were no longer damaged by the tenor and were often ultimately able to handle the person who would apologize for their behavior.”
Oh my god YES!! . The number of times I dealt with this kind of k**b headed customer
Sometimes Guests Aren’t All Bad Lmao
The CCMC study found customers are becoming more aggressive than ever. 43% admitted to raising their voice when complaining. A 35% jump from 2015. Goodman’s colleague, CCMC President and CEO Scott M. Broetzmann said he was surprised by the findings.
"Even after 20 years of intensively researching customer rage, I remain astonished that — when sorting out ordinary product and service problems — acts of simple kindness and a sense of kinship are, all too often, in short supply,” he said. “The incidence and public displays of customers and companies misbehaving are commonplace, on the increase, and can be downright scary."
We have a former employee who’s a rather charming woman, NOT. When someone sees her, we page it on the walkie, especially when the employee she threw a bottle of sanitizer at is working. Like heads up, psycho is here, Judy do you want us to cover you until she leaves?
Thought This Would Fit Here
We asked Goodman what advice he has for customers on the verge of blowing a gasket. “Take two deep breaths because you are upset and therefore not thinking as clearly as you might,” he advised.
“I always start off any complaint with, ‘I know this is not your fault, but hopefully you can help me get this resolved.’ I also ask, ‘how can I help you get action from your manager?’ Get the person on your team.”
They Work At Target Don’t They
Well Bye
Raise Your Hand If You “Ruined A Christmas” Because You Didn’t Have Some Popular Item In Stock The Day Before Christmas
In an interesting twist, the study also found that American shoppers disagree about what it means to be a decent human being. Half of those polled said yelling, ranting, arguing, giving ultimatums, and social media character assassination were not okay.
The other half either saw nothing wrong with those behaviors or said it "depends on the circumstances." A quarter of respondents considered threats, humiliation, foul language, and lying as “civil or circumstantially acceptable”.
An 8 Year Old Kid Can Destroy An Aisle With More Speed And Efficiency Than A Category 5 Hurricane
“Sir, You Have A Different State Selected”
Thank You Lance Storm
"But i just have to complain about something that is totally irrelevant to me and will never affect me in any way!"
It appears rudeness is on the rise in other parts of the world too. A study conducted by Britain’s Institute Of Customer Service found that more than half of workers surveyed experienced increased hostility from customers during the Covid pandemic. But British hostility extends beyond bad words.
A more recent business crime survey noted a daily average of 1,300 incidents of violence and abuse towards shop workers in 2022/2023. These included racial abuse, sexual abuse, threats of violence and aggression.
Someone Handed Me A Kitten
had a random guest walk up to me and pull a kitten out of her pocket and said she couldn’t take care of it before running away. Very memorable night
That actually happened to my wife. Woman came in to the store and bought some stuff, my wife rang her up. She came back an hour later and handed my wife a little orange kitten, and walked away. That was 5 years ago. His name is Charlie, and he's sleeping on the couch next to me right now.
Is It Me Or Are Guests, Target (Things In General), Getting Worse
When It's Currently A Blizzard Outside
The situation got so bad that Britain changed the law and announced a crackdown on retail crime. "Assaulting a retail worker will be made a standalone criminal offense, sending a clear message that there will be tough consequences for this unacceptable behavior," reads a government statement from April this year.
Those found guilty of assaulting retail workers could face up to six months behind bars, as well as an unlimited fine. They could also be banned from returning to certain shops. "Breaching an order is also a criminal offense and carries a 5-year maximum prison sentence. For the most serious cases of assault, such as causing grievous bodily harm with intent, offenders could face a life sentence," warned the government.
Guests Who Ditch Refrigerated Food…Why? We Had To Defect All The Cold Items. SMH What A Waste
Getting Mad At Target
I'm Dead
Japanese retail workers are also under attack. A labour union surveyed more than 30,000 workers earlier this year. It found that 46.8% were harassed by customers in the last two years. Most complaints dealt with verbal abuse, and some were wild.
As this Japanese newspaper reported: “Responses in the freely written section included a case where a customer said, ‘You're just a woman’, derisively to a worker and returned with a wooden sword.” In another incident, a customer allegedly threatened the life of a waiter when spoken to about their dessert.
Especially When I’m A Cashier
Not A Target Worker But I Thought This Will Make You Relate
It has always been a pet peeve of mine that people are either 2 stupid or 2 lazy 2 put the cart in the rack.
Gotta Love It
The union is now lobbying the Japanese government to follow Britain’s example and amend the law to protect retail workers. It wants companies to be responsible for keeping staff safe from rude customers. As the New York Times reported, “Such a law would be similar to those that make employers responsible for safeguarding workers from sexual harassment or managerial abuse.”
Actual Guest Interaction Today
Then you should have bought some yesterday when we had them in stock.
I'm Gonna Lose It
If you change your mind about something go put it back especially if it's cold or frozen!
Ah Yes, Those Guests That Tell You Their Whole Life Story After You Told Them In What Aisle The Item They're Looking For Is At
Especially being a people pleaser and feeling like I have to pretend to be interested or I'll feel bad later. Even though I don't give a poop about their life story
Goodman told Bored Panda, “When customers are frustrated and angry, the blood drains from their head and they are inherently less rational and restrained.” He said the main reasons customers get mad are price increases and supply issues, adding that some companies aren’t training staff properly in dealing with complaints.
Happens Almost Every Shift
Teens. Somehow They Figured Throwing Themselves Into A Display Was Funny
Every. Damn. Day
Have you ever heard the saying “the customer is always right”? If you truly believe that, you might be part of the problem. “Customers cause about 30% of all their own problems,” warned Goodman. And that’s where a lot of the drama begins.
So next time you feel your blood start to boil, and start losing your cool, take two deep breaths and let the blood flow back to your brain. Then spare a thought for the thousands of retail workers facing fury on a daily basis.
Have you witnessed or borne the brunt of a rude customer? Let us know in comments.
Well, though this is true, there's another side. The clerk walks away as soon as you approach the counter.
Yea Cus It’s Our Fault U Came In Less Than An Hour Before Closing
Curiosity? 10:00 pm is closing, not 10:15 or when you and your family are done. You're out of line.
Hate It When The Guests Sit In Drive Up Like This Before We Open
Same Feeling When My Weekday Closing Lead Says “Have A Good Weekend Team” Over The Walkie On Friday Night
“It’s such a lovely day, have you been out in it?” No, I’m… here… working…
Why … Just Why?
Dear Customers, If You See An Employee Pushing A Cart That Looks Like This, Don’t Bother Them. They’re Being Timed To Pick Items
I work a different retail company but I’ve literally had people try to take stuff OUT OF my cart while I’m picking orders! Like wtf! And yes, orders are timed from when you start to when it’s done being picked. Our system gives us a bar at the bottom that says things like “you are X minutes ahead, good job!” Or “you are X minutes behind, pick it up!”
If the cup is half empty, I assume it was a mistake and the person will be mad at themselves when they realize it later. So easy to set it down and forget it.
Swear To God The Guests Are The Embodiment Of This Meme Every Time It Rains And I Can't Dry The Carts Fast Enough LOL
Every Time!
Just… Why?
A Guest Decided To Have Breakfast In Our Paper Aisle. Worst Part Is They Used Chocolate Milk
We've All Experience This Right? Don't Tell Me I'm The Only One
😂 True story! I was walking into work this morning and there were two people tapping their feet at the locked doors. Um people, we clearly have the hours posted that say we will open at 9, been 9 for like 2 years now . Go tap your feet somewhere else for 15 minutes until the doors open.
Found A Guest's Hiding Spot In My Furniture Display Today. I Wonder If They'll Be Mad When They Come Back And See That I Took Their Loot Out LOL
705 Pounds Of Soda, This Is One Order. Godspeed My Drive Up Homeboys
GS Folks, Would Y'all Accept This?
What Do I Even Title This??
Somebody Left A Live Fish In My Store Today
What A Great Way To Start The Morning
Umm they stacked a whole bunch of heavy cat litter on floating shelves good idea
It’s Called Etiquette
No. I don't want to touch a customer's nasty hands. Place the money or card on the counter, please.
They're Getting More Creative
UGH the smell of burning plastic to steal whatever was in that box. Somebody had to go looking for what was burning.
Some Jerk Just Came In And Returned 14 Bottles Of Formula Because They “Have A Chip In Them” It Really Sucks We Have To Dump It Out Seeing How Sought Out It Is SMH
Good Morning To Everyone Except This Guest
I would tell all of my employees to refer the nasty ones to me. They weren't allowed to get nasty with a customer but I was and I did. I would back my employees up 100% of the time as well. There is absolutely no reason to treat anyone badly and expect to get away with it with comments like "I pay your salary". I actually told a customer to "bite me" and didn't bat an eyelash when she threated to call the police. I was married to the Sheriff lol.
It's time to stop treating customers as king/queen when they don't behave.
I have a history degree. So treat them like royalty and off with their heads
Load More Replies...I saw a dog poop on the floor at a Target once. I wish there were laws about service dogs and pets. It's against the law to question someone and it shouldn't be. If you are in a public place, others should have rights to hygiene and safety.
Clarification: It is not against the law to question someone about their service dog. You can ask two questions; 1. Is this dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Load More Replies...I would tell all of my employees to refer the nasty ones to me. They weren't allowed to get nasty with a customer but I was and I did. I would back my employees up 100% of the time as well. There is absolutely no reason to treat anyone badly and expect to get away with it with comments like "I pay your salary". I actually told a customer to "bite me" and didn't bat an eyelash when she threated to call the police. I was married to the Sheriff lol.
It's time to stop treating customers as king/queen when they don't behave.
I have a history degree. So treat them like royalty and off with their heads
Load More Replies...I saw a dog poop on the floor at a Target once. I wish there were laws about service dogs and pets. It's against the law to question someone and it shouldn't be. If you are in a public place, others should have rights to hygiene and safety.
Clarification: It is not against the law to question someone about their service dog. You can ask two questions; 1. Is this dog a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Load More Replies...