People Are Sharing Prices From The 20th Century To Show Just How Out Of Hand Prices Are Now (30 Pics)
InterviewOver the last few years, between the energy market going nuts, COVID-19, and inflation, people have become significantly more aware of just how much the cost of living is spiraling out of control. It’s a pretty common refrain, that many younger people can’t afford housing, but this has started to expand to cars and even groceries.
So we’ve gathered some examples of what things used to cost in the US, from “cost of living” lists, to old menus and ads. From the cost of tuition at Harvard in the 1850s to McDonald's items, back when they just cost a few cents. We also got in touch with Daniella Flores from to learn more about managing money.
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1916 Sears Catalog Home
They shipped the entire house to you by railroad car. Sears was like Ikea before Ikea. Friends and family would come from all around to help the owner build it.
My Grandmama Just Passed Away And We Found The Hospital Bill Of When She Had My Aunt In 1957. Insurance Paid $100 So They Ended Up Paying $2.95 For Having A Baby
It still baffles me how expensive medical care is in the US. Having to pay to have a baby?! 😭 And even to just get an ambulance from what I’ve heard. Where I’m from it’s all free (public healthcare). There are also private hospitals where you have to pay but it’s still affordable to the general public for simple appointments and procedures (but can be expensive for surgeries, admissions, etc - still cheaper than the US!). I hope that the US can someday may this basic human necessity free or, in the least, more affordable to its people.
Mcdonald’s Menu From 1959
It's not the prices that get me, it's all the adjectives that they're using.
Bored Panda got in touch with Daniella Flores, the Founder & CEO of, a site and blog dedicated to helping people manage their money. First and foremost, we were curious to hear what she thought is the biggest misconception most people have about managing money.
“That you have to use a strict budget and restrict your life, you can manage your money and still live your life too. Instead of cutting on the things you love, review your spending and look for the purchases that you don't remember or notice that you spent that money on something that didn't matter much to you - that is what you should cut. Spend money on the things that matter to you and cut what doesn't.”
Cost Of Living In 1938
Vintage Travel Ad - Hotel Las Brisas, Acapulco, Mexico - 1965
Housing Ad From 1955
I wonder if 70 years from now people will look at the $230,000 I paid for a co-op junior 4 and think "wow what a steal"?
In general, many people get uncomfortable around the idea of managing their money and making a detailed plan for the future, so we were curious to hear her take on what pushes people away. “Money is emotional with beliefs that get ingrained in us from childhood. It is difficult to face that head-on, review your spending, and actually create a plan to manage your money. That's why it's great to work with a financial coach who can talk you through that process in a non-judgmental way.”
McDonald's Extra Value Menu 1993
Hospital Bill From When My Grandpa Blew Up A Stump With Homemade Tnt And Lost His Eye
“Your beliefs about money might lead you to think you're "bad with money", but that isn't true. The game is rigged but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't educate yourself about financial wellness. Learn how to navigate the financial system in a way that works best for you, and who knows - maybe you can help change it one day.”
A Woolworth’s Menu From The 1960s When They Served Food
It should be noted that these prices were for the American Woolworth’s.
The Westerner Motor Hotel
The Taco Bell Five! (1968)
Daniella left us some suggestions of where to start if someone was dealing with a lot of financial insecurity or was just looking at a beginner's guide to investing. You can also find more on the iliketodabble X and Instagram page. Because looking at these prices might seem sad, but it’s always better to think about the future.
The Original Burger King Whopper In 1963
1947 Hospital Bill Found Out My Parents’ Attic. Not Sure Who It’s For
The Bill For A Semester At Harvard, 1869: $170.42
While many people have accepted that things are terrible, some economists argue that, to some degree, the discourse around the economy is dominated by bad vibes and not facts. Kyla Scanlon, financial analyst, writer, and content creator coined the term “vibecession” to describe the strange disconnect of the US avoiding a recession while many people in it vehemently believe the sky is falling.
Danish Modern Furniture Ad 1962
"Vacation Specials" - Steve Aloi Ford Ad [c.1970]
Sears Men's Fashion 1960's
Despite all the doom and gloom, economic indicators show that wages are growing alongside the economy. While our current prices are, obviously, higher, due to inflation, some people seem to be working from the misguided position that prices would go down or that there would be deflation, ignoring the fact that this would actually be an indicator of inflation.
Cost Of Living 1989
St. Luke Hospital - 1950s
The baby care charge from the 1947 bill in an earlier post was only $1 a day. Looks like the price gouging was well and truly starting in the 1950s