We know you love history, pandas, and memes—so do we! That’s why we regularly scour the internet for the most brilliant history memes to brighten your day and maybe even teach you something new. Over the years, we’ve shared so many that we thought it was time to create a hall of fame. This post is a throwback to celebrate the best of the best! Scroll through, enjoy the laughs, and don’t forget to upvote your favorites to crown the ultimate champions!
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Major W
History Ain’t Pretty
When Your Joke Backfires And You Accidentally Advance Women’s Rights
There’s probably no more entertaining way to learn history than through memes and engaging online content. Let’s be honest—it’s far more captivating than textbooks. To explore why history feels exciting everywhere but the classroom, Bored Panda reached out to Angel Lawson, a history postgraduate student at the University of Birmingham and content creator on Instagram and TikTok.
“I find that history curriculums, especially in the UK, aren’t designed to make you love learning, and that definitely translates into how history is taught in UK schools,” Angel told us. “The majority of history curriculums focus on the last three hundred years and are so broad that you never get to explore the ‘nitty-gritty’ facts that might interest a wider range of people.”
I See What U Did There
It All Makes Sense Now
Don’t tell a girl she can’t do it because that just makes her prove you wrong
Angel explained that the pressure to achieve good grades is also a factor. “The goal of needing to get a grade in GCSE and A-Level by learning broad facts is why many people don’t find history interesting. Regurgitating the same topics over and over again—like Weimar Germany or the Industrial Revolution—isn’t something most people particularly enjoy.”
Washington Washingdogs
But Jesus Spoke English.... It Is Right There In The Bible
Seriously, they're crazy... had a neighbor once tell me with absolute righteous indignation that everything came straight from the original bible, in the original English... when I pointed out that the bible wasn't originally in english, she told me that it absolutely was because they had the original bible - in the original English... at Oral Roberts University
Where’s The Love?
Probably part of the reason they rebelled and left the Empire a few years after the war.
However, Angel believes this can change. “It would be nice to see a broader learning scope, from the establishment of the Anglo-Saxons in England to more modern events, like the early 2000s. When you compare that to sixty-second viral videos online sharing shocking historical facts the general public often doesn’t know, it’s easy to see why history gains traction on social media.”
That Giant Thermonuclear Reactor In The Sky Makes Life Possible But Hear Me Out About That Jesus Guy
Joe Bless
Elvis' Chance Of Getting Polio Has Left The Building; Thank You And Good Night!
I can hear the woo Karen’s and bleach enema Ken’s already in the distance
“You’re never going to learn in school why the London Tube system had to avoid plague pits or hear the personal stories of people from the past who had difficult childhoods, ” Angel went on. “This humanization of people who lived hundreds of years ago is exactly why so many are drawn to the niche parts of history.”
Those Cows Are Beautiful
Also there's a difference between the Cotswolds and like.. Sunderland
Game Changer
History Meme
History Meme
The One War I Don't Think Sabaton Ever Has Or Ever Will Write A Song About
Pity they didn't have someone like Jimmy Carter around to negotiate a peace treaty instead of allowing the war to escalate
I Love A Nice Vase
If you do your homework, which I know folk don’t want to do, a huge amount of artefacts that are held by the British Museum were either sent there or willingly given to the British because they were at risk from various people who were hell bent on destroying them due to religious pressure. So yeah, there’s a lot of guilt (and rightfully so) but there’s a lot there that would’ve been destroyed without the British Museum.
Historians Be Like:
Barrel Man Had The Right Ideas
I’ll Drink To That
He also went gold digging in Klondike, worked as a cowboy, was hit by a lightning, was accused of cowardice for being among the few surviving officers for the Titanic, brought significant information to the inquiry, survived the wrecking of another ship (the Oceanic), while commanding a destroyer engaged in a firefight with a Zeppelin, survived sinking of his second command (a mid-sized destroyer), rammed a submarine, committed war crimes shooting survivors of the sinking, run unsanctioned scouting missions of enemy ports, brought spies to Germany, participated in the Dunkirk evacuation, and died as a consequence of the Great Smog of London. If there is anyone deserving a "six seasons and a movie" TV show, it's this guy
It Really Do Be Like That
History Of Religion Can Often Be Frustrating
Except that weird one who wanted to be especially "kind" to 9 year old girls.
Read A Fricking Book For Once!
Sacrifice Sacrifice
I was put off getting mine and paleo anth. Buuuut dating a mining guy lately, I’m gonna do my geology and anthropology to go work there with him. So anyone putting off their anthropology, archaeology, geology or paleo anthropology- think about coming to Aus and do the mines, there’s a lot of them needed and they don’t talk about it much outside the industry 😂 I wish I knew 20yrs ago. But it’s not too late
The 70s Were A Weird Time
Adams Is Critically Underrated
History Repeats Itself
Habsburg Moment
No Shame
Dirty Dog
And that Hera was Hercules' loving mother. Or that she was his mother in the first place.
This Is Why I Failed Chemistry
They Here Cause You Dragged Them Her
Curiously white racists never seem to have a plan to return to Europe.
This Happened To My Grandfather When He Was Teaching Second Grade. The Kids Were So Traumatized By What They Saw A Lot Of Parents Had To Come Pick Them Up From School
Picking my daughter up to take her for her senior pictures on Tuesday, September 11, 2001... She couldn't bear to re-shoot them then and cannot bear to look at them now.
So Much Spice!
History Meme
How About Another 4 Years Of Delays?
Plot Armour Is Really Thick Here
History Meme
We Love Petty
This would be awesome if it was true, it's more rumour than fact. Once again, I'd love for this to be true though!
Had Me At 360 No Scope
1945? Spetsnaz still train like this. I used to date one.
A Surprise To Be Sure But A Welcome One!
Innovation Is Scary
I Just Hope The Man She Replaced Ended Up Working As *her* Maid
she was an astronomer, but this story didn't happen. the director's wife recommended that he hire her, so he did. at first, fleming started out with administrative work, but the director himself formally invited her to join the observatory, teaching her how to identify stars and the like. she was one of the founding members of the harvard computers, a group of all-female "human computers" who were hired to perform observatory duties (including discovering and classifying stars).