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Parent Upsets Couple By Revoking Wedding Funding Over Bride’s $10k Dress Choice, Gets Uninvited

This parent decided that paying for their son's wedding wouldn't be necessary after realizing how much the bride planned to drop on her wedding dress.

This parent decided that paying for their son's wedding wouldn't be necessary after realizing how much the bride planned to drop on her wedding dress.

Three Friends Seen Hugging Each Other Moments Before Being Swept Away By Flash Flood

The bodies of two of the three friends were found on Sunday (June 2) as rescuers continue to search for the third victim.

The bodies of two of the three friends were found on Sunday (June 2) as rescuers continue to search for the third victim.

90 Memes To Send To Those Who Don’t Really Like Other People

If you'd rather stay in on a Friday night cuddling your cat than go out with friends, we've got the perfect list for you!

If you'd rather stay in on a Friday night cuddling your cat than go out with friends, we've got the perfect list for you!

“My Son Was Shocked”: A Trip To A Local Fair Makes A 6-Year-Old Vegetarian

People become vegetarians for a variety of reasons and at different points in their lives. For this man's son, it happened when the boy turned six.

People become vegetarians for a variety of reasons and at different points in their lives. For this man's son, it happened when the boy turned six.

54 Of The Dumbest Kid Moments Adults Just Had To Share In This Online Group

Today, we want to shed light on situations that show just how eventful and entertaining life can be when there’s kids around.

Today, we want to shed light on situations that show just how eventful and entertaining life can be when there’s kids around.

Man Thinks He Can’t Paint Because He’s Colorblind, Bob Ross Wholesomely Proves Him Wrong

Bob Ross created a painting in shades of gray after encountering a colorblind fan who thought he couldn’t paint because he could only see gray tones.

Bob Ross created a painting in shades of gray after encountering a colorblind fan who thought he couldn’t paint because he could only see gray tones.

“Worried If My Children Are Cared For Properly”: Babysitter Falls Asleep At Night, Drama Ensues

This father left a 16-year-old to watch his three kids overnight. The job seemed simple enough, but staying awake was anything but.

This father left a 16-year-old to watch his three kids overnight. The job seemed simple enough, but staying awake was anything but.

“Cries In Dad”: 110 Wholesome And Proud Moments That Perfectly Sum Up Dad Life (New Pics)

Click here to see the most wholesome and silly pictures, showing us just how gratifying fatherhood really can be.

Click here to see the most wholesome and silly pictures, showing us just how gratifying fatherhood really can be.

“I Found My Boyfriend’s ‘Trophies’ And I Don’t Know What To Do”

In some cases, you can uncover something so disturbing about your partner that it makes you question everything you know about them.

In some cases, you can uncover something so disturbing about your partner that it makes you question everything you know about them.

“My Dad’s Poker Buddy”: 52 People Share The Family “Secret” They Worked Out As Adults

Someone asked “What family secret did you suspect in childhood, but weren't able to confirm until adulthood?” and people shared their discoveries.

Someone asked “What family secret did you suspect in childhood, but weren't able to confirm until adulthood?” and people shared their discoveries.

41 Things People Learned Embarrassingly Late In Life

We go through life being continuously reminded of our limits. But no person is born all-knowing!

We go through life being continuously reminded of our limits. But no person is born all-knowing!

“A No-Quit Restaurant”: 50 Toxic Workplaces That Banned The Most Ridiculous Things

These images represent what unfair employer treatment looks like. It's the unfortunate reality that many people go through daily to get by.

These images represent what unfair employer treatment looks like. It's the unfortunate reality that many people go through daily to get by.

Pregnant Teen Wants To Keep Baby Without Responsibility, Mom Takes Drastic Measures

A mom turned to the internet for advice after she had to kick her pregnant 19-year-old daughter out of the house for wanting her to be a permanent babysitter.

A mom turned to the internet for advice after she had to kick her pregnant 19-year-old daughter out of the house for wanting her to be a permanent babysitter.

65 People Share The Petty Revenge Stories That They’re Proud Of

Sometimes, a person might do you so dirty that you even derive some joy from getting back at them.

Sometimes, a person might do you so dirty that you even derive some joy from getting back at them.

40 Relatable Comics If You’ve Ever Had A Cat, Created By Mark Parisi

Here, kitty kitty! Are any cat lovers out there? We’re sure there are a lot of you around, so stick with us for a while.

Here, kitty kitty! Are any cat lovers out there? We’re sure there are a lot of you around, so stick with us for a while.

Zero Waste: 115 Inventive Solutions To Embrace A More Minimalist Lifestyle

See some ideas on how you can be a little kinder to the planet, one upcycled item at a time.

See some ideas on how you can be a little kinder to the planet, one upcycled item at a time.

66 Comics That Highlight Life’s Ironic Moments, By This Artist

Whether the situation is sad, dark, or questionable, this artist always finds a way to twist it and make it into a hilarious cartoon.

Whether the situation is sad, dark, or questionable, this artist always finds a way to twist it and make it into a hilarious cartoon.

35 People Who Won The Gene Lottery Share The Traits They Are Happy To Have

35 random physical or mental benefits some people got at birth, as shared in this online thread.

35 random physical or mental benefits some people got at birth, as shared in this online thread.

Appalling Texts Sent By Helicopter Parents Who Tried Controlling Adult Kids’ Life (30 Examples)

30 real-life conversations when parents overstepped boundaries and earned the “Helicopter Parents” badge.

30 real-life conversations when parents overstepped boundaries and earned the “Helicopter Parents” badge.

Husband Moves In With Mistress, Wife Makes Peace With It, He Quickly Regrets The Decision

Man leaves wife and kids after 15 years and moves in with new girlfriend but soon realizes he made a mistake and wants a second chance.

Man leaves wife and kids after 15 years and moves in with new girlfriend but soon realizes he made a mistake and wants a second chance.