50 Pics Showing Some HOAs Getting Out Of Control (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertThe homeowners associations (HOAs) were initially established to help run and manage neighborhoods. However, with time they became more and more thirsty for power, imposing the most unbelievably petty rules. As you can imagine, this started causing quite an inconvenience for residents, so they began exposing them online, sharing the most absurd examples of HOAs in action.
We at Bored Panda have once again gathered a whole list of them just to show how annoying they can get. Scroll down to find them, and don’t forget to share your own (horror) stories below.
While you're at it, make sure to check out a conversation with Jeremy Smith, real estate advisor at Engel & Völkers Atlanta, who kindly agreed to tell us more about HOAs.
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Hoa’s Board Members Say They Are Only Protecting Property Values. But Actually They Are Control Freaks With Too Much Time On Their Hands
My Hoa Sent Me A Letter That I Need To Have A Fence Blocking My Trash Cans From View
It's like back in the 50s when they weren't allowed to show a toilet on TV. That's a real thing BTW. Leave it to Beaver was the first to show part of a toilet, just the tank, and ALL in the Family was teh first to have an actual flush in 1971.
We Considered It To Be More Sarcastic Than Petty
HOAs usually are non-profit, self-governing organizations that implement rules for homeowners and renters living in close-knit communities. Their main role is to protect property value by ensuring that no unsightly views decrease the curb appeal of a neighborhood.
For instance, they can restrict paint colors, lawn maintenance, and even the cars parked in driveways to maintain an overall visually pleasing appearance.
"In general, I believe homeowner associations (HOAs) benefit neighborhoods by preserving their integrity and maintaining a clean, cohesive aesthetic," Jeremy Smith, real estate advisor at Engel & Völkers Atlanta, told Bored Panda.
"Without community guidelines, neighborhoods and condominiums can start to look inconsistent, as individual design choices may not align with broader appeal. HOAs help protect property values by ensuring uniformity and upkeep—when everything is mismatched, values tend to decline."
The Kids In My Complex Have Gone To War With The Karens
I live in a large complex with expansive green spaces surrounded by walkways. Our HOA isn’t as restrictive as most, which is generally a good thing. Many kids live here, and they love drawing on the walkways with chalk.
Most residents are fine with this, except for a number of Karens who take issue with the drawings. Someone even brought it up at a board meeting, and predictably, the HOA decided to try to ban chalk art.
This decision has turned our community Facebook group into a battleground. The naysayers claim the kids are ruining the aesthetic of the complex, while others are baffled by their negativity.
Amidst the adult arguments at board meetings and online, the kids have responded by creating even more chalk art. They've even adopted a caricature of a piece of chalk as their symbol, which is my favorite part.
My favorite part is the kids “somehow” figured out the area where the complainers live and have turned it into Louvre of chalk art. Not only that but one kid is signing his work! I’ve added some of my favorite pieces.
Where can I send more art supplies? I want to help these kids express their artistic side! 😁
Crazy Hoa Rules
Hoa Bans Non-Citizen Workers
However, to some, letting other people decide what they can and can’t do with their own property sounds absurd.
"Many people dislike HOAs because of the rules," said Smith. "However, these rules exist to maintain a certain standard, which is ultimately beneficial. Issues like parking violations and other infractions arise when people break the rules. Often, those who are most frustrated with HOAs are the ones who fail to adhere to the guidelines. If someone is opposed to an HOA’s structure, they should have researched the community thoroughly before moving in."
Fight The Power
Vp Of My Hoa (Fl) Called The Cops On Me For My Halloween Decorations
After hearing about my Halloween display, the vice president and his lovely wife stopped by my home to take pictures, in order to go to the police station and file a complaint against me and my decorations.
I did a records request and got a copy of the body cam video from the officer that was taking the complaint, and he and his wife called my husband and I “sick, and possibly dangerous” LOL!!! He was very self-assured in the video, and I’m certain he thought that the officer would tell me to take my decorations down. Needless to say, I broke the laws, and the decorations remained until the day after Halloween.
I am currently working on my Christmas theme, which will be the Grinch that stole Christmas. Trying to find ways to incorporate the HOA, and the grinch when he stole all the Christmas presents.
Like I Was Literally Out There???? What Do You Want From Me
Despite some people disliking the concept of HOAs, nowadays they’re becoming more and more hard to avoid.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 84% of newly built, single-family homes sold in 2022 were part of homeowners associations. “In most southern states and western states, it’s nearly impossible for a homebuyer to locate a single-family home that’s not part of some sort of HOA,” said Deborah Goonan, administrator of the blog Independent American Communities. “Certain local governments require almost all new construction to have an HOA.”
It’s Beautiful. Whoever Had An Issue With It Needs To Get A Life
So HOAs not only complain when your house looks a bit rough because it depreciates the surrounding properties, but if you make your house so good it also makes their house look bad, they complain. Is that how these work? They sound like elderly mean girls.
Mildly Infuriating Letter From My Hoa
I've had this wreath on my door for 2 yrs in support of Ukraine. Today, the HOA decided the wreath is a problem because it's not Valentine season
Is the war in Ukraine still ongoing? Yes? Ok then, the wreath stands until Putin gives up and goes home.
This Email I Got From My Hoa
For even more infuriating context our monthly HOA fee is $800+ WTF they doing with our money that they can’t hire someone.
The organizers are taking your and everyone else's to snowbird/sunbird when the weather's bad.
Being a part of an HOA, of course, isn’t free. On average, residents pay from $100 to $300, sometimes with fees reaching the thousands mark. The homes themselves are at least 4% or about $13,500 more expensive than non-HOA homes. HOAs justify such sums, saying that they’re preserving property values by maintaining their aesthetic appeal—a claim many are enticed by, as for a lot of people, homes are one of the biggest investments in their lives.
This Guy Got A Letter From The Hoa Because They Were Jealous Of His Generator While They Were Without Power
Hoa Cut Down Our Tree
We moved into a brand new neighborhood in January and all summer we were asking our HOA for our pool key and in response they had our tree cut down because it “looked dead”. The person sent to cut it confirmed that it did not look dead but did their job anyway.
They're Out To Get You
I got lots of comments about my car. It was old, it wasn't exactly pretty, but it worked and was paid for.
Despite helping communities with their rules, 57% of homeowners who belong to an HOA say that they dislike the arrangement. In fact, more than 3 in 10 feel this organization has too much power. “They act as hyperlocal governments and, in many ways, supersede all the other laws that exist,” said Steve Horvath, co-founder of HOA United.
It seems that HOAs don't want children to have any fun whatsoever, yet I bet those in charge also complain that children are addicted to their screens.
Hoa Freaks Out Over Black Suvs At Birthday Party
The email I just received from HOA. The people in the SUV were regular people who were my friends. This is just weird. Am I supposed to tell those people to rent a Prius the next time around?
FYI this was a very tame party. No loud music. About 6 vehicles in the driveway and 2 on the street and everyone parked in a decent manner.
"Dear sir, Unfortunately I have no control over the type and style of vehicles employed by Government officers -specifically, the State HOA Bureau- in their line of duty. As a law abiding citizen, I'd dutifully comply with their requests for information and documentation about our HOA dealings and its legal challenges. Thanks for the understanding."
Hoa Violation For Parking On Grass
HOAs are the worst.
Why is a correction date before the inspection date, or does my British mind not get this?
However, there still are some rules that HOAs can’t enforce. For instance, they can’t take away residents’ right to solar drying. 19 states prohibit these organizations from forbidding homeowners from using a clothesline to dry their clothes. Even though a member of the HOA might see fabrics in the breeze as unorderly, they can’t do anything about it, except if you share your backyard with someone else.
Hoa Flipping Out Over Black House
My HOA, in Texas, has recently FLIPPED OUT, because we painted our house black. The photo attached isn’t the actual house but it could be. Originally, all of the houses built, in the early 2000’s, were similar pastel colors. Light grey, yellow, blue, etc.. very boring. The CCRs state that to repaint your house you have to submit the color to the architectural control committee (ACC) and that the colors be “harmonious” with the neighborhood or some BS like that. Nothing specifically prohibits any specific color. We followed the rules to the letter, got written approval from the ACC but now the HOA president, Karen, is trying to make us repaint and force the members of the ACC to retract the approval or resign. I say they can kick rocks. What I don’t get is WHY DOES SHE CARE?? It doesn’t impact her in any way and the neighborhood, although outside of this particular HOA, already has tons of black houses. Do they seriously think that forcing every house to look the same will somehow boost property values? I think the opposite. (It’s also worth noting that every house in the HOA has tripled in value over the last 10 years so home value is not even an argument by any stretch).
We’re about to build and our proposed exterior is going to be a grey blue. HOA pres bristled when I said blue cause it “isn’t a color in nature”. I tried really hard not to point at the sky. Mind you, she likes our colors. But wants me to say grey, not blue.
It’s Always The Small Govt People Who Run Hoas Too. But Will Micromanage Everything About How You Take Care Of Or Make Changes To You Home
I’ve Been Kindly Reminded By The Hoa That We Are Allowed 6 Pots Of Live, Healthy Potted Plants On Our Front Patios. Don’t Tell The Cactus
Only in America would you own a house and have some cockamammy officials to still keep you in check or imposing ridiculous rules on what is allowed and wat isn’t.
Native plants and satellite dishes are also protected from HOAs’ rigid ruling. No matter how distracting HOA deems these things, they can’t force them to take them down or dig them out. However, it’s important to mention that environmentally friendly plant protection only applies to Texas and California.
Hoa Gave Us 1 Week Notice To Fix Our "Stressed" Tree Or Else We'd Be Evicted. We Sent Them This:
Hoa Threatens Lawyers Over Bush
So I received an email saying I had an overgrown bush that I needed to take care of in front of my house. I originally wasn’t going to do anything to it because I didn’t feel it was overgrown but I ended up clipping roughly 4 branches from my bush. I received this email a few days after.. I can’t stand these losers.
My Hoa Has A Geriatric Street Gang To Inspect Lawns
Aren't they breaking the law, sitting in the back of the truck on movable chairs with no seat belts?
"HOAs typically do not have authority over the interior of a home," adds Smith. "Their primary role is to enforce exterior standards and address issues that may affect other property owners’ access or shared spaces."
Despite some HOA members trying to enforce petty rules, being a part of this organization still comes with a lot of perks, like beautiful shared spaces and amenities, safety, and a sense of community. Typically, HOAs can be fair and reasoned with. Only in rare cases do they become overbearing or uncooperative.
My Dying Tree
This is the tree we topped at the end of last year that our HOA is convinced will not survive nor thrive. We have to tear it out and replant with another tree of their liking.
Hoa Ripped Out Three Trees Overnight Because They “Didn’t Look Orderly”
Totally love our new “orderly” patch of mulch.
Hoa Left This Sticker On My Car
My car was parked a bit (3/4) on a total quiet dead-end street, I understood my mistake but what was the harm in leaving a NORMAL PAPER under my WINDSHIELD WIPER??? I spotted another car with the SAME sticker with a failed attempt to peel it off. Until I can figure out how to get this residue off, I’ll have to drive around looking like a total dumba*s.
If after all of this information, belonging to HOA doesn't sound like your cup of tea, Smith says that buyers should take this into account before making a purchase.
"Reviewing board meeting minutes can provide insight into the community’s atmosphere and governance. While HOAs are generally beneficial, there is always the potential for power to be misused, so it’s important to consider both perspectives," he concluded.
That Is Freaking Hilarious
Blocking the exhaust from the evaporating coils make the AC units run harder and be less efficient.
Fined Over $800
I’ve been fined over $900 so far for solar string lights and a trellis. That were installed before the new rules were even forced on us.
Can HOAs ACTUALLY fine people? I'd fight that in court. What are they gonna do? Evict you? They don't own the house.
I Asked The Hoa President If A Ring Doorbell Can Be Installed
My new tenant just moved in and asked if he's allowed to have a Ring doorbell installed, so I asked the HOA president. This was her response.
The cheerleaders of HOAs get to be called "President"? There has to be a better word for describing a person who leads a group of rabid Karens.
I Debated Replying With “Sending Fines About Plants When We Haven’t Had A Working Gate And A Security Guard That Can Run Past 5 Seconds Is Wild. I Will See You At The Next Meeting”
My Petty Level Is 1000
The HOA hasn’t taken Christmas lights down from the clubhouse.
Just Why
Headed To Home Depot Right Now To Buy A Bigger Santa
Hoa Making Me Repaint My Entire House During Christmas Week Because The Paint Has Slightly Faded
According To The Hoa I Need To Do A Better Job Of Maintaining My Yard
This Is What I Have To Look At After Paying My Hoa Every Month
I am aware, first world problems right, but I can’t even have a chair outside of my door at this place and the HOA let’s this slide out of all things. They recently re- painted the building and the railings. I thought you guys would get a kick out of my suffering.
Did They Bring Over A Ruler?
Is This Normal?
We were warned late last night (too late for anyone to see the emails until this morning) that the HOA were inspecting porches/underneath our back porches and common area. But instead they went on everyone’s front steps and doors as well. Again, fine do what you want because us unit owners know we have no say and the HOA treats us horribly. But an old man peaking in my elderly female neighbors condo doesn’t look right to me. In MA & not sure on all bylaws, but when they tell us at 10pm Monday night to move our cars or will be towed etc. due to inspections of our back porches by 8am Tuesday, they went everywhere. If I wasn’t home all day today, I believe they would have tried to come in and check out the place. I live with a “community” (sent an email to HOA asking for peace for all in the community, just peace but was told this is NOT A COMMUNITY!!! by the HOA.)
Where do the protection of property rights work with these people? He looks like a peeping tom and trying the window. Wouldn't that get him taken out by force?
Crazy Garage Door Window Rules
Our HOA just sent out an addendum to our rules about garage door color, size, design, etc. The fact that anyone has the time to care about the circle shape design in someone else’s garage door window is beyond me. We’ve lived in HOA communities before, but have never seen this - anyone else?
Hoa Says Not To Decorate Until 3 Weeks Before Halloween
There’s no way I’m waiting until October 7th to decorate. I’ll keep the lights off and wait to put out the majority of stuff, but that’s the best you’re getting. I’ll pay the fine.
Those would be out all year round. Santa hats for Christmas, bunny ears for Easter, holding flags for Independence Day. This is my house. I get to decide how to decorate it. Pound sand
Two Days Before Christmas My Hoa Hits Us With The News We Will Owe $3400 In Special Assessment Fees On Jan 1
As the title says, my HOA had a special assessment voted on to fix a roof and repave already fine roads. I voted no, but whatever. Each townhouse owes $17,000. We received an email on Dec 2nd that it was voted as approved and would either be $3400 yearly for five years or $17000 all at once. They sent this out Dec 23rd to clarify that unlike all other special assessments that increase the monthly HOA fee, the $3400 is due on the 1st.
To make matters worse, we are required to have ACH transactions and will be debited on the first. We also have to pay the usual $530 HOA fee by the 5th. We have owners on social security. I’m not sure how many people are cash rich that soon after Christmas but Jesus.
Aren't HOAs supposed to build savings for things like repaving the road or reroofing the house? Isn't that exactly what the HOA fees should be used for?!
This Letter From My Hoa, Written In Purple Ink, Telling Me They Rejected My Check Because It Was Written In Purple Ink
Does the bank specify a colour of ink on cheques. I know my bank in the UK wouldn't accept a cheque because it wasn't blue or black ink and I had to get it changed. This was about 20 years ago though.
Hoa President Has Started Taping Notes To Our Trash
One of our neighbors set their trash out at 4PM instead of 6PM, so our HOA president typed up a note and taped it to their trash. I guess now we're going to have to start checking our trash for notes?
So what happens if you set it out early because you are leaving town and not see their little "love notes"?
Hoas Are Horrible
How Is This Ok?
Pay 80 Bucks A Month And Hoa Paints The Mailboxes Closed
HOA handyman work, decided to paint the mail boxes including the doors that aluminum that didn’t need paint.
Who Else Got These 5-Minute Shower Timers From Their Hoa?
I guess I don’t really need to scrub my ankles or pretty much from the knees down. This 5 minute challenge is going to be cake
Some people shower every day. What if I saved up a whole years worth and took one shower all at once? One single shower that lasted a day and a half?
It’s Freaking Hot In Texas
I installed a window unit in my bedroom and I work nights and it gets so hot during the day and the main A/C unit just isn’t enough and my HOA sent me a lovely letter to remove it.