50 Beautiful Pictures Of ‘Art’ That Happened Completely By Accident (New Pics)
I tend to move through life in a huge hurry. I’m always rushing out the door on the verge of being late for work and speed-walking to the bus stop. Then, there’s a good chance I’ll spend my time commuting staring at my phone. (I’m trying to break this habit, but unfortunately, it hasn’t happened overnight.)
However, if we actually look up from our screens and take the time to engage with the world around us, we might realize just how much beauty is hiding in the mundane. And if you need inspiration to be on the lookout for gorgeous everyday moments, you’ve come to the right place. Bored Panda has searched the internet and found stunning photos of “accidental art pieces” people have spotted, so you’ll find the loveliest ones below. Enjoy scrolling through this unintentional art gallery, and remember to upvote the photos that speak to you!
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Summoning Demons
An Agate Stone That Looks Like A Window To The Ocean
The Frost On This Statue Made It Surreal
Art imitates life. And if you look closely enough, art also is life. The photos from this list prove that there can be beauty in the most mundane and random moments if we’re open-minded enough to see it. Haven’t you ever had to take a moment and just stare at the sky in awe after noticing a stunning sunset or amazing rainbow? Or what about a full moon that captivates the attention of everyone out for a stroll on a winter evening?
And if you’re wondering how to start spotting art in your everyday life, Total Balance has some suggestions. First, they recommend slowing down. It’s hard to notice details when you’re constantly rushing all the time. But if you start walking slower on your commute to work, look up from your phone when sitting on the train or stop to have a short conversation with the barista at your favorite coffee shop, you might suddenly become aware of how much beauty surrounds you all the time.
A Picture I Took Of A Swan Accidentally Came Out Like A Monet
My Window’s View Looks Like A Painting
My Wife Just Out Of The Shower Checking Email
It’s also a good idea to be open to new connections with others if you’re looking for more beauty in your life. When we allow our relationships with loved ones to grow deeper or we invite new friendships into our lives, we’ll experience beautiful moments that we wouldn’t have had otherwise.
And don’t be afraid to look for art in the simplest of circumstances. Even the meals you eat can be full of beauty, whether that’s from the fresh, seasonal ingredients that reflect where you are in the world or a specific culture, or the conversations you had with friends and family while enjoying the dinner. A moment doesn’t have to be life-changing to be inspiring.
Splitting Firewood And Found A Piece Resembling The Sky In "The Starry Night"
Sun Lion
Frost On My Window Looks Like A Dr. Seuss Drawing
In the same vein, even your own body can be a beautiful expression of art. If you’ve been going to the gym a lot recently or running consistently, the progress from all of your hard work can be incredibly rewarding. Regardless of whether or not there’s been a difference in your physical appearance, your health and your mindset can see a massive improvement from taking care of your body. Don’t be afraid to celebrate your accomplishments, even if they seem small.
Crazy Shadows
This Can Of Paint Looks Like A Cat
Snowflakes On My Car Windshield
Getting flashbacks of 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies' from Fantasia.
And of course, one of the most stunning aspects of our world is nature and how it changes over time. Living in a place that experiences four seasons has been such a blessing to me over the past few years, and I am constantly in awe of how much my neighborhood changes every few months. From being cold, grey and covered in snow to bright green and blooming with about 10 hours of sunlight, it’s really magical to see how vast the changes between seasons are.
My Camera Had A Weird Glitch And Made Trippy Water
Painting Or Window
Camera Malfunctioned As We Motored Away From The Dock
Life and business coach David Waweru has also shared some advice on his site for finding beauty in everyday moments. And one of his first tips is to make an effort to be present in all aspects of your life. It’s so easy to go on autopilot or to simply slip into habits, but the best thing we can do to find more beauty in our lives is to stay alert. Take notice of how the birds in the trees are behaving, and don’t ignore that new mural that’s been painted in your neighborhood. You just might appreciate everything you start to see.
I Took This Picture Of Some Ducks And It Looks Like Part Of A Painting
The View From My Air B&b Looks Like A Landscape Paintng
So glad there's no curtains. Just a blind that can be pulled down after dark.
Birdpoop Masterpiece At The Parking Lot
You might also want to channel your inner child and become extremely curious to spot more beauty in your life. Kids look at the world with wonder, but there’s no reason why adults can’t do the same! Engage all of your senses, and take in everything around you. Appreciate the incredible smell that floods your nostrils when you walk past a bakery, and find joy in hearing the giggles of children playing with their parents in the park. Life is beautiful; don’t forget that.
Kitty From The Streets Meets Her New Sister From The Shelter
Dropped My Plate In The Kitchen, Inadvertently Made Art
That can be affixed to a background and hung on your wall. Looks like a full moon behind a tree.
A Snail Made The Image Of A Face On The Greenhouse
Finally, Waweru recommends keeping a journal to make note of all the beautiful things you notice in your life and the world around you. It might be hard to think of many examples at first, but once you build the habit of showing gratitude for the gorgeous flowers outside your office or the adorable cats that love visiting your apartment building, you’ll start to notice even more and more beautiful moments in your life.
Clock Pulling Down The Surface Of A Wall
My Dad's Kitchen Burned Up And This Melted Timer Looks Like A Salvador Dali Painting (Everybody Was Ok)
Looks Like A Painting Almost
Are you enjoying this "accidental art” gallery, pandas? Keep upvoting the photos that speak to you, and let us know in the comments what you think are some of the most beautiful moments in the mundanity of life. Then, if you’re looking for even more surprisingly artistic photos that people have managed to capture, we’ve got another Bored Panda list on the same topic right here!
My Windshield This Morning
The White Witch has returned to Narnia! Quick, someone run get Aslan!
My Boys Posing For A Renaissance Painting
Tried To Take A Picture Of The Capitol Building In Dc Through The Pouring Rain
I Found Dust In My Wine Glass When I Set It Down Next To My Lamp
The Aurora Last Night Kinda Looks Like The Scream
H.P. Lovecraft's Great Old Ones, returning from Beyond, from the icy depths beyond the universe.
Looks Amazing, Seeing Something Like This For The First Time
Maybe he wasn't so "mad" after all, and simply painted real things. At least he saw the beauty of them and painted them for posterity.
This Cracked Windshield Looks Like A Van Gogh
This reminds me of the beautiful miniature mosaics that wealthy 17th century people used to purchase on European tours.
The Trees Cast A Shadow That Looks Like An Artistic Portrait
My Demon Portal Windows Logo From After My Laptop Was Dropped
The Hills As Seen From This Public Bathroom Window Looks Like A Painting
My Contender For Painting Or Window
I Was Told To Put This Paint Accident Here
Having The Simpsons On TV Turned My Light Switch Into An Abstract Painting
My Phone Took This Photo When It Fell On My Face
Does That Count? Failed 3D Print
Does Your Printer Have This Feature?
There's a reason there's a whole scene in Office space dedicated to the destruction of a printer. They are literally the worst.
My Printer Had A Little Accident
The Sunset And The Trees Makes My Bathroom Window Look Like It’s Painted
Someone Dropped A Thing Of Worcestershire Sauce At Work Yesterday And It Looks Like A Moose
I Took A Bad, Blurry Picture Of The Moon And It Looks Like A Beautiful Painting
Using A Telephoto Lens In The Rain Made This Photo Look Like A Painting
Dippin' Dots + 6yr Old = Art
Powder Looks Like A Renaissance Painting
My Coffee Sediment Looks Like A Bob Ross Painting Of Some Happy Trees
Canon 5d Died While Writing To The Card. I Was Told To Put It Here
Manual Dispense Art
Those were all wonderful. I really enjoyed them, thank you for sharing them!
Those were all wonderful. I really enjoyed them, thank you for sharing them!