It's no secret that psychology influences nearly every single thing a person does in their life. From creating what kind of a person they are to how they feel and how they form relationships with others, psychology affects nearly all aspects of life.

At the same time, a person can learn to utilize psychology for their gain, by learning tricks that can make a difference, whether within themselves or their connections. This list is full of ways you can mess with someone, which were suggested by various netizens. So, dive in to check them out -- just make sure not to use them for any overly malicious purposes.

More info: Reddit


Three people in a discussion, illustrating psychological tricks in social interactions. Ask them "How do you feel when you say that?" when they say something hateful or s****y.

tawnyfritz , freepik Report

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Janos Schumacher
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like to say "When you say things like that, it makes me feel bad about myself. How does it make you feel when you say things that are mean?"

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    Smiling woman in a white shirt sitting outdoors, illustrating psychological tricks that influence people. I've found that simply smiling at someone can really change the vibe of a conversation. It's amazing how a little positivity can make all the difference.

    Top-Measurement-2044 , freepik Report


    Two people smiling and exchanging a potted plant, demonstrating an interesting psychological trick in a casual setting. If you are talking with someone and you just hand them some random object, they will automatically take it.

    inkseep1 , lysenko_andrii Report

    For a lot of people, when they hear the word “psychology,” they instantly think of therapy or mental health. Such thinking isn’t inherently wrong, after all, therapy and psychology itself are important players in addressing mental health. As long as this connection isn’t tainted by stigma, there is nothing wrong with it. 

    Yet, in reality, the term itself is way broader. Technically, psychology refers to a person's mind and behavior, but when you look a tad deeper than this shallow explanation, you find that it's about the biological, social, and environmental factors and influences that affect how people feel, think, and act. It's deeply rooted in every aspect of life – from our inner selves to our behavior and connections with other people. 


    A man in a white shirt and hat sitting thoughtfully at a cafe, illustrating psychological tricks' impact. The "gray rock" method: remain completely neutral and unemotional, driving them crazy with indifference.

    brainpassword , wayhomestudio Report


    Three professionals engaged in discussion, possibly applying psychological tricks in an office setting. Ask them "if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be
    ...apart from the obvious".

    kierans87 , August de Richelieu Report


    People having a lively discussion in a modern office setting, illustrating psychological tricks in communication. My friend will randomly say things that sound racist but really aren’t.

    Something like “Man I’m hungry. I feel like a Cuban who just changed his toilet paper roll.”

    “Man I’m thirsty. I feel like a Canadian who just bought some new cologne”.

    I know him well enough to know he is just saying random c**p… but when people first meet him it’s hilarious to watch their expressions. Some people get offended for whatever random country he chose and they really can’t express why.

    phantasybm , pressmaster Report


    So, this makes psychology one of the most powerful tools each person has in their arsenal. Well, if they know how to use it. 

    As we already mentioned when we talked about therapy, psychology can help a person deal with their mental health, but it is also helpful beyond that, with various things, like motivation. It is deeply rooted in relying on how a person manages to find a drive and control within themselves, but also how they utilize external factors like punishment or rewards to stay motivated. 

    Besides all the ways psychology can help a person to “deal” with themselves, it also contributes to the way their relationships with others look. Factors like mental health and a person’s characteristics influence the way relationships look, and as we acknowledged a couple of times, these are driven by psychology. 


    A man and woman engage in a lively conversation at a cafe, illustrating interesting psychological tricks in social interactions. Looking/peeking over someone’s shoulder even though there’s nothing there.

    Atoozee , romeo22 Report


    Two people engaged in a conversation, possibly using psychological tricks, surrounded by red cups and bottles. When someone insults you, reply with a very curious face “are you ok” lmao I heard about this one recently.

    messytripledheaded , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A few of these can be really useful in diffusing some bullies, Grey rocking can be good too. Don't feed the beast.

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    A group of people engaging in conversation, illustrating psychological tricks in social interactions. I sometimes say mid conversation "its like i always say" then dont say anything.

    Nickster_B , freepik Report

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    Apatheist Account2
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Akin to the Pythonesque "May I interrupt you for a moment?" "Yes." "Okay thanks, carry on."

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    It can also be utilized to manipulate relationships, so to speak. Just as a person tricks themselves to get motivated with a reward/punishment system, various tricks can be used on other people too, for better or worse. 

    So, when a Redditor asked online for “a psychological trick to really mess with somebody,” plenty of people had something to say. To be more specific, almost 2K of them. We decided to compile the best responses into this list and make a small handbook of psychological tricks.

    The list contains both innocent and quite mean tricks, from messing someone up by not taking gum yourself when you offer it to them to stressing them about missed meetings or something similar.


    Therapist with a clipboard discussing psychological tricks with a couple on a sofa. When someone says something dumb and I don't want to debate them, I just say "yeah, I can see how someone like you would think that" and change the subject. Their insecurities fill in the blanks.

    MrWaffles42 , Drazen Zigic Report

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    Rob D
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the type of thing a dumb person says, thinking they're being clever.

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    Two women blowing bubbles with gum, demonstrating psychological tricks in a playful setting. Offer someone gum but don't take a piece for yourself.

    grandoro , Yaroslav Shuraev Report

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    Otto Katz
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was told a long time ago, "If someone offers you a mint, never refuse". I live by that rule

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    At the same time, we feel the responsibility to say that you should be wary when using any of these tricks – make sure it’s the proper time and place to utilize them and that someone won’t end up hurt.

    For example, it’s better to use them to tease your friends than to torment someone. Ultimately, teasing your friends is a form of affection, knowing they won’t be too upset about it, but someone not so close to you might interpret it as bullying. And we don’t have to tell you that bullying is bad, do we? 

    So, don’t hesitate to have fun with what you learn here, but remain mindful of its potential harm. 

    Do you know any useful psychological tricks? Please share with us in the comments!


    Two people having a conversation over coffee, demonstrating interesting psychological tricks in a social setting. Say “no pun intended” after statements with no pun in them.

    sunbearimon , freepik Report


    Person holding a phone and a cup of coffee, texting on a cozy couch, suggesting psychological tricks in communication. Sending a text: “hey, are you joining this meeting?”.

    Nobody275 , RDNE Stock project Report


    Close-up of a woman smiling, demonstrating psychological tricks for better social interactions. When you're talking to someone who's being a prick tell them they have something stuck in their teeth... "nope, it's still there" "no, still there" shuts them down fast af.

    FreeContest8919 , jcomp Report


    Two older men enjoying coffee outside, engaging in conversation, illustrating psychological tricks in social settings. I like to start a sentence with “l’m not racist, but “ and then say something completely bland and not racist at all. As an old white guy, most people are expecting me to say something racist.

    Whatisgoingon3631 , freepik Report


    Two tennis players laughing and holding racquets on a court, demonstrating interesting psychological tricks in sports. If a tennis opponent is annoying me, I'll ask if they inhale or exhale as they go to serve. No one knows what they do and it gets them thinking about it.

    Deep-Reputation545 , dmytro_sidelnikov Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The timing has to be exquisite but I once brought an entire competition to a 5-10 minute halt by quietly uttering, "Whatever you do, do not picture Oprah naked." People got hurt laughing.

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    Two people conversing, illustrating psychological tricks in communication against a wooden background. Ok here’s a good one, so let’s say you’re talking to someone who’s guarded. They clam up and don’t say much or respond minimally.

    Humans want to be understood. They also want to avoid being misunderstood. So, when someone gives a shallow answer, you repeat back that last word. They will elaborate to clear up confusion.

    platomaker Report


    Two people having a conversation in an elevator, illustrating interesting psychological tricks in social interactions. When you get in the elevator with other people don't turn around to face the doors.

    x_lashes , Kiwistocks Report

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    Tim Gibbs
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stand in the corner of the lift facing inwards and say please call me admiral 🤣

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    A hand knocking on a wooden door, illustrating psychological tricks and their impact on people. Ask if they want to hear a knock knock joke.

    If they say yes, ask them to start you off.

    They'll say "knock knock"

    You say "who's there?"

    They didn't plan this far ahead.

    13thm****r , New Africa Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this would lead into an awkward silence and you would look stupid too.

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    Nod your head when asking someone for something or suggesting something. The combination of nodding while talking makes them much more agreeable to what you're saying or asking.

    llcucf80 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a very pronounced tremor which makes it seem that I’m always nodding in the affirmative. Always! If people don’t know that I have this condition it seems like I’m the most ceaselessly agreeable man in the world. Or, conversely, it’s confusing if I’m saying “no” whilst nodding yes.

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    A woman practicing a psychological trick by meditating in an urban park setting. Start sniffing in the middle of their statement. Don't mention anything. Just look around and keep sniffing. It's the most unnerving thing. You can do it to ANYONE and you'll immediately mess with them.

    StolenIP , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this one sounds like fun to do with a friend who will be able to laugh with you when you tell them what you're doing!

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    Three people engage in a discussion, showcasing effective psychological tricks in communication. If you want to get something out of someone, let them do most of the talking while asking mostly questions, and only respond to the parts they talk about that get you to your goal. You'll still be engaged in the conversation, but people tend to forget about most of what they say if one thing becomes the final point of the conversation. Basically, lead the other person from behind. The trick is subtlety.

    peachyfuzzle , katemangostar Report

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    Man in casual attire sits thoughtfully in a modern office, suggesting psychological tricks in workplace environments. One boss I had would never answer you immediately, he'd always take a moment to think about what he was going to say like there is no way he's going to be rushed into any decision. it made him appear very organized and sure of himself.

    Had another boss that you'd knock on his glass door, and he'd always wait a moment before waving you in even when he wasn't doing anything. This made him look more like a d**k, but he kinda was.

    verminiusrex , drobotdean Report

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    Apatheist Account2
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From the Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin: "One, two, three, four, make them sweat outside the door, five, six, seven, eight, always pays to make them wait. Come!"

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    Okay, so this is more of a harmless one, but it can totally mess with someone in a playful way. If you’re talking to someone and you subtly start mirroring their body language like crossing your arms when they do or leaning in when they do it creates this weird sense of connection without them realizing it. But then, if you suddenly stop and do something completely opposite, like slouching when they’re sitting upright, it can make them feel slightly off-balance or confused without knowing why. It’s subtle, but it definitely throws them off their rhythm in the moment. 🤷‍♀️.

    Miserable-Ruin1546 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The best psychological trick to make people feel a connection. Also works on timid people to go timid too but then slowly open your pose into a relaxed one -they will unconsciously follow

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    Man in a robe looking curious and pointing at his temple, demonstrating psychological tricks indoors. Look at someones forehead a couple of times in a really short time when they’re talking to you!

    wit21wit , kues1 Report

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    Robert T
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I usually do. Or the tops of their heads. The joys of being tall. ;-)

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    Two women in conversation, both holding coffee cups, illustrating psychological tricks in social interactions. When someone gives you a direct criticism, reply with “what are you implying?”.

    YuggaYobYob , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I prefer the one above: "Ask with curiosity, 'Are you okay?'"

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    A woman sitting at a table by a window, appearing thoughtful, in a cozy café setting, demonstrating psychological tricks. Silence. Its a very effective interview technique, because as humans we are conditioned to break silences in conversations.

    Sasha_Forbidden_Red , freepik Report


    Person using a laptop with ergonomic mouse pad, illustrating psychological tricks for productivity. Once a week turn down someone's mouse sensitivity by one notch until eventually it's the slowest.

    MaximusHackimus , freepik Report

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    I used to leave the building everyday of the week and say "Have a good weekend everyone" that used to drive people mad.

    budlight2k Report


    Aska a family member/roommate "Have you seen our toothbrush?".

    Own-Donkey-6020 Report


    Two people having a conversation outdoors, displaying psychological tricks through engaged body language. Start a sentence then stop midway and say, “Never mind”.

    KungFu-omega-warrior , Athena Sandrini Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the Steven Wright version of this: "The other day I was ... wait, that wasn't me."

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    Business professionals shaking hands outside an office building, demonstrating psychological tricks in interactions. Taken from 30 Rock, but say "Nice to meet you" to someone you've clearly already met.

    AVeryPlumPlum , pch.vector Report


    When you are having a conversation with someone about, say, turtles, change the subject by saying "speaking of turtles..." then something completely different, like "did you hear Bob and Emily are back together?" It will confuse the c**p out of them!

    ZedATX Report

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    Angry eyebrows no matter the subject lol.

    NocturnalBatBrain Report


    Hands typing on a laptop keyboard, illustrating psychological tricks in communication. I purposely misspell one word in every sentence I write.

    Hairymeatbat Report