It is possible to have too much of a good thing. Relaxing days by the beach become boring after a while, and even certain vitamins can have adverse effects when taken in extremely high doses. But one thing we can almost never have enough of is knowledge!
From fun facts to share with friends at a dinner party to information that can actually benefit your health, we’ve got a list full of info that you might want to know down below! We took a trip to the Facts for Genius Instagram account and gathered some of their most fascinating posts. So enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote the pics that teach you something new!
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Some days, I find myself missing childhood for many reasons. If I could go back to not having a care in the world, not having to pay my own bills or do my own grocery shopping and getting to live within close proximity to all of my friends, I would seriously consider giving up the freedom that adulthood has granted me. But another thing that I hugely took for granted from childhood was my education.
Learning was a drag when I was forced to attend classes every single day, but the wonderful part of being in school is that you’re constantly learning new things. From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every single day, I was bombarded with information. And sometimes I miss the experience of being exposed to so much knowledge without having to seek it out on my own.
The idea of "Alpha" male wolves is a myth. The idea of "Alpha" male humans is a delusion.
Some jobs, like teaching, can be much more difficult and stressful from home.
There is something magical about learning new things every day. And although it takes a bit of effort as an adult, it can certainly be worth it. According to The Goodlife Centre, making sure that you learn something new every day can enhance your quality of life. Acquiring new information can be very satisfying, and it can give your mood a huge boost to realize that you know things now that you wouldn’t have known a few weeks or months ago.
Taking time to learn new things can also reduce your stress. If you spend the entire day worrying about how much work you have to do, how much money you’re going to spend on groceries this week or what responsibilities you have coming up, it can feel great to slow down and focus your mind on learning for a moment. You have to put everything else aside and relax to be able to soak up new information.
Somewhat true, and not true at same time, reflection of the sun on surrounding buildings creates almost same light effect
Learning new things can also be a great way to boost your confidence. The more you learn, the more you’ll realize how capable you are of expanding your knowledge. And that feeling can be so exciting and empowering. Once you get started learning, you’ll want to seek out more and more information. Plus, knowledge is power, The Goodlife Centre notes. There’s no better feeling than going into a situation or conversation knowing exactly what you’re talking about. You can use that knowledge to solve problems without needing help or help others!
They are not yet old enough. Wait until the realities of life really sink in
Making time for learning can also be beneficial for your mental health. Most of us don’t get to experience a sense of accomplishment very often, but it’s a wonderful thing. If you set goals for yourself, you’ll feel amazing once you complete them.
And, of course, the more you know, the better you’ll be at socializing. Have you ever met someone that you just didn’t have anything in common with, so you weren’t sure what to talk about? If you make a point to learn about a wide range of topics, you’ll find connecting with others becomes much easier!
The great thing about learning on your own time and at your own pace is that you can make it fun! You’re not forced to sit in a classroom for hours every single day, but you can find a way of learning that works for you. There are countless YouTube videos out there that will teach you something new and even games that can allow you to soak up knowledge. Find an app, a book or a program that you enjoy, and get learning!
I thought t shirts were a navy invention before then to cover men's chest hair because they weren't wearing ties
And if you need help getting into the habit of acquiring more knowledge, BetterUp has some advice. First, they recommend treating mistakes as learning opportunities, rather than failures. It’s impossible to learn a new skill, language, etc. without making mistakes along the way. Don’t let these hiccups discourage you! It’s also great to channel your inner child and all of the curiosity you had when you were younger when learning something new. Let your mind wander, and ask plenty of questions!
Yup….. I do feel more prone to anxiety and irritability when I have slept poorly’
And yet, my current strategy of not skipping meals seem to have the same effect...
It’s also a good idea to add some time for learning into your schedule. It’s easy for weeks to go by without touching that book on your nightstand or opening your Duolingo app if it’s not part of your routine. But if you allot a certain amount of time every day or week to spend soaking up information, you’ll get used to it! And once you’ve made learning a habit, it’ll feel like something's missing when you skip one of your lessons.
Have you learned something new from this list, pandas? Keep upvoting all of your favorite pics, and feel free to share more fascinating fun facts in the comments below! Then, if you’d like to check out even more posts from Facts for Genius, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring this page right here!
I call bias!! I'm single and I want to spend more time with myself.
Like most foods that 'help',you need a lot. Pistachios are very expensive
We re-stained our house several years ago from Cedar Tone to Historical Gray(light). Amazing difference in summer time heat inside.
Japan might consider opening up its borders to more immigrants. They might fill both the empty housing and job positions.
Me: "Hey. Yeah, you, the infant. Look over here, okay? Throw me a bone here."
Terrifying hallucinations that no one with an ounce of sense will want to experience, caused by the fish being highly toxic at certain times of the year. No, there is no evidence that the Romans ingested poison fish for fun, it's only mention is a single article that I can't find anywhere, and Pliny seems to disavow the notion.
If you're smart enough to recognize what's going on in the world, you need a drink.
And yet it also is said to mess up your overall sleep schedule, which is associated with an *increased* risk of heart attacks. So which effect dominates?
MENSA should accept my membership application just by looking at the handwriting I used on the form.
Please excuse me while I swoon. This picture is showing ankles AND calves; I'm not sure I can handle this much sauciness.
Since humans' and crocodilians' common ancestor (the archosaur) had eyes, our eyes have been evolving for exactly as long.
That was labelled BS years ago, by studies made in the field. It really doesn't matter, when exactly do you have your last meal of your day. More relevant is, what are you eating, and when exactly before you go to bed. As for no suirprise "heavy" meals won't make you a light sleep, and you'd eat last 2 hours before going to sleep. If that"s at 21.00, than okay, eat your dinner at around 19.00
Of course, with no links and nebulous "study says...", most of these just feel like people pulling random things out of their a**e
Yes, and judicious use of 'could' and 'can' rather than 'does'. Many of them are easily disproven, most of the others are tentative at best.
Load More Replies...Complete BS and/or incomplete sentences/thoughts.
Load More Replies...Lol @ these "facts" 😄 BP, please let us filter by "author". Adelaide Ross is getting pretty bad.
Of course, with no links and nebulous "study says...", most of these just feel like people pulling random things out of their a**e
Yes, and judicious use of 'could' and 'can' rather than 'does'. Many of them are easily disproven, most of the others are tentative at best.
Load More Replies...Complete BS and/or incomplete sentences/thoughts.
Load More Replies...Lol @ these "facts" 😄 BP, please let us filter by "author". Adelaide Ross is getting pretty bad.