You know those men who see a woman backing into a parking spot and immediately decide that they should start directing her and giving her “help,” even though she’s done the same maneuver a thousand times? Or what about those guys that feel the need to explain cryptocurrency to any woman who gives them a second of her time? Being mansplained to is, unfortunately, a universal experience that women know all too well. And today, we’ve got a list of facepalm-worthy examples down below.

Women have been sharing the most condescending mansplaining they’ve ever endured on Reddit, so we’ve gathered their most infuriating stories. Enjoy reading through these tales that might make you violently roll your eyes, and keep reading to find a conversation with Suzanna de Baca, CEO of Story Board Advisors.


Woman in a lab coat, holding a pipette, focused on her work. I've been in a call with a company client where we did introductions, I'm the laboratory analyst and was the one working with the stuff they were sending to us.

We ran through normal procedure, and I suggested some ways to move forward with their stuff to get the results they wanted.

"That's great but what does the man working on our stuff think? (Directed at my boss)"

Boss: "the man not working on your stuff thinks the woman working on your stuff is right."

Oh the client wasn't happy, but it felt wonderful and big props to my boss for being a legend.

bexxyboo , dotshock / freepik Report


    Scientist in a lab coat examining a test tube, embodying knowledge contrasted by mansplaining narratives. I was on the clinical dev team for the phase 3 moderna vaccine. Countless people, almost always men, would explain how the vaccine does/doesn’t work after I’ve explained my line of work.

    Bonus: I now like to call mansplaining “correctile dysfunction”

    YaIlneedscience , freepik Report


    Woman placing laundry in washing machine, illustrating everyday tasks amidst gender discussions. Not sure if it counts, but a guy trying to explain to me how to get blood off your clothes... And he refused to simply believe I've been washing blood off since I was 11

    Mamma__Rengoku , Helena Lopes / freepik Report

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    jessica r
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Men cannot comprehend how often women have to deal with blood. I'm sure they think we only have to deal with some blue liquid stains.

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    To gain more insight into this topic, we got in touch with Suzanna de Baca, CEO of Story Board Advisors. She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and break down what exactly mansplaining is.

    "Mansplaining is a made up word that describes the phenomenon of a person, generally a man, providing a condescending explanation of something to someone who already understands it," Suzanna explained. "Mansplaining differs from 'normal everyday explaining,' in that the explanation or comment is generally communicated in a condescending or overconfident tone, is sometimes inaccurate and often oversimplified."


    Woman sitting on a bed looking upset, wearing a gray shirt and dark leggings, illustrating emotions. I always had really painful, irregular periods. Was diagnosed with PCOS at 14, and had to fight for an endometriosis diagnosis for a decade. I was probably 21, and saw a military gynecologist, on base. I didn't get to pick the doc, so it was a man. We proceed with the appointment, he asks about my pain, so I explain how it's pretty constant, not just during my period. Then he asks how I know I have PCOS. Well.. I was diagnosed thanks to labs and ultrasounds and symptoms. He doesn't believe me and orders new tests. THEN he tells me I obviously need to work out more, because my pain is muscular. He says that my pain just "doesnt make sense", then proceeds to explain the whole menstrual cycle to me like I am a child, even after I tried to stop him. It was as if I'd never had a period and didn't understand hormones and cramps.
    3 years later I was diagnosed with stage 3 endo on every pelvic organ. Thankfully I found a fantastic excision surgeon who never tries to mansplain.

    kruom10 , Bizon / freepik Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate this for you. It took me 20 years to get a pcos diagnosis. I had to grow out my facial hair, and find foreign female dr to even get scheduled for an ultrasound.

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    Man explaining at a desk, woman in glasses listening with skepticism, illustrating a mansplaining scenario in office setting. I was training a new employee (male) and part of the training was sitting in with me when I met with clients. First day, first meeting, I explained to the client that I was training new employee and new employee would be sitting in but not participating in conversation, just listening and learning. Within 30 seconds the client was directing all questions to new employee and ignoring my answers. Finally, I asked new employee to step out of the room. I asked client if he had a problem with me and would prefer to talk to my boss? Client mansplained to me how males are better at my job because the male brain is better at business because they think without emotion. He asked for the new employee and I told him new employee has been on the job for 2 hours, the only thingbhe knows so far is where the bathroom is and where the breakroom is. Client finally accepted I would be the one helping him and appointment continued. After he said - wow you really know your stuff.

    Of course I know my stuff! I've been in my industry for over 10 years!

    anon , yanalya / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not a compliment to assume a professional is an amateur and pat them on the back for knowing more than assumed.

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    A man explaining something to a woman on a couch, while she listens skeptically. I had a man mansplain mansplaining 😂 Apparently, it’s when a man wins an argument and a woman doesn’t have anything else to say to win, so they accuse him of mansplaining.

    JessTheTwilek , jet-po / freepik Report

    "While women have, for decades, experienced the realities of gender disparities in the workplace, a new vocabulary has emerged to describe those experiences," Suzanna continued. "It is not always gender specific, but research conducted by Michigan State University graduate research fellow Caitlin Briggs published in the Journal of Business and Psychology indicates women tend to react more negatively because we are so often questioned about our competence and qualifications."

    "Over time, the term has become commonly used to describe a disrespectful or condescending explanation regardless of whether the commenter was male or female," she added.


    Woman in green blouse shopping for bras, choosing a white lace bra. I have big b***s and the number of times I’ve had guys try to explain bra sizes to *me,* or act like DD/DDD is the “biggest they can get naturally”…

    That, and “why are you showing them off, just wear looser clothing”… when I was in a T-SHIRT. Not my fault you can’t control your eyes hon

    anon , grustock / freepik Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a man, what got me was finding out how damn expensive bras are. When My GF in college told me she spent $150 on a bra I was blown away, but I understood and was immediately sympathetic.

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    Man explaining a topic at a meeting while two women listen, one holding a clipboard, highlighting the concept of mansplaining. I work in marketing. At the time I was working for a beer company and was the only female in the room in a planning meeting to come up with campaign ideas for the following year. I was there as the retail marketer, as I worked closely with the sales team to execute campaigns in-store.

    They came up with an idea they thought was hilarious and became an echo chamber. After a bit I spoke up and said it was a really fun idea, and we should definitely do a social media campaign about it, but it wouldn’t work in retail. Keep in mind that before we got started the CMO gave a big speech about how any idea we presented to the President needed to work in all spaces. So he didn’t like that I said it didn’t work. He legit said these words after I made that comment, “You see unicornsneezes, how marketing works is that xyz.” I had been in the industry for over 15 years and had more actual marketing and advertising experience than a lot of other people in the room. I just shut my mouth.

    The next day he presented the idea to the President of the company. Guess what he said. “Cool idea, but there’s no way it’s going to work in retail.”

    unicornsneezes , gpointstudio / freepik Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's these times, when you know someone higher up will bring you just desserts, without you getting in trouble getting all heated.

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    U.S. Marine in uniform gesturing as if explaining, illustrating a concept related to mansplaining topics. I was a gas turbine engineer in the Navy. I had a friend ask me to teach some of her new guys the propulsion part of the surface warfare pin exam. I took them to the engineroom and one guy started a whole spiel on a ballasting system that we did not have on our ship. He actually dismissed me when I started explaining the seawater compensation system that we used onboard instead. He also insisted we only used diesel engines and went on to explain how I am confusing gas turbine with diesel engines. We did not use diesel engines. I am a gas turbine engineer, stationed onboard this particular ship because it is powered by gas turbine engines. I also write the exam questions for my section of his exam. He did not pass.

    CabaiBurung , RDNE Stock project / pexels Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would redirect him to the commander chief and tell him to explain everything he just said to me. Sounds like this dunce isn't qualified for his position.

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    So why are men so inclined to "mansplain"? "Research varies, but traditional societal norms or expectations reinforce the idea that men should exude confidence, appear knowledgeable or add value," Suzanna noted.

    "Men (or women who mansplain) may do this unintentionally, unaware that they are doing it. The condescending tone or approach may be attributable to numerous factors, ranging from a lack of emotional intelligence to unconscious overcompensation for a lack of confidence," the expert continued. "In personal situations, men may be trying to be protective or assist in solving problems, or lack the ability to connect emotionally so resort to behavior that ends up being patronizing."


    Man explaining a topic to a woman in a casual setting while she listens, illustrating mansplaining dynamics. When I (F, late thirties) first met my SIL's new boyfriend, he asked what I was doing for a living (I work in academia). He then proceeded to explain my own PhD thesis to me, you know, the one I have written and defended years ago, and the one he hadn't even heard of before we were introduced... 🤦

    Also, I am assistant professor now and whenever I show up for class with my teaching assistant (M, early twenties) for the first time, people often automatically assume he is the Dr. in the room. When I mentioned this on one of the academic subs around here, the most upvoted comment was (I wish I was kidding): "What were you wearing?" 🤦🤦

    matroeskas , pressmaster / freepik Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry you were treated that way. In both situations.

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    Woman in overalls testing an electrical outlet with a multimeter, equipped with tools. I'm an electrician (when I still worked in the field I mostly did commercial and industrial work; I teach at our training center now). One day I was installing electrical boxes in stud walls. The brackets I was using to mount the boxes were an expandable type, adjustable to fit different stud spacings. A carpenter walked up out of nowhere, took the bracket I was adjusting *out of my hands,* and showed me how he'd seen other electricians adjust the brackets, "because you see how the studs are only attached at the top and bottom? They're flexible, so if your bracket is too wide it's going to bow the studs out and the drywallers won't have a straight line to hang their boards with."

    I lowered my chin and just stared at him until he got uncomfortable and went away. I've been told I have a "scary" resting face and it comes in handy all the time on jobsites (and occasionally in the classroom).

    littleyellowbike , freepik Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have one like that too, even creepier if I widen my eyes and creepy smile. >=)

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    Pharmacist smiling while holding a white bottle in a pharmacy aisle, with shelves of medication visible. A male acquaintance of mine was trying to tell me how he took Tri-Cyclen (oral contraceptive pill) for acne when he was a teenager. I asked him if he meant to say tetracycline (an antibiotic used to treat acne) but he condescendingly responded that it was Tri-Cyclen. He had no healthcare background. I’m a pharmacist.

    bikex4 , freepik Report

    But Suzanna says that it's important to know that not all men mansplain. "And not all explanations are wrong, even if they are not communicated in a productive manner," she pointed out. "It is possible the person – conditioned by societal norms – is truly trying to be helpful. It is possible the person is trying to add value, or in a personal situation they want to protect or take care – or perhaps they don’t really know how to connect."


    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women A coworker mansplaining our job which I've been doing over a year, with incorrect information. I straight up told him, "That is incorrect, and in fact the process is exactly the opposite of what you just said. I assure you, the client does NOT want 10 identical data sets, but 10 unique ones for analysis. Since I've been here a year longer than you have, they would most certainly have corrected any mistakes by now." So I pulled rank, seniority, and y'all...HE APOLOGIZED.

    tabicat1874 , KamranAydinov / freepik Report


    A man holding soil in his hands outdoors, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, possibly discussing nature or gardening mansplaining. I'm doing my PhD in soil chemistry and am experimenting with biochar in forest soils. A random dude with no background in the area started telling me that adding biochar to forests is a fire hazard and that I must stop immediately. Biochar has huge water retention potential and can be incredibly beneficial in preventing forest fires, but who am I to explain stuff to internet experts...

    Aretta_Conagher , aimenda123 / freepik Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People tend to think they're smarter than they really are. Some people have smart potential, but are fed misinformation they deem as facts. This guy must be the latter, or both. I'm sure he has good intentions, but has a skewed education. Either way, society needs to learn something about Stoicism. Inquire before assuming.

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    Man in blue overalls explaining power tools to a woman in a store, highlighting mansplaining dynamics in everyday situations. I had a Lowe's (hardware store in the US) employee tell me he was "trying to find a way to compare it to cooking or cleaning" when I asked him for advice about putting up drywall on a partition wall in my garage.

    catladyondeck , nomadsoul1 / freepik Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "So, what you're trying to say you don't know enough about putting up drywall. That's okay to admit. Perhaps you can page someone who knows more about it."

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    So how should we respond to mansplaining? "Well intended or not, it is important to respond with clear and respectful communication to point out the behavior and to reinforce your own ground rules for communication in the relationship," Suzanna shared.

    "It can be helpful to refer to the behavior or inaccuracy, and ask the person to listen to your point of view or perspective. Depending on the situation, you can remind them you are familiar with the topic or situation (perhaps even have specific expertise)," she continued. "You also can politely respond that you’ve 'got this,' redirect the conversation or – if your response is falling on deaf ears – end the interaction or come back to it later."


    Barista in a cafe making coffee, smiling and wearing a black apron, surrounded by bottles and cups. I used to work at a coffee shop and a man ordered an americano from me and I went over to the espresso machine to make it and this m**********r leans his grubby elbows onto this $15,000 machine to say “yeah so an americano is like espresso and water.” YOU DONT SAY?? Thank god you’re here to teach the BARISTA how to make coffee !! Enjoy your decaf

    kaikaibean , senivpetro / freepik Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the second easiest coffee drink to make besides coffee. My eyes would have rolled so hard me head would explode.

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    Woman smiling, holding food with chopsticks, embodying the concept of mansplaining in a relaxed setting. I was born and raised in South East Asia, and learned how to use chopsticks from my South East Asian grandparents (who both came from wealthy, snobby families) and parents.

    My American born non-Asian ex tried to explain to me how to use chopsticks because he learned how to do it differently through YouTube.

    aphenae , freepik Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who learns chopsticks (not the song) from YouTube? Was dude like, "I'm dating an Asian woman. I should learn to use chopsticks." And went to YT? Hot tip for guys, asking a woman to help you learn a new skill builds the relationship and makes you closer. That's a good thing. Bro didn't do that and now he's an Ex.

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    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women I was working out on a public path. A guy is staring at me. When I pause he announces "Men don't like women who are too into fitness." I laughed a bit and said I was ok with that and tried to go back to working out. But now he is in front of me, all puffed up and red, "No, you need to listen to me, I am telling you something you need to know!"

    I decided it was time to start my run.

    anon , Racool_studio / freepik Report

    Finally, Suzanna added that there is often a burden on women to sit politely and smile, use humor to diffuse a situation, or to be accommodating when we are interrupted or on the receiving end of condescending interactions.

    "To change societal norms, it is important that we speak up about the type of communication we prefer and deserve to receive," she told Bored Panda. "Providing that feedback in the same respectful way we expect to be treated will help provide opportunities for others to learn, grow and change outdated societal norms."


    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women To preface, I'm an electrical engineer and have been at my current job for over a year.

    I was in a meeting with all of my coworkers (who are male). For about an hour, one of them is reading and explaining a program in depth specifically TO ME. I let him talk the program up and don't say a word. The design is going to be used on all of the systems in the company starting this year. He talks about how the director is really excited about it and how it'll up our production. He said I could really benefit from reviewing the code and learning from it.

    I ask him to look at the revision information.

    It says "author: u/NickieSteph"

    Face crack lol

    NickieSteph , freepik Report


    Woman in a pink shirt holds a laptop, smiling slightly, in a city setting; concept of mansplaining awareness. Was explaining to my sister that there are 4 different types of IP addresses while on a hay ride.

    Guy sitting with his wife starts saying, “No.” After every one of my sentences.

    So, I pulled out my phone like, “Hey sis, let me show you on google the different types of IPs. Public, Private, Static, and Dynamic! Yep, some people think there’s only ONE, but those people only work on ONE so I understand their confusion!”

    He didn’t interrupt for the rest of the ride.

    Riisiichan , prostooleh / freepik Report


    Woman relaxed in a donation chair, checking her phone, symbolizes moments guys might mansplain various topics. I was in the middle of donating platelets, which is a 2-hour process. I was trying to read a book during it, so when the nurse asked if I was comfortable, I asked for a pillow to prop the book up. (It's hard to hold and turn pages one-handed while not accidentally moving the arm with the needle in it.) The man next to me started trying to tell me that I should've asked them to tilt the bed at a different angle for better neck support.

    The nurse interrupted him to say, "you don't have to tell fuzzybunny how to donate blood. She's here every 2 weeks." And pointed to the "Blood drive ambassador" T-shirt I was wearing, which I got for volunteering to raise awareness about the need for donor blood.

    That shut the old man up.

    thefuzzybunny1 , nastyaofly / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I started doing this (donating platelets) but had to stop after a few sessions because I'm a heart patient now :(

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    Woman in glasses and brown shirt looking amused at a laptop, reacting to mansplaining while in a modern kitchen. During a training class for a new job, I had a guy mansplain how to close an internet page. And yes this was in the last 5 years.

    You click the X If anyone is wondering! 🙃

    schmagz , benzoix / freepik Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    CTRL-F4 works too for closing tabs. ALT-F4 for the whole browser window. Follow me for more 'LEET SKILLZ from 2002.

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    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women My BIL asked me if I was sure I understood crime rates after I corrected him on violent crime rates in major US cities. I’ve been a crime analyst for 5 years and have a Master of Science in criminal justice/criminology. He has a GED and has never worked in the field, just gets all his information from Fox news.

    mydogisLeroy , freepik Report


    Woman laughing and holding a yellow maple leaf, wearing an orange turtleneck. One guy mansplained seasons to me because I tried to tell him that HVAC needs in a museum are very different from other county buildings. He literally started by saying, "You see, there are four seasons in a year, and you have to change the temperature in each season" and then went on for another 20 minutes

    daganfish , senivpetro / freepik Report


    Man casually explaining something to a woman outdoors while she smiles, holding a red notebook. I have a BA in psychology. When I was in my junior year of college I had a guy who I randomly happened to bump into often while smoking in between classes. He asked me if I knew the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. I told him that neither were in the DSM 5 and they never had been. I let him know that the correct diagnosis was antisocial personality disorder. He, this guy who was in his first quarter of college, proceeded to lecture me about the difference.

    Like dude, I’m majoring in this and have been for three years. You started college a few months ago and are majoring in business. But sure, I needed a man to tell me about my chosen field of study. I’m sure all those professors who have masters degrees and PhD’s in the field were just waiting for you to come along and correct their decades of experience.

    Meneketre , arutaimages / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did he even know what the DSM-5 is? Or were his diagnostic skills from YouTube?

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    Hands holding a tampon, highlighting a common topic often subject to mansplaining. I was ill in bed with pneumonia and a kidney infection. I got my period mid-week - the mouldy cherry on top of a really s****y cake. I asked my then-boyfriend to grab me some tampons on his way home from work. He called me and whined that people might think they’re for him, they’re dirty, he doesn’t want to carry them. Could he not come to the house, pick me up and I go in and buy them myself? After I explained gravity and the impact of blood all over his precious car, he relented and agreed.

    He called me from the tampon aisle, *whispering*, to ask which ones I needed. I explained just a box of regular. He grabbed them and then he was like, “umm there’s some super plus plus ones here. Wouldn’t they be better?”. No thanks. I know my flow. Regular is fine. “Babe I don’t know if you know but there’s *a lot* of blood. I really think super plus plus would be better. Trust me”. Again explained my flow doesn’t need them so just the regular please.

    He came home with the super plus plus. I had no choice but to use them but I did explain TSS to him and why the right tampon for the flow is vital. Too big a tampon does not make it any easier. Idiot.

    SleepFlower80 , freepik Report

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    Kari Panda
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "He called me and whined that people might think they’re for him" Of course. Whenever I see a man buying tampons, my first thought is, "Gasp, that man is having a period!"

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    Man in glasses holding a folder, while a woman points, possibly explaining a topic, in a professional setting. A new hire at work was in training and had been under the guidance of two of my male coworkers the day before. On his second day, he was under my guidance and began telling me how to do my job. At first I thought he was just reciting specifics out loud to remember them for his own sake, but after the third or fourth time, I realized he was literally trying to train me on how my job works. I stopped him after only a few minutes, and told him I am a supervisor and am here to train him today. “Oh, my apologies- I thought you were new here too.” As I stood there in a full supervisor uniform with my name tag that says supervisor and after he had been told a supervisor with my name would be guiding him on that day.

    FartAttack911 , katemangostar / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Might want to mention to someone that they need to look at their hiring process, because this guy isn't just a bit sexist, he's generally clueless, unobservant and doesn't listen to instructions.

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    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women My boss of 8 years. He's in his 60s. I get pregnant for the first time. He taught me all about childbirth. He was a self-proclaimed expert. How? His ex-wife had 2 kids. So he knew all about it. He told me what it would be like, how recovery would be, and that I really only needed a few weeks of maternity leave. My entire pregnancy was full of advice and explanations.


    A małe co-worker's wife gets pregnant. Guess what? He's going through a major life change. We don't expect him to show up for meeting for months. He's excused from tasks nearly 3 months after baby arrived. Boss knows the stress he's dealing with.

    kannmcc , DC Studio / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He sounds like a two-fer...a mansplainer with a twist of misogynist thrown in.

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    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women In the earlier years of Discord there was this guy on a private server for friends that tried to claim that mansplaining doesn't exist. A lot of us tried to explain to him that it's a real and demonstrable thing that exists, and his response was to just... Mansplain mansplaining. It was kind of spectacular how much he didn't get it.

    fst3ak , lgolubovystock / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I was a guy I could explain why his mansplaining was necessary.

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    Woman in coveralls holding a wrench, standing by an open car hood, highlighting a mansplaining scenario in the garage. My bf’s car braking system was making odd noises and he was complaining that he needed to take the car to the mechanic. From the sound of the noise, I suggest a couple mechanical problems that could be the cause. I worked at a dealership most of my younger years and two years as the parts manager. I grew up in a car business family, so I know a thing or two about cars. Bf listened to my suggestions and then explained to me (very slowly 🙄) how braking systems work. Uhh, okay I know, I could literally build one. Smh.

    supersarney , peoplecreations / freepik Report


    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women A few years ago during college I went to visit my friend in his frat to smoke a little and hang out. These two younger guys were sitting on the couch and talking me and my friend up. At some point they started explaining really basic statistics, like what a p value to us.
    It was really satisfying when they stopped and asked what I studied to tell them I was pre-med and a computer science major. Then my friend (a political science major) corrected their explanation because she had just taken stats. A glorious moment.

    yeah_no_maybe_ , freepik Report


    Man pointing at phone while woman in a teal hat listens, capturing a moment of mansplaining. I used to drive Uber. One time this dude came into my car, asked me to turn down the radio and proceeded to EXPLAIN TO ME HOW UBER WORKS. While he was in my Uber, which I was driving, and had been driving for years. I wanted the five stars so I just had to listen to him for the whole drive.

    empanada_de_queso , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it really worth it? Are we really sacrificing our respect and dignity for star reviews?

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    Two female scientists, one using a microscope, focusing intently, wearing protective goggles and lab coats. My wife and her female friend (both PhDs in biology) had a bro (with no biology/medical background) try and explain to them that the gene responsible for depression had been discovered. He had listened to a ~2hr podcast on the subject and could not be convinced that these two people with a combined 10+ years of education in the field might know more than him.

    CaptainKoconut , freepik Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OH I HATE PODCASTS! For this exact reason! All they do is enable uneducated bro-dudes to think they know something the people who actually study these things don't. Joe Rogan doesn't know SH!T about vaccines, nuclear energy or really anything other than Joe Rogan. He's actually worse than Howard Stern in the '90s.

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    Two women in lab coats working with a man wearing an EEG cap in a laboratory setting. I have a PhD in neuroscience. A first year student tried to explain what Parkinson’s disease was to me, after I explained to him that I knew what PD was. But he knew better than me, because he was a few weeks into his first course on neuroscience. So I had to listen to 20 minutes of partially correct rambling.

    Froggy101_Scranton , DC Studio / freepik Report


    Woman in a headset working at a call center, smiling and attentive. I work in IT at a software development company. I provide support to customers for our manufacturing software. I've had men explain to me how the software works. Wait, are you doing my job for me? Why did you even call for help then?

    The other good one is when I answer the phone and they go, "oh I'm sorry, I must have pressed the wrong button, can you please transfer me to support?".

    SyntrophicConsortium , Kampus Production / pexels Report

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    Dawn Marie
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me: F(60) I used to work for Summit Racing. That is an after market car parts business. I worked in customer service remotely. I can't tell you the number of times after I said my name, the name of the business and "How may I be of service" the first thing out of a man's mouth was: "let me speak to a man." UGGGGGG!!!!!!!

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    Through the lens of societal behaviors, it's intriguing to observe how often certain actions, like the undervaluation of unique abilities or the prevalence of condescending explanations, manifest. While discussing the range of talents people possess, often labeled as 'useless', it's noteworthy how personal abilities can be trivialized.

    For instance, understanding how a seemingly minor skill or piece of knowledge might be perceived ties back to a similar theme of undervaluing certain capabilities, much like the unique skills and talents shared by many Reddit users.


    Musicians playing guitars and trumpet by a fountain outdoors, wearing traditional attire under sunlight. This English guy once tried to explain to me how mariachi was just one single band called mariachi. I’m Latina.

    When I tried to explain mariachi was a genre of music and there were many many mariachi bands he was like “are you sure because my friend went to a mariachi concert once”.

    vonwithanh , RDNE Stock project / pexels Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WTAF? Now I wonder is there a band out there called "Heavy Metal"? How about a band called "Rock and Roll"? Talk about a way to never be found on any streaming platform.

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    “We Are No Longer Together”: 35 Times Men Ignorantly Assumed They Knew More Than Women Proposed a huge amount experiment in lab. Super excitedly explained all the results he was expecting and got mad at me when I told him it wasn’t possible.

    After he screamed at me in a hissy fit for being a negative Nancy I explained to him, with math, how much each of his 243 runs were going to take. It took an few extra explanations and a marker to demonstrate he couldn’t physically do them all in time.

    I was the lab manager, FFS. I scheduled the machine usage.

    Shanisasha , DC Studio / freepik Report

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    Sue User
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just had someone do this to me at work. Oh, it should only take 2 weeks for analysis not four. Today we are week 2 and i just got access. Duration is different than manhours.


    I have a coworker who is particularly bad at this, he does it so much that it's become comical.

    He'll ask me a question over DM, I'll answer it, then 5-10 messages later say the same thing back to me in the most condescending language possible.

    Last week I asked to transfer to another team 😂

    But_I_Digress_ Report

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    On reddit, I once had a man explain to me in detail that finding women’s clothes with pockets is not difficult at all.

    The topic in question involved 17/18 year old girls going to a school leavers concert. When pressed to find an example of appropriate clothes with pockets, he produced a link to a pair of expensive workwear overalls for gardeners. He then explained that overalls are appropriate attire for women in all circumstances including evenings out and corporate jobs, because “Steve Jobs wore a turtleneck and look how successful he was”.

    anon Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm giggling at this one, imagining myself in overalls and spike heels at a formal event.

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    I work in tech as a project manager, drawing flow charts and process documentation are MY things…

    A completely new manager explained to me what each shape meant in flow chart… like what square or arrows meant…

    Mansplaining in tech sector is such commonplace, it’s worse for me as I appear young and inexperienced. I am not.

    Urg girls in tech must unite

    moimoo Report


    Got explained how a software worked... That I was part of the development team of. At a convention, where I was present as an exhibitor for said software. Right on the booth. With my exhibitor pass.

    I didn't learn anything new from said guy.

    SenzaRimpiantiC Report

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    I spent some years writing healthcare software. As a result, I was pretty good at reading code in that language.

    Fast forward a few years, and I'm bored with coding and want to see the world. I get a job in a hospital that uses my software. They specifically hired me because of my years of coding that particular software.

    I was talking to some coworkers about how the program worked and this guy walked up to correct me. I told him that I was very familiar with the software seeing how I WROTE IT.

    He doubled down and insisted he knew more about the software that I wrote.

    reptilhart Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope karma found him quick even though the lesson about being a d******d was lost on his dumb a*s

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    I was at the DMV and needed to print out proof of insurance. When I went to print the document, what came out looked like wingdings- just incomprehensible nonsense. The computer account was of course a guest account with no admin permissions, so I couldn't do anything to troubleshoot, like reinstall the printer driver. Restarting the printer did not help. I flagged down a nearby DMV employee, explained all of this to him and asked him if I could use the printer behind the counter because the public one wasn't working. His response?

    "Look. You grab the mouse. And you go File........Print"

    We both watched as my proof of insurance once again came out as wingdings.

    He did not let me print behind the counter and I had to take more time off the next day to go back to the DMV.

    baitnnswitch Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wingding Casualty & Collision really doesn't offer the best rates anyway.

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    My fiancé's best friend is a champion mansplainer. But i think the worse/best one is when he mansplained me the Portuguese language and culture.

    I am half Portuguese, and he's Vietnamese.

    He visited my family, he knows them, has been part of some of our traditions and gatherings before the pandemic, he has been in a room with us while we were speaking Portuguese. But yet felt the need to educate me on my own language and culture.

    syrupxsquad Report

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    Daune Tullina
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My Mexican husband, who speaks learned and write english years ago. He has a okay grasp on written english, but still struggles with grammar and spelling. I've been helping him learn over the years. He decided to take a few classes to help him get better. A few of the printed lessons were grammatical incorrect. When I was explaining why a sentence was incorrect. He mansplained english to me! We even got into a few arguments with me. A few times I pulled examples up on google and he still said I didn't know what I was talking about. Ya' know, I've only read all day long and habe been speaking and writing in english for 50+ years. This habit of his drives me nuts. I'll tell him something. He go to a friend and ask the same thing, then come home and tell me his friend told blank. I've said"So the same thing I told you first." More times than I care to admit

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    Healthcare worker assisting elderly woman in a wheelchair at home. I used to work in senior care. We had a spiel of basic info on how Medicare and Medicaid work because a lot of people just don't know. I stopped working on that industry about 5 years ago.
    Our 91 year old neighbor was moving into an assisted living recently and when she shared some workers with me I have her some information to help.

    Later I was discussing her financial difficulties with my husband. Bless his heart, he started educating me on Medicare and Medicaid ... using my own spiel!!!

    I just smiled and said, remember when you learned that info?

    We had a good laugh over it. He's not truly a mansplainer, he's a bi-splainer. He's have tried to share that info with anyone lol

    Ydain , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least he had the decency to understand he's wrong, most people or anywhere here don't even have that

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    A new customer software came out at my work which was heavily encouraged to be used going forward by every possible customer.

    An affiliate spent 30 mins telling me how women wouldn't be able to figure it out because they aren't as "smart phone literate" and won't be able to complete the process. He threw in a generous "oh not you though, you're smart enough to figure it out"

    After those 30 mins, he ended the rant by asking how to use the software because he was struggling to grasp it. I flat out asked if he saw the irony in what he just asked and he called my boss to say I was being difficult

    sirenrenn Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stupid, useless, eogistic and a crybaby. Sounds like a real winner. Hope he can't reproduce

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    I posted this thing on Facebook yesterday about how to talk to kids about different types of healthy food in age-appropriate ways to make them appealing. This guy I went to high school with, who has no children, responded and told me that some of the items needed to be changed because the wording was too advanced for the age groupings. Thank you childless man for telling a mother of small children who has worked in daycare and was for a time an early childhood education major how to talk to small children. What would I do without you.

    dawnabon Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You would not have thoughts of pushing him off a ledge, that’s what.

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    I have a fabulous one.

    I was speaking to a guy in a bar who said I looked like the main character from iZombie (I don't) and I asked where you could watch it. He started diligently explaining to be how to illegally stream it, including how to Google something, what to search for, what to click on, real beginner stuff. I kept interjecting to try to tell him I know how to do it but he took my protests as excuses. He kept saying "no, honestly, I promise you, it's so easy, anyone can do it, I promise you can!" and then continuing to explain how to download something and how easy it would be if I knew how. Eventually I gave up, let him finish and then replied "I know how to download something, I'm a software engineer".

    I've never seen a guy go so red in my life. He had the good grace to profusely apologise and admit he'd made a pretty incorrect assumption about my technical abilities.

    adorabelledeerheart Report


    I had a mansplainer yesterday, telling me allll about puppy training pads (I’m using them to trap water from a leaking ceiling prior to repair) and how ‘they absorb a lot of water, and sometimes it looks like more water than it really is’ FFS I know how they work, you muppet.

    CappucinoCupcake Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bro, I've understood pads before either of us even thought about the puppy pad aspect.

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    Years ago, my sisters and I invited some friends over. On the way into the neighborhood, we noticed that a section of our neighbor’s tree had split off and fallen into the road. It wasn’t huge, but it was still blocking the road, and that neighbor was out of town.

    The dudes present volunteered to go move it out of the way; cool, except they were gone a really long time. I walked over to see what was going on, and found them standing around the still-unmoved section of tree. I watched as they tried to lift the trunk (you know, the heaviest bit, the bit that’s in the yard already, right where it fell) repeatedly and fruitlessly.

    “Let me help you with that,” I suggested. I am 5’ 2in, but I apparently understand physics better than these f*****s.

    “Oh yeah, with all of us [gestures himself and to the other two heretofore unsuccessful men] doing this, I’m sure what we need is *you*,” sneered the biggest a*****e of the group.

    “Yeah…” I proceeded to explain how we were going to pivot the damn thing, not bro-dude lift it out of the way. We walked to the branches on the street, lifted, and simply walked the tree out of the street and into the yard.

    No words from the other two, no apology from the mouthy one. He did proceed to hit on me throughout the evening, and finished off the night vomiting on the floor and apologizing (for puking in front of me, not for earlier) while doing so. What a charmer.

    DaygloDago Report


    Was at a group strength class at my gym, led by a woman. I was struggling with certain techniques, and she helped me an gave me advice for how to do it. The advice helped a lot, but I still struggled a bit due to lack of strength and balance that will get better with practise. Had a lovely chat with the lady behind me who said she didn't think I did bad and gave me advice from how she had gotten better. She was a regular at the class.

    By the end I was putting equipment in place I walked by a man who was in the same class, who had heard and seen everything. He stopped me, and proceeded to repeat exactly what the trainer had told me.

    Had to keep myself from laughing and calling him out on it, since I had no energy for that kind of interaction.

    Girlupstairs Report

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    I was fixing a leg that fell off a wooden planter stand. My friend asked if I needed clamps to hold it together. I said no, it's has an insert to slide in, it'll hold. He then goes on about how it needs pressure to adhere and it'll fail if I don't blah blah blah.

    I was actually mansplained how wood glue worked. Wood glue, y'all.

    Update: planter stand holding up just fine.

    ohyourememberher Report

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    My ex boyfriend told me I should really be taping my walls before I painted them to avoid any mistakes. My mother owns an interior painting business and I work for her. My ex boyfriend has never picked up a paint brush in his life. Silly men

    izzrizzle Report

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    I once described the unpleasantness of a pad wax in a group conversation where ladies were talking about things you hate about periods that don’t come up a lot. A guy there told me it was my own fault for being so unhygienic and chastised my past self for being so gross.

    Get your own period my dude and stop thinking you know how I should handle mine.

    calette Report


    I'm a young professional accountant who sounds and looks even younger.

    Two years ago, we took over the books and payroll for a client who had an accountant for half the year, got fed up with them, tried to do things themselves for a quarter, then let our firm finally help. It was... A mess (to put it lightly).

    I did what I could, but when we were filing end-of-year payroll returns, we realized that the old accountant screwed things up majorly by forgetting to report someone's wages entirely. This meant a whole load of amendments and creating a whole W2 for the person who was missed.

    My client got us on a 3-way call where I inquired about that employee, and asked him to furnish his documents and the quarterly returns he filed. Guy proceeds to tell me in great detail how *I* can fix this. What website to go on to file the amended state returns, that the quarterly returns will need amending, and the former employee will need a W2. He started talking slower and giving me step-by-step instructions. Like, yes, I am aware. That's why I'm calling... To fix **your** mistake.

    galaxyofcheese Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Speaking is silver, listening is gold. This guy has nothing but hot air between his ears and brain

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    I met with a financial planner once and he told me about how the brain works. I am a neuroscientist and he knew this when he told me about how saving is rewarding because it makes your brain make dopamine. Really? Tell me more about the tight regulation of dopamine production, release and reuptake in the mesocorticolimbic reward circuit. I’m all ears.

    ScientistLiz Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hopefully that is what she said to him at the time and not just venting afterwards


    Not my story but someone I know. A coworker asked a friend of mine to go fishing, which she gladly accepted since she’s a skilled fisherman. If you know anything about this person, it’s that she has fished her entire life since childhood. She married a fisherman and spent every weekend on the water. They entered and won many fishing tournaments. She would even go fishing alone on the boat and knew her way around the canals better than she knew the roads.

    The coworker spent the entire fishing trip explaining every little thing to her. He showed her how to put the bait on the hook, how to cast the line, how to know when to reel it in. I’m talking basic fishing 101, not tricks of the trade. Bless her heart she quietly sat there nodding and didn’t even tell throw him off the boat.

    ohsoluckyme Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I cannot imagine how infuriating having one of your favorite hobbies being hijacked must have been. Especially since it's supposed to be relaxing.

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    I once had a guy tell me I didn’t live in the city I lived in despite my address. He kept saying “No, you live in y not x” and tried to explain the geography of the city I had lived in my entire life. It was the dumbest thing I had ever encountered from a man.

    corgibutts09 Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many years ago, the Post Office did this to my uncle. He lived in Berkeley, CA, but it insisted he lived in Oakland. They had drawn the local zip codes boundary wrong and refused to fix it. Any mail sent to him had to be addressed to Oakland or it would be returned as "No such address"."


    Some guy on reddit tried to explain to me how a vagina worked, and when I gave him the average opening of a cervix, he goes "No cuz a tampon wouldn't fit there"


    eh-heh-heh Report


    I told my boyfriend my stomach hurt due to cramps to which he responded cramps are in my uterus and not my stomach lol. We are no longer together. He also explained that women sleep around because the male attention makes them feel good about themselves.

    giantgiraffeknees_ Report


    I love football. Like, LOVE football, every Sunday (and Thursday...and Monday...) I am watching during football season.
    My fiance and I were watching and out of nowhere SUPER condescendingly he goes "did you know a yard is three feet?" I just stared at him. "Did you know that?" *stare* "What, most people probably don't know that!" *stare* "Well...I guess YOU probably do...with your masters degree...."

    Lol thankfully he recognized it himself without me having to even say anything but it was so bad.

    singgurl94 Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We've all (male, female, in between) been guilty of this. You just get excited.

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    Our internet went out recently because my husband didn’t pay the bill. He looked me dead in the eye and asked if I had tried resetting it. Infuriating on many mansplaining levels.

    crowislanddive Report

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    Not really mansplaining, but I gave a scientific presentation to my colleagues regarding how my research on heart development related to the work I was doing in clinical cardiology. One of my older male colleagues came up after the presentation to say, “I didn’t realize you were so smart”. Thanks?

    Wuzzupdoc42 Report

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    I was on a flight and talking about the town I went to school in (it’s called Gnadenhutten). A man next to me corrected my pronunciation because it is a “German word”. I went to school there, it is a Native American word and I was pronouncing it correctly. I obviously had to learn the history of my town when I went to school there

    thepurplepumpkin Report

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    General Anaesthesia
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I apologize for mansplaining, but Gnadenhutten is not a Native American word. Gnadenhutten was founded by Moravian Christians in 1772. "Gnadenhütten, meaning literally "huts of grace" or "mercy huts" in German, was founded in October 1772 as the second settlement of German Americans and Lenape Indians affiliated with the Moravian Church".

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