Are you an ailurophile? Well, let’s find out. Can you scroll past a cat-related post or picture? Do you refrain from saying “pspsps” to a random whisker you meet on the street? Is your phone screen a photo of a kitten? Do you have a cat in your possession? If you answered no, no, yes, and yes, congratulations! You’re an ailurophile or simply put, a cat lover.

But since you clicked on this post in the first place, I assume you already knew that. So I’ll stop pussyfooting around and invite you to scroll down to find a list full of original memes masterfully crafted by the Pizzacat Instagram account.

While you're at it, make sure to check out a conversation with the creators of Pizzacat, Mat, and Jacquelyn, who kindly agreed to tell us how the viral meme was born.

Bored Panda also reached out to Stephen Quandt, CFTBS, founder of Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates, LLC, certified feline training and behavior specialist Molly DeVoss, CCBC, CRM, FFCT, and the host of The Community Cats podcast, Stacy LeBaron, who kindly agreed to share a few interesting cat facts.


    Mat and Jacquelyn, creators of the Pizzacat meme and its social media accounts, crafted the picture around 2011-2012 when they wanted to make something funny and quick, as previously they were making illustrations and paintings that took a long time.

    "So the pizza is photoshopped," Mat reveals. "Please don’t put real pizza on your cat."

    "We had tabby cats named Pizza and Cheeto and I used to also make cardboard sets with them that have gone pretty viral as well. These weren’t photoshopped. Pizza loved doing these photoshoots. Cheeto liked to watch Pizza do them," he fondly shares.


    The Pizzacat meme first gained popularity when Mat posted it on Tumblr and Pinterest. Then, people started reposting it to other platforms too. "Later, I would make songs and things that went along with it. Pretty weird but I was having fun animating and making the songs," he tells us.

    "Then, when Instagram came along, I started posting there. I even taught myself how to program iOS apps and made a Pizzacat app that got a good number of downloads and was featured by Vogue as a top 5 app for Instagram. I just never stopped, from Tumblr to Instagram, consistently posting pretty much every day," he said, sharing the reason for the Pizzacat's success.


    Around 2018, he started making original memes, with some featured on this list. "I just make things I think are funny or that I think people will think are funny. A lot is related to my cats sometimes life sometimes things people say or just internet things."

    "I love all animals and cats are very special," he adds. "My cats Pizza and Cheeto were our babies. I love them, they were the sweetest cats ever. Pizza and Cheeto used to have charity fundraisers through Instagram or merchandise and raised thousands of dollars, mostly for animal rescues," he fondly recalls.

    Now, in addition to Pizzacat's Instagram account, Mat and Jacquelyn run their website and their Etsy store, full of cat-themed apparel, stickers, and merchandise. Mat makes all the art, while Jacquelyn also runs their @chonksdoingthings Instagram account, which has gained a substantial following too.


    Cat humorously tucked in a bread bag on a kitchen counter, showcasing funny cat pics and memes.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    M. Y. Black
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haha I laughed out loud at this and then my CAT came over like "what! You ok?

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    To learn more about cats and their unique behaviors, we reached out to Stephen Quandt, CFTBS, founder of Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates, LLC, certified feline training and behavior specialist Molly DeVoss, CCBC, CRM, FFCT, and the host of The Community Cats podcast, Stacy LeBaron.

    The thing we were most curious to find out is why these felines fascinate them.

    "Everything about them fascinates me. Particularly knowing that they are predators and yet can bond so deeply with us while remaining predators at heart and in truth," says Quandt.

    LeBaron says that she's captivated by their versatility. "They can be barn cats, working cats in warehouses, they can be therapy cats, they can be house cats, they can be adventure cats. Society has made dogs "man's best friend," but cats can be anyone's best friend."

    Meanwhile, DeVoss believes they're an incredible example of evolution and adaptability. "They’ve carved out a niche in human society while keeping their independence intact. Some researchers argue cats aren’t fully domesticated because they can survive independently of humans. But others point out that their behavior and genetics have changed enough to qualify as domestication. I think it’s a little of both. They’re domesticated on their own terms."


    Secondly, we asked these experts to share some facts that not everyone might know about felines because who doesn't love learning something new about their pets or animals in general?

    Quandt tells us that out of approximately 42 species of cats, only two raise their tails in greeting. Felines are also crepuscular, which means they're the most active at dawn and dusk, despite some people thinking that they are the most active at night (nocturnal).


    "They are also polyphasic sleepers, which just means they take lots of naps," says Quandt. "Cats have three eyelids, the third being the nictitating membrane that is protective of their eyes but which can also be seen in sick cats," he additionally shares.


    Funny cat running from a man in a suit inside an office, capturing a humorous moment.

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    Karl der Große
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's the only arrogant orange beast I want to see in the White House.

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    Meanwhile, DeVoss says that cats have blood types just like humans and their fur can be static-charged in dry or cold weather, which causes it to pick up dust and dander more easily. Some additional ones that she shared with us include:

    1. "Cats have a strong “place memory,” which means they remember where objects are, rather than what they look like. This helps them navigate familiar spaces and track their food sources in the wild. It’s also why they can seem puzzled if you rearrange the furniture."
    2. "Hissing is a defensive body language. It is an expression of fear, stress or discomfort of a threatened cat communicating “stay away.""
    3. "Your house cat’s physical appearance and sensory systems are almost identical to their wild counterparts."
    4. "Cats are unique amongst domestic species in that they have evolved from a solitary ancestral species."
    5. "Cats may yawn as a way to end confrontation with another animal."

    The misconception about cats that DeVoss would like to debunk is that they're aloof. "Cats have evolved as solitary hunters, which means they don’t rely on a social group for survival (unlike dogs.) This independence often gets misinterpreted as a lack of affection. Cats are also very subtle in their body language and vocal cues, unlike dogs, who are often overtly expressive," she explains.

    "A slow blink or gentle head butt can be their way of saying, “I trust you.” Cats can be choosy about when, how, and with whom they share affection. Cats are sensitive sentient beings and respond positively to love and attention. They may appear aloof to strangers, people who shun them, or force interaction."


    Meanwhile, Quandt would like people to stop thinking that cats can't be trained, are low maintenance, and tend to act out of spite and anger.

    In fact, cats can be trained within their limits and they need a lot of care but people usually can't see it as felines don't always communicate their needs and desires clearly. Similarly, cats don't act out of anger—this is a human emotion, notes Quandt.

    "People often miscategorize a behavior like urinating in one’s bed as revenge of some sort, but usually it’s something called “associative marking,” which just means your cat misses you on some level and wants to deepen their bond with you by providing a meaningful scent. Then if one punishes the cat for this, they’ve just worsened the very bond the cat is trying to improve."


    If LeBaron could give one piece of advice to cat owners, it would be to not free-feed them and save and put some money aside for any pet-related emergencies. "Feed mainly wet food and use dry food as treats. It will help with weight issues and the overall health of the cats. Also, veterinary care is expensive so make sure you have an emergency fund ready for any cat emergencies you may have."

    DeVoss recommends against punishing cats. "It simply doesn’t work. Punishing a cat just erodes your relationship because most cat behavior, even nuisance behaviors, are natural to them; they don’t understand why you have gone "crazy." Bottom line: Don’t tell your cat “no!”, show it what you want it to do instead."

    Lastly, Quandt urges cat owners to think like them and get their perspective on life. "Be gentle and respectful and treat them the way they want to be treated. If your cat doesn’t like rough play, don’t play roughly with them."


    Funny cat wearing slippers on tiled floor, looking amused.

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    April Pickett
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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll help. Let me carry the deli meats and cheese and of course the treats.

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    Cat wearing medieval armor, creating a funny meme showcasing cat humor and jokes.

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is nothing I want more than to see my cat wearing this 🤩

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    Cat wearing a helmet underwater; funny cat memes and jokes.

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    Rob Tobi
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat Yoda loves to slash in the water and demands the sink or tub be filled so he can get in.

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    Cat in a colorful poncho and sombrero with text "Hola amigo," showcasing funny cat pics and memes.

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    Funny cat enjoying spaghetti, sharing a humorous moment.

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But that's a girl! (tortie) XD Also - the amount of garlic and onion in spaghetti/pasta sauce can be toxic to kitties. Don't let your kitty have pizza or spaghetti :)

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    Cat in a gym setup with workout gear, dumbbells, and boxing belts, embodying funny cat memes.

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    Cat dressed as pumpkin surrounded by candy, funny cat pic.

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh damn! Why haven't I thought of this?! I'm getting so much candy next Halloween😄

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    Funny cat wearing a straw hat, leaning out of a truck window, with a humorous job site caption.

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    Smeghead Tribble Down Under
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ''Get in, losers. We're going to that cat island in Japan I read about.''


    Funny cat meme showing a cat with horns holding a skull, humorously contradicting its "perfect angel" description.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    Funny cat meme with a cat holding a toilet paper roll, peeking around a corner.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why cats always follow you into the bathroom. They know you need them


    Funny cat pic showing a cat in an ultrasound, making a joke about being treated as a baby.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    A person lies in bed pretending to be sick on the phone, with a cat tucked in beside them for comedic effect.

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    Shelli Aderman
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    @BP, this is from @the_pizzacat. WHY YOU TRYING TO STEAL IT BY PUTTING BORED PANDA IN THE WATERMARK?! That’s NOT OK! In fact, it’s THEFT! 😔

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    A person humorously holding a cat like a gun, showcasing a funny-cat-pic with a meme text above.

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    Corey Ortiz
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahahaha that got me. Catling gun. 8mm meowser. Oh geez...Tommy cat. Clawk wit da scritch

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    Cat wearing a snail costume, funny meme about moving at your own pace.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    Funny cat staring at a charcuterie board with snacks, creating a humorous meme moment.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    White cat amusingly licking a person's hair, creating a funny-cat-pic vibe with a humorous touch.

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    Funny cat surrounded by a pile of dirty dishes, wearing a towel on its head, humorously depicting messy cooking.

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    The Shark
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm ashamed to admit I've resorted to paper plates and utensils from the dollar store after sadly resigning that I am surviving, NOT functioning.


    Cat in a sink playfully reaching for water, making a funny scene.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a still from a clip, where the first cat is lying in the sink, and the second cat looms overhead. First cat tries bat second cat with paw, but in doing so turns the tap, and shortly thereafter, the water, on himself.

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    Funny cat with a surprised expression, wearing a pink harness, held up in front of a red background.

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    Funny cat wearing cowboy hat and bandana, with humorous text beside it.

    the_pizzacat Report

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    Funny cat image with text "I got that dog in me", showcasing a cat with a hotdog inside its belly.

    the_pizzacat Report

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