Tyrannical governments, natural disasters, crime, violence, poverty—mix these ingredients and you get a hopeless society where people don't live, they just exist.
Sounds like a nightmare, right? Something we would never wish to see on Earth. However, at the same time, such a predicament is quite easy to imagine. According to the subreddit r/ABoringDystopia, that is because humanity is already moving in that direction.
This online community unites 760K members and they regularly share real-life examples to prove their point. Here are some of the recent ones that seem pretty convincing.
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Strange Priorities
The wealthy have tax loops so they pay less taxes, but we blame the welfare moms. Who costs the country more?
This Is Not Normal And Should Not Be Seen As A Wholesome Story Either
What if America was actually the land of the free, the only thing they have freedom for is owning guns and that seems good enough for most
Before the subreddit was created in January 2016, there was a Facebook group of the same name.
The group was founded by the late philosopher Mark Fisher, the very person who originally coined the term "boring dystopia."
However, Fisher, widely known as the author of the cult classic Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?, told Vice that the group "wasn't that well thought-out at the start" and that he hadn’t done anything like this before.
As a result, he closed it in November 2015. But apparently, the internet needed such a space.
That Is The Truth Sadly
'murica Never Disappoints
Argentina New "Anarcho-Capitalist" President Announced People Would Lose Social Welfare Plans If They Blocked Streets In Protest. These Are The Streets Outside Congress At 3:00 Am
Originally, Fisher had noticed a common theme in pictures he shared on Facebook and wondered if it could be developed into a group.
"It was understood from the start to be a consciousness-raising exercise, encouraging people to perceive the actual state of Britain rather than the PR state," he said in December 2015, a month after he shut down the group and before the inception of the subreddit. "Which is surprisingly hard, because there's this mixture of Silicon Valley ideology, PR, and advertising which distracts us from our own aesthetic poverty, and the reality of what we have. Which is just all these crap robots..."
The Oligarchic States Of America
It Is So Over Goddamn
So We’re Here Now, Do We Deserve Each Other?
It's A Trickle-Down Nightmare
"Crap robots" were a common theme on his Facebook group. One typical post included a photograph of a broken vending machine, with a note attached to it saying, "The light inside has broken but I still work."
"It’s Californian ideology without Californian sunshine, isn’t it?” Fisher asked rhetorically.
Housing Crisis Reality
When I was homeless (Not in the US), I broke into an abandoned shop and stayed there at night. Just so I wouldn't die of exposure in a cold winter. I would urge every homeless person worldwide to do the same. If it's not being used, but it can save your life? Commit that crime.
Bernie Asks, Billionaire Answers: The $7.25 Standoff
No CEO should get more than ten times the lowest paid employee's wage.
Heil… Wait, This Can’t Be Real?
Palestinians Returning To Their Homes In Khan Yunis, Gaza After The Iof Partially Withdraw. This Was A City That Housed Approx. 400,000 People. Photo By Ali Jadallah
Makes complete sense, to retaliate to terrorist acts Israel just wipes out cities and a whole lot of innocents and the Israelis support this calling for everything to be levelled! Disgusting, Netanyahu and Putin are new age hitlers
To many of the three thousand members the group had, it's content was mainly entertainment, but it also served to illustrate "hauntology," the term Fisher used to describe the sense of a lost future—in this case, one where machines enhance, rather than hinder, our lives.
The State Of The Union
So I Happaned To Rewatched Don't Look Up, And This Scene Hit Pretty Close To Home
Ten Whole Thousand Dollars!
I truly hope for jury nullification. He made a good start at least. Go for Nestle next.
Economist Michael Hudson Warned That The Parasite Anti-Economy (Finance, Real Estate, Insurance) Would Devour The Real Working Economy. Article Link In The Comments
Then let the millionaires there figure out how to cook and clean for themselves.
According to a new survey from book publisher The Folio Society, around 26 percent of American men and 14 percent of women feel like they are already living in a dystopia.
At the same time, only one-third of Americans believe the nation has a functioning democracy, and younger people were increasingly convinced that democracy had failed in the U.S.
Americans are particularly concerned over free speech (60 percent) and government surveillance of personal and family finances (45 percent).
The Human Internet Is Dying. AI Images Taking Over Google
And Some People Are Afraid, That A Class War Might Be Imminent
Picture Sent To Me From A Friend That Works In An Amazon Distribution Center
Top 1% Of U.S. Earners Now Have More Wealth Than The Entire Middle Class
The middle class has just about been wiped out in Australia. Soon there will only be poverty-level poor and obscenely wealthy rich.
However, why did Fisher close 'Boring Dystopia' 1.0 if his thoughts are proving to be so relevant to people?
"For me, the point at which the group started to go downhill was when it became like every other Facebook group. It was just recirculating 'content' and sending links, keeping people inside what I would call capitalist cyberspace instead of looking outside at their own environment," the philosopher explained. "It felt like it was reinforcing the condition it was intended to displace."
Whistleblower Found Dead
17,000 Tourists Arrived Today With Cruise Ships In Santorini, A Small Greek Island. Santorini's Total Population Is 17,000 Citizens. Overtourism Is Real And It's Scary
Cruise ships are the worst. Those destinations have put limits to daily visitors. Venice started it and other surely will follow.
Russia In The 90's But It's Argentina Today
Guerrilla Poster On The Subway
The alternative to closing it was endless policing by him and Rumi Josephs, an artist who served as the group's second admin. "It didn't work at that scale, and you could feel that it wasn't the right place for it… It was just an experiment, and Facebook probably wasn't the right platform. I didn't want it to be diluted."
Drones Luring Civilians To Their Deaths
I Can't Even... (Link In Description)
This Ad Looks Like It’s From A Dystopian Movie But It’s Real
Then, Alx, you and Musty spit those babies out your own asses and stay the hell out of our uteri.
Yet Again The Us Vetoes A Un Resolution For Ceasefire
There are some certainties in the world. One is, that every time an UN or Security Council resolution is voted on, the US, China or Russia will veto. Especially if you thought:"Huh, yeah, that resolution makes sense or would be the right thing to do!"
Fisher cast Facebook as a distorted reality following an alternate sense of time, where old news is endlessly recirculated and human nature is subject to automation. At that time, the filter bubble had already felt developed enough to rewrite reality by what companies paid for us to see. Which hasn't really changed since, either.
Because of this, in 2023 (over 6 years after Fisher's passing), the subreddit's team eventually released a statement saying it wanted to honor his stance and committed to removing social media content unless posters get approval from the moderators. It will be interesting to see how well they will manage to enforce the rule.
Improvised Shelter Made From Condo Sales Signs
The Official White House Page On The Us Constitution Just Went 404
Used Meta AI To Edit A Selfie, Now Instagram Is Using My Face On Ads Targeted At Me
Tik Tok’s Ban Comes With A Side Of Propaganda
Even A Paying Customer Is Considered Loitering If They Stay Past 30 Minutes. What Happened To Hanging Out At Diners?
Funny, how I never ever saw a sign like that in Europe. Ah, I know. We're not as free here as in the US.
AI Company's 'Stop Hiring Humans' Ads All Over Sf
Went To A Bar To Watch The Olympics. Everyone Pledged Allegiance To The Trump Flag Before Starting
God, you Americans terrify me. I know it's not all of you, but I'm just using a blanket term. If someone here in England said they start their day pledging allegiance to a cardboard cut-out of Kier Stamer, I'd request to have them sectioned. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it, and the last time people started to salute the man and not the flag, there was a 6 year war that engulfed the world.
Tire Particulate In Your Bloodstream
Today, For The 32nd Year In A Row, The Entire World Voted To Condemn The Us' Illegal And Cruel Embargo Against Cuba - Except For Three Countries
Removing Slavery Was On The Ballot In California. It Literally Had No Opposition Campaign At All, And It Still Lost
I'm Going To Celebrate Today As A Holiday
A Perfect Snapshot Of America In The Trending Articles From 12/6/24
Sad Times With No Reprieve On The Horizon
There Is No Privacy Or Freedom In Tesla
A Police Sniper Stationed On The Roof Of The Indiana Memorial Union Overlooking A Student Encampment At Iu Bloomington
A Company Box Lunch That Comes With Simulated Cookie Printed Out
It Isn't A Threat, The Casings Are Empty. It's A Reminder Of How Far Society Is Being Pushed By Profit Over People
What's The End Game Here?
The spelling mistake was made on purpose to get clout online with this image going viral while they were undergoing a round of capital seeding. It was just a marketing stunt. The company's product is a barely functional "AI sales assistant" demo, they gathered about 11 million in capital round last September (that is chump change when it comes to venture capital). Their financials are sketchy to say the least, it's a very small company and they are entering late into a market that already have established players ten times as big.
Idk If They’re Joking With This Survey? Or What? Prolly Trying To Make A Point I Hope
Absolutely Speechless Right Now. Am I Being Trolled?
Trump pushed for TikTok to be sold and Republican Congress passed it. Then Democrats approved it. Now Trump is backtracking or has plan for one of his lackeys to buy it
What's Next Gambling How Many People Die?
I think I'm gonna curl up into a ball and rock back and forth while making little mewling noises
I'm surprised there were a few posts showing Israeli war crimes and their procedures since most of the times it's swept under a rug. Don't turn a blind eye on genocide
Not a fan of the Israelis but not a fan of the terrorist either. I had a family of Palestinians living in my block. Practising Muslims who had to flee Palestine in the 2000 because he refused to send his children to the Iman ( can't remember the name, like religions schools) to be indoctrinated. He refused to have his daughter clítoris cut of and married at 14..I lost contact, they were trying to get to Sweden. Woman in Palatine have no rights. I make me laugh when I see western woman defending the PLO or whatever the call it now. If that had been born there they would have the clitoris cut off and ) or raped by now. He was a professor at some university. He wanted his daughters to study.
Load More Replies...Don't. You have to see and celebrate the day Donald Trump dies.
Load More Replies...I think I'm gonna curl up into a ball and rock back and forth while making little mewling noises
I'm surprised there were a few posts showing Israeli war crimes and their procedures since most of the times it's swept under a rug. Don't turn a blind eye on genocide
Not a fan of the Israelis but not a fan of the terrorist either. I had a family of Palestinians living in my block. Practising Muslims who had to flee Palestine in the 2000 because he refused to send his children to the Iman ( can't remember the name, like religions schools) to be indoctrinated. He refused to have his daughter clítoris cut of and married at 14..I lost contact, they were trying to get to Sweden. Woman in Palatine have no rights. I make me laugh when I see western woman defending the PLO or whatever the call it now. If that had been born there they would have the clitoris cut off and ) or raped by now. He was a professor at some university. He wanted his daughters to study.
Load More Replies...Don't. You have to see and celebrate the day Donald Trump dies.
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