50 Of The Most Unhinged Posts From Mom Groups To Leave You Questioning What Went Wrong (New Pics)
The internet can be a nice—or a bad—place. Sometimes, even both at the same time. It all depends on where you look.
Take parenting, for example. Dive into articles, forums, and social media, and you'll find a mix of heartfelt advice, heated debates, and downright bizarre drama. Whether it's a debate on the cost of childcare, or a sad multi-level marketing pitch, these spaces can be equal parts supportive and absurd.
That's where '[Stuff] Mom Groups Say' comes in. Created in 2018, this subreddit has grown to 421K members and continues to judge the "no-judgment" culture.
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A New Twist On An Old Classic
I’m Posting The Last Gem I Found Today
Can we just designate Utah as a vaccine free location, and everybody who wants to go unvaxxed can move there.
Two-thirds (66%) of parents say raising kids is harder today than it was two decades ago and just 7% report it is easier, while 26% think it is about the same.
At the same time, more than half of parents believe they spend too much time on their phones (56%), with smaller shares saying this about the amount of time they spend on social media (36%) or playing video games (11%).
You Can Do Everything Right And Still Fail
Full Time Job? How Do You Work Full Time Selling Oils From Your Garage?
Now What 😂
Because of people like this, in fifty years time only people who have a government licence will be allowed to reproduce 😮💨
Mothers (61%) are more likely than fathers (49%) to say that they spend too much time on their phones, as are White parents (60%) compared to their Black (52%) and Hispanic (46%) "colleagues."
Parents' assessments of their social media use follow similar patterns, with parents who are female, White, younger, and who are more educated claiming they spend too much time on these sites.
More Essential Oil S**t
I Don’t Know What An Appendix Does But I Do Know The Doctors That Are Trying To Save My Child Are Just Quacks
Saw This And Just Knew It Belonged Here
The phenomenon of parents posting about their children on social media, sometimes referred to as "sharenting," has been the subject of many editorials and opinion pieces in recent years. As many as 82% of parents who use social media say they have posted photos, videos and/or other information about their children on these sites.
Of those, again, women are more likely than men to say they have done this (89% vs. 71%), as are younger parents – between the ages of 18 and 49 – than their older — 50 and up — counterparts.
Couldn't Decide If This Deserved The Unfathomable Stupidity Or Vaccine Flair
God Forbid He Learns To Cook
“Motherly Instinct” Is The New Phd
Motherly instinct should protect your child, not endanger them.
Vaccinations Made My Daughter Gay
I used to be straight. Then I got vaccinated. Now I am gayer than Elton John's walk in wardrobe. True story.
A big reason why 'Stuff Mom Groups Say' doesn't run out of content is ease of use. 76% of parents who post about their kids on social media say that the ability to effortlessly share things about their children with friends and family is a major factor in their activity, while smaller but meaningful portions say it comes from a desire to showcase their children's accomplishments (36%), and peer pressure — sharing because other parents they know share these things (11%).
You Ask Your Toddler To..what?
Go to the place that waxes the rest of you, and leave your kids alone.
Thats More Than 3 Pagents A Month If They Start When She Was Born! Of Course The Poor Thing Doesn't Want To Out Her Sippy Cup Down Shes A Baby!
Fake Tans For Toddlers!
65lb 2 Year Old Is Healthy
Mutual animosity can also be an element that leads parents to posting edgier content in these groups. Michelle Brown, the host of The Pondering Stepmom Podcast, said, "Some mothers are quick to judge the parenting of a fellow mom by pointing out failed parenting methods or perceived behavioral flaws in other people's children."
"This is an ever-evolving problem. With the influx of mom reels and videos on social media, the mom comparison game has significantly impacted mothers everywhere," she explained.
In A Why Did Your Toddler Tantrum Thread Mom Admits To Sending Her Son To School With No Shoes Or Clothes And Posts Them Completely Unrestrained In The Car
This is child abuse, pure and simple, and this photo should be evidence enough to have those kids removed from her custody.
A Water Bottle
See this one I agree with, especially for babies and toddlers. Don't be putting your lips on my kids without permission, that's how things like coldsores and RSV are spread. No thank you.
Is It Ok If My Toddler Shares The Same Eating Disorder As The Rest Of The Family?
Oh God help us all, are these people alright; has she actually read what she's writing?
Need To Pee? Hand Your Baby To A Random Stranger In The Public Restroom!
"For some reason, many of us moms (myself included) can easily get caught up in toxic mom bonding, which happens when bonds are created through gossip, negativity, and drama," Brown added.
"When groups of moms get together and immediately start comparing notes on their kids — what they eat, how they behave, how they’re disciplined, how they’re doing in school, what activities they’re in, which moms work outside of the home, and which moms don’t, a phenomenon of mean girl behavior and unhealthy motherhood competition can begin to grow."
Mmmmmm... Placenta
Wild Child Rearing, An 8 Year Old Nursing And Free Birthing
At this point, I haven't even made it to #20 on the list and I'm seriously questioning if I can finish.
“My Kids Were Wrongfully Taken By Cps…”
I wanna know what they gave that girl. Alcohol?! Updated: acording to Sophia, pot gummies.
All Of Our Shoes Stink, It's Just The Way It Is!
To paraphrase Brown, finding the right parent tribe can take time, and the people you see in these pictures don't necessarily belong to every group there is. Heck, I want to believe they're the minority—it's just that content like this receives more attention than the normal kind. But, if you want to see more, fire up our older publications This Online Group Is Dedicated To Shaming Insane Parents and 40 Helicopter Moms Being Shamed Online For Their Behavior.
Prayer Isn’t Billable To Insurance, Karen
Five Year Old Grinds Her Teeth, Mum Immediately Jumps To Parasites 🤦🏼♀️ Luckily All The Comments So Far Are Reasonable People Explaining What It Could Be Rather Than Parasites
I think you have a parasite in your brain. And I can see why your 5 yo is grinding her teeth.
I Don’t Even Have Words
Yes, you are indeed one of the stupidest idiots running around free range
Teachers Should Also Have To Wipe Children’s Behinds
This is a good question, in Wales (part of the UK), they have decided that if your child is not potty trained by the time they start school; unless there is a certified medical reason, you the parent must come in and change their nappies. It will no longer be the responsibility of the teachers. Children start school at four (4) years old; what's my fellow Pandas opinion on this?
My Child's Future Means Nothing To Me
Well, if I were that child, I would prefer there be no piece of paper linking me with this person.
I Wonder Why My Toddler Isn't Sleeping?
My Kid's Dentist Told Me Skipping Antibiotics Will Be Really Painful For Her, So I'd Like To Go Ahead And Do That
Babes, She’s 6 Months Old…
Seriously though, these aren't real people asking these questions, right?
On The Screen At My Doctor's Office - Too Bad They'll Never See It
Well then don't make me wait three months for an appointment, then wait another an hour and a half in the waiting room, spend less than 15 minutes with me, ignore my concerns, and then charge me $300. Deal?
This Extreme Fear-Mongering Pisses Me Off So Much
Anti-Vaxxer Tried To Post This As A Proof Of Her “Valid Medical Exemption” From Vaccines. The Body Makes Formaldehyde As A By-Product 🤦🏻♂️
What Do You Do If You Have Rabies?
If this is real, which I am seriously doubting, the answer is you die. You have to get the treatment immediately after the bite, BEFORE you start having symptoms.
You Don’t Need Either
I can't. I just can't anymore. But it's like a train wreck and I can't stop scrolling.
Mother Of The Year. Comments Were 90% Not On Her Side
It would be to the benefit of these children to be as far away from their parents as possible.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong
The Comments Are Filled With Her Explaining The Science Behind It
Some Girl Posted A Question Asking Pregnant Moms If They Thought They Have Or Have Had Covid-19
should we tell her that she just naturaly vaccinated her baby?
Mom Is Concerned Her Daughter Might Not Be Getting Brainwashed
What 4 year old can write like that and spell "people" correctly? I call b******t.
Found In Mom Group As An Entry For A “Bow Contest”
Found In The Wild From One Of The Local Mom Groups I’m In
Kid Won't Eat? Just Yell!
Stop making a fuss, if she is eating at least two meals a day; she not starving
Yep Karen. They’re Putting Dr*gs In Your Pizza
Okay I'm not as mad about this one though because it's an honest, albeit ridiculous, question. Op is probably just really stressed/confused
Big Yike
I mean, I suppose They could...but why? Even if They did want to harm you in some way, a computer chip isn't going to do anything in your body, because your body...isn't a computer. They could inject a tiny replica of Michaelangelo's David with a vaccine needle, too, but They don't have any reason to do that, either.
Yes, There’s Live Fish In There. Confirmed In Her Comments. I Presume Her “Work From Home With 25% Travel” Is Her Essential Oils Conferences
One of my worst fears is that reincarnation is real and I’ll be reborn to parents like these 😱
don't worry, you'll only be with them for a short time
Load More Replies...I can't believe I actually made it to the end of this list, although I did throw up in my mouth a little bit a couple of times, and now I have absolutely no hope for humanity's future.
Yeah. Even if only half of these are true, it was enough to wind me up :-)
Load More Replies...The danger of not vaccinating kids isn't individual. By creating significant subpopulations that spread disease easily, they also infect the small percentage of vaccinated people for whom it wasn't effective, as well as the people with the rare legitimate allergy.
Because none of these fools seem to give a rat's behind about those who are immniocompromised and can't get vaccinated.
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