Some men have the interior design preferences of a monk living in an isolated cave. This is all well and good if that is truly your goal, but if you are bringing someone home, it’s pretty important to remember that how you live is a pretty direct reflection of you.

Someone asked women “What would you consider a “red flag” when going to a guy’s apartment for the first time?” and people shared their thoughts. So get comfortable, if you are a man, perhaps take some notes, upvote your favorites and add your own ideas and experiences in the comments below.


37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs A huge red flag is having your fridge full of alcohol with little to no food inside.

anon , master1305 / Envato Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs No toilet skid marks plzzzz... Why is this too common :(

    fruity_cutie_ , Alex Simpson/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And no pee on the seat or floor and def no curly hairs either. Ugh, the bathroom where I work is all gender and gets nasty

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Make sure there aren’t condom wrappers or used condoms out. Wish I could say that this was common sense...

    Slight_Following_471 , master1305/freepik (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Wash your sheets and towels.

    I know a guy who believed (I hope it’s not still true) towels are clean because he uses them after the shower when he is clean. So he didn’t wash them. They smelled.

    anon , Denny Müller/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Have food at your house. This is true for entertaining any people at your house in general, but especially on dates, a dude with an empty fridge, no snacks, no tea or coffee or beverages to offer just looks empty handed and unprepared.

    mkmajestic , Masaaki Komori/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And don't stock your fridge like Jeffrey Dahmer did, that is a definite red flag.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Keep a trash can with a lid in the bathroom. In case she’s got her period, she won’t feel self-conscious throwing stuff away. Not really a red flag to not have one, just a nice touch.

    Howdy_Partner7 , Upgraded Points/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Idky but I hate seeing futons, dirty dishes, and the smell of old w**d, a*s, hot d**k and cocoa butter.

    I also don’t wanna see Jergins next to any source of tissue.

    Anatalya , Kelly Moon/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Clean your bathroom and don't just have the necessities in there (i.e. toilet paper and soap). Get a trash can and a nice(r) shower curtain. also, for the love of god, don't keep adding water to an empty soap bottle. go buy another one for $0.98.

    falsecompare_ , Yukon Haughton/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Open the windows! Get some fresh air while you check all of these boxes!

    desertragingravens , bady abbas/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs I have seen The bachelor pad with no furniture too many times and *I hate it*. There is only one chair (So I can't sit down anywhere), there are no blankets, pillows or any other thing that could make the place comfy. The walls are bare and a lone tv/gaming console is all you'll find in the living room. If you're really lucky there's cutlery and plates for 2 people and it probably doesn't match. Kitchen appliances are generally non-existent as well.

    It screams immaturity to me and means that I will not be comfortable in that space. It is not being "minimalistic" it's just not giving a f**k about your living space and comfort of guests.

    Not sure I'd call it a red flag, but for sure something that wouldn't make me want to come back.

    mihio94 , Anthony Tran/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorta says "I wanna die alone" when you don't create a inviting space.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Don’t hang framed pictures of you kissing your mom on the lips. I’m still skeeved about that one.

    Geeseinfection , Gioele Fazzeri/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Sun Shine
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um, what? I’m a mom, have a son, and a this would NEVER be a thing.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Put your mattress in a proper frame. Nothing screams bachelor hobo like a floor mattress.

    yourmomdotbiz , (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i actually love sleeping on a sort of thin mattress on the floor, like, japan style.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs If people cant take 10 minutes to tidy up before they have company over that's a red flag for me. It doesn't have to be spotless but at least be respectful of the fact that other people may not want to hang out in your filth. If they have pets is there hair everywhere and are they being taken care of? Mainly if you're a tidy person it probably isn't a good match with someone that's fairly messy. Think about if that's how you want to live if things work out.

    Obviously look for weird things like a sex dungeon (unless you're into that kind of stuff) or like secret rooms where serial killers would store their bodies. If there are any rooms that lock from the outside, get out.

    SpartEng76 , DC Studio/freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    The Doom Song
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I definitely make sure the door is shut when it comes to my Serial killer room

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Nothing wrong with having a bed on the floor but make sure ur pillows aren’t f****n yellow. Put some damn sheets and pillow cases on your bed! Get a comforter! Too many beds I’ve seen looking like they will give me an STD.

    taytay5119 , Jason Abdilla/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Two ply toilet paper and a clean towel to wipe my hands after washing up.

    3Terriers_ , Janelle Hiroshige/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Lots of great comments here. I think I would just add proper sheets, pillows and towels. It’s nice to go to a guys house and he has good bedding.

    Also - make sure there is extra TP in the bathroom. And I would recommend buying some body wash/soap, shampoo and conditioner. Nothing too feminine (you don’t want her to think you have women over all the time) but it’s the worst when you shower at a guys house and they only have 3 in 1.

    anon , Christopher Jolly/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There’s a theme here. Basically, have our s**t together and live like an adult.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs I'm a man so I will share my point of view when going to a *woman*'s apartment. If there is a mess in the bathroom and generally in the rest of the apartment, it's a turn off. Also the smell of the apartment. Room fragrance is very cheap and can be found everywhere.

    I still have PTSDs of my sister's bathroom. Don't ask.

    MatingAdvice , Mindaugas Norvilas/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Manic Mama
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Room fragrance can also cause asthmatics to have asthma attacks. It's not a solution for everybody.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Buckets full of syringes out in the open are sketchy, nobody likes that.

    Sir-Paczki , atlascompany/freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Assuming this is for guys using needles for medical purposes like diabetes etc.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs I’m not the fanciest, most organized person, so I don’t judge too much based on how a man’s home looks. As long as the normal bases are covered, you pass in my eyes. I’d say just go through and make sure everything looks nice, like you would anytime you’re expecting new company. Clean out the toilet bowl, put away the dishes etc. I wouldn’t worry about changing your decor- your home is an extension of yourself, so you shouldn’t have to change things decoration-wise just because someone else might want you to, unless you’re planning on them moving in. Just be yourself and let your space reflect that :) If she’s really into you for you, she won’t be worried about whether or not your house has a pretty aesthetic.

    seventhirtytwopm , freepik (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs We live and die by the bathroom.

    - Fresh roll of toilet paper
    - Empty trash can with a plastic bag liner
    - Fresh towels
    - Scrub toilet
    - Scrub sink
    - Do a quick swiffer to pick up dust/pubes

    Other notes:

    - Have a candle lit in the house at least one hour beforehand

    - Fresh bedsheets in case she stays over

    - Empty kitchen sink

    - Ample snacks

    EDIT: Formatting, and to add this: Chances are the girl probably has her mind made up about you before even coming over. Not having a certain drink/snack or the right candle isn't going to make or break your chances of f*****g. But keeping clean and having the fridge stocked are just normal practices of life, not "trying hard". It's an easy way to tell who has guests over and who doesn't.

    anon , Lotus Design N Print/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs A mini trashcan in the bathroom is always nice to see. And a nice smell.

    anon , Filios Sazeides/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Howl's sleeping castle
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    1 month ago

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    Here we use bidets commonly. I have seen people keep toilet paper but no trash can. What are I supposed to do with the used paper? Take it home

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs I literally dated a 34 year old man that didn’t have a couch. He told me he threw it out a month prior because his cat wouldn’t stop peeing on it. Instead of training the cat, he threw out the couch. So, have a fully furnished home and don’t be an idiot I would say (haha). I sat in a lawn chair and counted the minutes until I could GTFO.

    knoelle24 , Kari Shea/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I could see myself using lawn chairs temporarily. No point in buying a new couch until your cat gets better. Cat probably was sick..

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs No left over artifacts from past relationships still displayed.

    Just-a-gal-here , freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs If he doesn’t have anything. I briefly dated someone who just didn’t have anything. No books, no furniture besides his bed and desk and a chair, no posters, no nothing. Minimalism is great and all, but it’s nice to see a somewhat personalized space. I don’t know if this has any correlation, but he was one of the weirdest dudes I’ve ever met.

    Blue_Nina_Roses711 , wirestock/freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    Erla Zwingle
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it has a very tight correlation, since you ask. Sounds like the next step is having some products for wiping fingerprints.


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Guys who don’t have enough pillows/have bad pillows. Why is it that F**k boys never have more than one pillow? Or if they do then they are lumpy and hard? And the bedding is invariably some sort of check blue/red pattern.

    Also anything, ANYTHING, that is an obvious gift from an ex. Not saying bin it, but maybe wait to introduce it to your place. No woman wants to walk into a room and realise it’s been lovingly accessorised by her predecessor.

    During my single days I quickly learned that guys who didn’t have nice bedding, usually weren’t the kind worth hanging around for. I wonder sometimes if it’s a subconscious reflection of their emotional unavailability, kind of a reverse feng shui - they weren’t ready for an intimate connection with a partner so they didn’t make space for one in their private space aka only one pillow.

    anon , Annie Spratt/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Honestly really bare rooms, just having like one recliner and an xbox in your living room is meh. general mess, just try to make it clean and comfortable. i’d also like to note that sometimes guys who live in super barren apartments are very hot but also probably have a s**t personality so do with that what you will.

    slut4flower , kjpargeter/freepik (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs A few people have mentioned photos, general rule is - Art/print on the wall, a couple of family/friend photos in a frame on shelf.

    Lots of people have also mentioned smell, you sound very clean but I would warn against too many fake smells, eg too much febreze as it can become over powering. Opening the windows every so often to keep things fresh with the occasional spray in the toilet is all you need!

    black_books_56 , Nathan Dumlao/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Make sure the bathroom is clean. Sink and countertop should be neat and tidy. Toilet should have no remnants of use. Shower should have no pink marks or stains. Make sure you have fresh towels in case she decides to shower. CHANGE YOUR SHEETS. Make sure all your bedding is fresh. Clear off the couch and any chairs so that you don’t have to awkwardly move things around for her to sit down when she’s already there. No dishes in the sink. The place doesn’t have to be perfectly clean, but make it clean enough so that 1. She’s comfortable 2. She doesn’t think you can’t take care of yourself.

    anon , pvproductions/freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs A nice blanket would be good. And cleanliness. Also at least for me, smell is a huge thing.

    bananie197239 , (not the actual photo) Report

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    Torben Møller-Nielsen
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How can not displaying a "nice" blanket be a red flag? That would actually be a red flag for me, if someone made that a problem.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Its a red flag if there is no person items. No personalized posters/wall hangings, no personal decor touches. It should be cozi and give me a good sense of who you are and what you enjoy. You walk into my bfs place and you see his video games and posters of games he loves. My room you see my books, craft supplies, stacks of notebooks, my instruments. You basically dont want a cold creepy bareny stinson crash pad. Also, dont have boxes of condoms laying out or any sex toys.

    rosepinkcamo , wirestock/freepik (not the actual photo) Report


    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs I guess organization is always nice. A turn on for me is watching a hobbie displayed nicely, I think it shows passion. For example an area for playing music, or a good and nice place to watch movies with a good organization of movies, even a nice setup for working, or even playing games. Don't know it makes it interesting to me.

    MarchHare95 , Nathan Van Egmond/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs It's really just preference, but here's my list, lots from memory:

    - no sheets on the bed

    - only one pillow on the bed

    - no trash can in the bathroom

    - sink hasn't been washed (drain is dirty, line of s**m around the sides, etc.)

    - paper dishes, man, don't be wasteful!

    - marijuana supplies just out in the open. like just keep your grinder somewhere other than your computer desk, please? and on that note, if your bong looks worse than a sewer, I'm out, and I don't even smoke w**d

    - nowhere to put my shoes, or, even worse "just leave them on". please let me take off my shoes by having a shoe rack/boot tray and letting my feet touch a *clean* floor

    - no vegetables in the fridge/freezer or the pantry. please eat vegetables.

    anon , Bekah Russom/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1. Men don't really NEED a trashcan in the bathroom. I do, but how is not having one a Red Flag. 2. Only one pillow. I sleep with 4 pillows, if I only needed one to sleep with. That's all I'd have. 3. If you don't like marijuana, don't smoke it, but he can have out anything he wants. (If it smells that a different story. 4. What the hello is a "boot tray?" I don't have a shoe rack for guests, take your shoes off at the door and leave them there. 5. No Veg? Really If women are like OP, I'm happy I'm a gay man.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Your place doesn't have to be perfect. A few decorations, some items that show your interest, a couple throw pillows would be nice. Don't try too hard. Just be yourself.

    If your goal is to make someone want to F you, your apartment won't make a lot of a difference. You will. How you talk to her will be the deciding factor.

    If you want a girl to start a relationship, then you want her to feel comfortable. A throw blanket on your couch is a nice idea. If your place has bare walls, it is less comfortable than with some pictures up. An easy idea is to frame pictures of things from your life, travel photos, pictures of fun times with friends, your family, and maybe some posters or art. This can help her see who you are.

    Any questions?

    kellyklyra , taylor hernandez/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Rinso The Red
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Your place doesn't have to be perfect. A few decorations, some items that show your interest, a couple throw pillows would be nice. Don't try too hard. Just be yourself." Being myself would involve never associating with "throw pillows".

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs My boyfriends place was so clean when I met him I thought he must have been a serial killer. His clothes was folded perfectly. I think as long as the place is clean you are ok but to perfect and it raises eyebrows.

    Brigitte-Pierette , freepik (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Na, it just means we were raised well and taught self discipline and appreciate cleanliness and organization.

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Cleanliness, and tidiness: clean stacks of things are fine, the odd “thing without a home” in the corner is fine. Hide ratty coats and shoes, close doors to rooms you won’t need. The place doesn’t need to be freshly mopped and gleaming, and shouldn’t smell like cleaners, but shouldn’t look dusty and obvious marks on walls/glass/floors wiped.

    Bathroom should be spotless though, so shake out your bath mat, rinse your tub & sink, empty your bin, close/open your shower curtain depending on whether your curtain or shower are dirtier. I also appreciate when counters are clear, with nothing out but soap, since I’m not seeing your toiletries (your toothbrush, what meds you use, how old your facial cleanser bottle is, the brand of your cologne, etc).

    Depending on the guy, lack of decor isn’t always surprising, and shouldn’t be a deal breaker. The things that you have should look purposeful and reflect you: throwing in some bright cushions when that isn’t your style looks off and inauthentic. Take some time to look at where you have things (furniture, decor) and rearrange them to see what looks better, move trinkets around, stack some favourite books near your sofa, etc. You’re not staging so much as you’re just making this space obviously “yours”.

    Depending on what you’re planning to do, you’ll want to do a quick inventory of useful items: if you’re watching movies, do you have a blanket if she finds your place chilly, do you have a nice clean bowl for popcorn, do you have clean glasses for drinks, etc. If you’re eating: do you have enough clean dishes of the right type/size, flatware, ingredients, condiments (& are they in date?!).

    gecclesh , Christian Lendl/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reads like it was written by a chatbot imitating the style of Martha Stewart.😄

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    37 Women Share What Things Spotted In A Man's Apartment Were Instant Turn-Offs Take your lotion and Kleenex off of the nightstand you filthy animal.

    anon , Drazen Zigic/freepik (not the actual photo) Report