Growing up, I loved going to school. I enjoyed learning, socializing with friends and participating in a wide variety of extracurricular activities. But when I think back on my days as a student, I remember the people and experiences fondly. However, I do not feel the same way about the environment I was in.
My high school was constantly under construction while I attended, and it was anything but pleasant. Dust was everywhere, loud drilling occurred all day long, and bizarre routes between buildings meant that I was almost always running late for class.
But education should be enjoyable! And thankfully, there are plenty of schools and universities out there that actually prioritize creating an exciting learning environment. Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find photos of the most interesting and brilliant things students have spotted in their schools, so we've gathered some of their best finds down below!
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Stairs At Balamand University, Lebanon
Saw This In A Classroom After Class
Say Hello To My University's Library Cat
There are plenty of days when I’m frustrated with being an adult, often when it comes time to pay rent or buy my own groceries. But I have to admit that I’m very thankful to be done with my school days. I had a great time, and I made some amazing friends. But if I had the chance to go back in time and do it all again, you couldn’t pay me enough to trade in the freedom I have now.
According to a 2022 study from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the Yale Child Study Center, almost three quarters of students report having negative feelings towards school. And when asked to rank the emotions that they most commonly feel, students most often reported feeling tired, stressed, bored and calm. Happiness came next.
University’s Way Of Showing How To Correctly Wear Your Mask
My School's Library Has A Banned Book Section
No book should ever be banned. Some books should be age related though.
Our School’s Service Dog, Lucy, Made It Into The Staff Page Of The Yearbook
It makes sense that so many students don’t have glowing reviews about their time in school. Despite how many adults tell kids and teens that they’re in the best years of their lives, it often doesn’t feel like that. One fifth of students experience bullying, and only 50% of girls in 9th grade would describe themselves as confident. Being a kid should be carefree and easy, but the reality is that it’s not all sunshine and roses for everyone.
And being a teen is almost always worse. KFF reports that one fifth of teens report having symptoms of anxiety or depression, and 20% admit that they’re not getting the therapy they need due to the cost, being scared of what others may think and simply because they don’t know how or where to go for help.
There Is A Free “Period Pack” At My School For Girls Who Are Unprepared For Their Periods
Every school needs this. Scotland was the first country to make menstrual products free in public places like libraries and schools to help end period poverty.
My University Library Has A Wall Where You Can Quite Literally Take A Seat
Ooh, that is cool. Also, the soft sections on the wall will help with the acoustics, I reckon.
This School In Vancouver, BC (Canada) Installed A Slide, So Kids Can Take That Instead Of The Stairs To Leave The School
So what can we do to better support our students? Well, one of the first steps should be focusing on cultivating a safe and inviting learning environment. Teachers cannot control what is going on in a student’s life outside of school, but they can work to improve their experience in the classroom. According to the University of Buffalo, students have more trust in themselves and their educators when they are in a positive learning environment.
My Environmental Science Class With Real Plants On The Wall
The Hallways Of My Norwegian High School
Chemistry Teacher Made Their Classroom Ceiling The Elements
Instead of creating a classroom where students feel judged or unsafe and second guess themselves constantly, teachers should work towards making students feel supported and comfortable. They should know that mistakes are acceptable and inevitable, and they should feel like their ideas are heard and listened to. Students should be invited to share their thoughts openly, and teachers should respond accordingly. A collaborative environment is much more exciting than one where teachers simply speak and students simply listen.
I Thought You Guys Would Appreciate This. This Is My School Library
They Had A Bike At My School To Blend A Smoothie That They Were Handing Out At Lunch
These Medieval Ruins Were Randomly Found Under A School Gym Hall. The School Was Founded In 1276 And Is The Oldest School In Finland
Getting students engaged in learning can be a challenge, but it’s certainly worth it for teachers who see their class’ grades improve and who get to work with excited young minds every day. When it comes to getting students more involved in their learning, Education Week recommends building great relationships with students. One way educators can do this right off the bat is by working together with students at the beginning of the year to create rules for the classroom. This gets the class involved, and it allows everyone to feel part of the decision making in the classroom.
Look At How This Third-Grade Teacher Decorated Her Door And Hallway
This Cat Bus Is For Transporting Japanese Preschoolers
Of course it would be Japan! I’m a grown a*s adult and want to ride the cat bus 🚌 🐱
My School's Library Has Noise-Level Guides That Change Color When It Gets Too Loud
I wished I had this in college, when an idiot in the library kept sniffing and hawking with actually spitting things up. It was so disgusting to try to study for finals I finally went and got a handful of toilet paper to hand him the next time he did it. He stopped after I came out of the bathroom with the toilet paper.
It’s also wise for educators to ask their students questions to get them engaged in the classroom. It’s easy for students, especially kids, to completely zone out during a lesson. But when they’re asked to actively participate and share their thoughts, paying attention becomes a lot more important. Plus, it’s another opportunity for them to realize that their teacher is actually listening to them.
My Cooking Class Has A Mirror On The Ceiling So We Can See What The Teacher Is Doing
The Stair Handrails In My Uni's Biology Building Are Held Up By Little Snails
My School Put Colored Bricks In The Shape Of The Handicap Logo Instead Of Painting It
How long before the have to do work under them and they get put back in the wrong order? I might have read too many “You had one job” posts on here!
Educators can provide opportunities for choice for their students as well. This might mean giving the class an option between two different assignments every now and then or letting them vote on which day out of the week the next math test will be. They might even be able to earn rewards as a class, and they can vote on whether they would rather have ice cream or a movie as their prize. These simple things can keep kids much more engaged in their lessons.
This Middle School Has A Skateboard Locker
My University Makes Notepads Out Of Recycled Paper And Hands Them Out To The Students
Is it just me or is the word "Notepad" really fun/satisfying to say.
Science Teacher’s Desk Is A Fish Tank
And of course, having an interesting learning environment can make students much more interested in what’s going on at school. Whether it’s a beautifully designed library, funny meme references on hall passes or places to lock up their skateboards during the school day, the more comfortable students feel at school, the more excited they will be to go there. And we all want students to enjoy their education; it’s not meant to be torturous!
This Bottle Has A Map Of All The Water-Filling Stations Around Campus On It
My University Library, Ladies And Gentlemen
My School’s Bathrooms Have Pedals Instead Of Handles
I'm always amazed by the amount of water in American toilets. Poseidon's kiss guaranteed!
Are these photos making you jealous of the students who get to attend schools with all of these wonderful tools at their disposal, pandas? I have to admit that I would have been thrilled to go to some of these schools or universities, but I’m still very grateful for the education I was able to get. Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly fascinating, and let us know in the comments below what the best thing your school had to offer was. Then, if you’d like to check out a similar list from Bored Panda, look no further than right here!
Pre-School Placed A "Picture Day" Reminder Sticker For Us On The Middle Of My Son's Back So He Couldn't Remove It
My 1st Grader Lost A Tooth During Class And The School Sent It Home In This Tiny, Tooth-Shaped Container
This Sign At My University Has The Number For The Library Police
This Uni Puts Up Games Its Graduates Worked On
These Parking Spots For Alternative Modes Of Transport At My Uni
Food Is Allowed In The Library At My College
My uni library allowed this too, I sort of assumed everywhere except libraries with rare books did by now
Transylvania University At Halloween
My college does something like this. It's called Pumpkin Parade. You get a secret partner who carves you a pumpkin and leaves treats for you. You leave things for them as well. Then on the day of the parade you get your pumpkin and find out who carved it.
The Woodworking Program At My School Sent Home 140 Remote-Learning Kits This Week, With Power Drills too
How has nobody commented on this? Mind you, it has been a bit since I first opened this thread, but I didn't want to refresh my page. So I apologize if there is a comment already, but I think this is really a great thing that this school did. Especially during covid and remote learning, to be able to have a fun but educational hands-on assignment like the projects here, would have been the highlight of my school year, personally.
An Ancient Roman Well Is Visible Under The Floor Of My School In Italy
This "Chemist Tree" That My School’s Science Department Made
These Bollards Outside A School Are Shaped Like Pencils
That's adorable! In the US we call them posts. Bollards is a much cooler word.
This Tiny Door For 1st Graders At The School My Mom Teaches At
This Painting In My School Library Is Painted On The Wall Itself, But It Is Still Framed
There's one like this in the art room at my school. They're always painting stuff on the walls and floors in there, and someone did a pop-art painting of the Mona Lisa, so they put a frame around it. It's good, because they can also take the frame off and use it for big art events, because it's an impressive frame
In My School, You Can Come Here To Sleep If You’re Tired
My Professor Uses A Wooden Keyboard And Mouse
My School Has A Set Of Tools And A Pump To Let You Repair And Maintain Your Bike In Front Of The Entrance
This Little Door At My University
A Classroom In My University Has A Tree Growing Inside Of It
I Have A Gender-Neutral Bathroom At My High School
we neeed a new sign, I like the one with the drawing of a toilet with "whatever" written below
I Learned Today That My School’s New Science And Technology Building Has Thermochromic Tables
That’d be a crazy thing to discover first hand (pun unintended but convenient so I’m gonna leave it there)
My Uni Has Solar-Paneled Benches With USB Charging
University Printer Rotates Each Separate Document To Avoid Confusing Multiple Students' Work
Printers in offices do that too. My home printer does as well. I thought it was a standard feature.
A Law Professor Shared A Photo Of The Pens Her Students Used For Cheating, Calling The Trick An Art Form Of Sorts
There is a 110-foot-long hallway ceiling where I taught Geology. I took the formal table of time measurements, Cambrian, Ordovician, etc., down to the smallest units, and my wife painted the entire scale. She used 4 x 8-foot sheets of plywood, and when she was done, the maintenance people put it on the ceiling. Now, you can either go backward or forward in time as you walk along the hallway and look up. She did an amazingly good job of the artwork. It is still there in the Science building of Tarrant County College in Hurst, TX.
I really, REALLY enjoyed this article. I’m bookmarking it. THANK YOU.
There is a 110-foot-long hallway ceiling where I taught Geology. I took the formal table of time measurements, Cambrian, Ordovician, etc., down to the smallest units, and my wife painted the entire scale. She used 4 x 8-foot sheets of plywood, and when she was done, the maintenance people put it on the ceiling. Now, you can either go backward or forward in time as you walk along the hallway and look up. She did an amazingly good job of the artwork. It is still there in the Science building of Tarrant County College in Hurst, TX.
I really, REALLY enjoyed this article. I’m bookmarking it. THANK YOU.