Subways Are Their Own Separate World And These 50 Photos Prove It (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertThe doors slide open, you step through, and it feels like you’ve just entered a different dimension. No, we’re not talking about fantasy or sci-fi portals but public transportation! For good or for ill, people can sometimes be pretty peculiar, and getting on the subway, train, or bus can be a very amusing yet confusing experience.
We wanted to show you just how funny, bizarre, and cool people can be, so we traveled all over the internet to find the best pictures of subway passengers from around the world. Scroll down to see Bored Panda’s collection, and be sure to upvote the photos that impressed you the most. You think you know what ‘weird’ means? We’re about to raise the bar!
Bored Panda wanted to get to grips with subway weirdness, so we got in touch with Rick McGuire, the creator of the massively popular Subway Creatures social media project. He was kind enough to share his thoughts about the strange things people see when using public transportation, and you'll see his insights below.
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This Has Made My Morning
Best Day Of My Life Like I Love Korea
It Screm
We reached out to Rick, whose legendary Subway Creatures account showcases some of the weirdest, most bizarre things ever to be seen in New York City.
Bored Panda asked him for his thoughts about what makes New York City's subway system stand out from other metros around the world.
"For the better or worse— the people," he said. "NYC is home to 8 million people who mostly rely on the public transit system to get around," he explained.
"When you put that many people into a confined space, you are going to be presented with some of the most bizarre, interesting, and talented people," Rick told us via email.
So Cute
Lil Sebastian Made A Trip
Sally Is A True Fashion Icon
Meanwhile, we were curious to get his take on public transportation photography. Namely, what the key to taking truly high-quality pictures that capture the chaotic atmosphere is.
"The secret to taking a great photo that captures the chaos in the subway is to make sure no one realizes you are doing it," Rick said.
He explained to Bored Panda that this approach "usually produces the best candid shots and captures the moment as people who are there see it."
My Heart Just Melted When I Saw That In The Subway
Plague Doctor In The Train
Is anyone on the train suffering from plague? No? There you are, it works then.
Idk Who This Woman Was On The Train, But Your Dog Was Awesome
While the London Underground is the oldest, having opened in 1863 as an underground railway and with an electrified underground line opened in 1890, other systems around the world have since surpassed it in size and scope.
For instance, the Shanghai Metro is the longest, boasting nearly a whopping 900 kilometers (around 560 miles) of railway. It is also the busiest underground system in the world. In 2019, the system reached a record-breaking 3.88 billion (yes, that’s ‘billion’ with a ‘b’) rides that year. And March 9, 2024, saw the biggest daily ridership record with 13.39 million rides. An average workday in Shanghai sees over 10 million rides on the Metro system.
CNN reports that Shanghai had plans to expand the system further to around 620 miles (or around 998 kilometers) by 2025.
China, as a whole, has the most metro systems on the planet as of 2024, with 54 of them operating. These include 11 of the 12 longest networks worldwide.
Meanwhile, the New York City Subway, one of the most well-known in popular culture, comes in with a jaw-dropping 472 stations.
How To Sleep Well...it Freaking Worked
Bernie Is That You
It Feels Like I Am Being Watched... (Brussels Subway)
Using the subway and other public modes of transportation, in general, can lead to some really bizarre experiences.
Broadly speaking, so many people use trains and buses that you naturally spot more odd outfits and behaviors. You run into more strangers on the subway platform and on the train than you would, say, at work or walking down a random street.
Subway stations are central hubs where people from all walks of life congregate. And everyone needs to commute one way or another. If you have a car, you might run into your fair share of road rage incidents or bad drivers, but you’re too focused on the road to notice random passersby.
If you’re riding a bike, similarly, you’re busy staying safe on the road. Meanwhile, on the subway, you have nothing but time to look around and notice all the other passengers.
So Cute
Wholesome Creatures
A- cosplay, because the shoes don't add up (maybe they got boots in the backpack 🤷♂️) but it's wild how close they are with their facial features, especially her.
Another Day On The Metro
Aside from people-watching, your morning and evening commutes are great opportunities to either unwind or catch up on a bit of work.
For example, you could take a few minutes to sort out your calendar, inbox, or personal to-do list so that you’re organized and ready to tackle whatever you need to do the next day or week.
Or you could take the time to catch up on the news, rehearse whatever presentation that’s been weighing on your mind and bugging you for ages, or do a few quick language lessons on your phone.
If you have the energy and focus for it, your commute can be a good use of your time instead of a ‘waste’ to get from point A to point B. However, you don’t feel like you absolutely must be productive during this time.
Someone On The Metro Today Took TV Remote Instead Of Their Cellphone . Must’ve Left In A Hurry
Another Average Day In The NYC Subway
The Bird Is Called Teddy! And He Gave A Little Squawk When I Said He Was Very Handsome
Alternatively, if you have a fairly long subway commute, you could always use this time as a way to intentionally detach yourself from work on your way home. In a way, you can use public transportation as a liminal space to relax and shift your mindset from business to relaxation.
Read a book for pleasure, laugh at some memes, text your friends, do a crossword puzzle, or watch a random video.
Ridiculously Massive Doggo Spotted On The Underground
The Chaotic Neutral Energy In This Is Off The Charts
Or you can just zone out and meditate for a bit, enjoying the sights both outside the window and in the train car. Look, no matter how driven and ambitious you are, there are bound to be days when you need more downtime and rest. Nobody can be 100% effective 24/7.
A trip using public transportation and a (long) walk can help you disconnect from any anxieties you have at the office or at school. So, when you finally get back home, you’re less worried and can spend some quality time with your family or friends.
That Is So Freaking Cute
This Guy Brought A Coffee Table Onto The Subway
Where Did You Get These Clothes
Before you start taking photos of random passersby and passengers, take a bit of time to get familiar with your local laws and culture. Make sure that wherever you are, you’re legally allowed to take photos of strangers.
Meanwhile, even if something is legal, it might still be frowned upon depending on the area and the people in question. It helps to be a bit more empathetic, flexible, and polite as a photographer, especially if you're new in town.
Spider Maid
When You Don't Plan On Actually Catching Anything Because Keeper Range Is So Narrow, And Then You Do
Usually, if someone is in a public place, they can be a part of your photos, but a good rule of thumb is still to consider asking for permission if they’re the main focus of your shot and if you'd like them to pose.
For example, there is a rather large difference between, say, a photo of a building with people milling around the entrance and an image where someone’s look and style are the entire point. As a photographer, you should think about taking the time to briefly talk to the person you’re photographing if you want a portrait. Usually, strangers are thrilled that you think they’re interesting enough to take a picture of!
Alternatively, if you want a more candid, honest, and 'raw' photo, there's merit to taking a photo without anyone knowing. A lot depends on your philosophy as a photographer.
Something Tells Me That She May Be Toxic Relationship Material
New Yorkers Are Always On The Cutting Edge Of Health-Improving Technology
That's So Cute
Which of these photos piqued your interest the most? Which outfits did you think were the most stylish? Meanwhile, which behaviors would make you do a double-take if you saw it in real life?
Who are the weirdest people that you’ve seen riding the subway recently? Let us know! We’d love to hear your opinions and all about your public transportation adventures in the comments.
Pirate Couture NYC Style
This Guy Hanging From One Of His Belts To Show People That His Belts Are Good Quality. Egyptian Metro Sellers Are A Different Species
Rabbits In The Subway
Love A Good Coincidence
Bring Your Own Chair
In The Train - Because Laptops Are Overated
Little Enough To Ride For Free
Beach Day New York Style
Tinfoil Headpiece And Nose Ring
Looks Like Somebody Wanted To Relax And Have A Good Ride
I Dont Even
Showtime, Folks. It’s Showtime
Best thing about New York; they let everyone be their own person. That fly guy would probably be stabbed or hit by a train in South Florida.
Spotted In Italy - Duepac
Of Course Someone Has Their Geese On The Train
I Don't Remember That Version Of Cinderella
If You Trip In That It's All Over
Good Knight
Those Are Nice
We Lowkey Need To Bring Magazines Back
Sounds about right. I used to commute via train and metro every day and saw some odd things. I'm also sure at one point, or another, I was the odd thing. So...🤓
Sounds about right. I used to commute via train and metro every day and saw some odd things. I'm also sure at one point, or another, I was the odd thing. So...🤓