50 Dogs Who Clearly Think They’re Cats, And Honestly, No One Can Blame Them (New Pics)
What is life without a little identity crisis? That feeling when all you knew about yourself suddenly crumbles and the pesky “Who am I?” question starts to appear in our minds. However, it seems that we aren’t the only species experiencing this. The same can be said about animals too.
Well, at least about these adorable doggos who are totally convinced they’re cats. From climbing the tallest surfaces, invading cat trees, and sleeping curled up in a box, scroll down to see the most adorable pooches that are better at living the feline life than the canine one.
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She’s Been Spending Way Too Much Time With The Cats
"Cat" Tree
My Dog Greets Me Through The Cat Door Every Time I Get Home
Dogs can start acting like cats because they are highly impressionable. If the pooch has spent more time around felines than their own species, there’s a high chance that they’ll start imitating the behavior of the cats.
Since they’re easily influenced (this makes them easily trained, too!), they start copying their actions because they think that’s what they should be doing. Some may start using the litter box, try to squeeze into boxes, or repeat any other mannerism of tabbies.
Raised Around Cats, He’s Just Trying To Fit In With Them
Does Anyone Else’s Australian Shepherd Think They’re Part Cat?
When you're a dwarf and adopt a human, and raise him within the dwarf community, he ends up a very tall dwarf. Apparently it's the same for dogs and cats.
Is Your Dog A Cat In Disguise? Know The Signs
In fact, certain dog breeds have natural cat-like characteristics due to their genetics. Let’s take Basenji, for instance. They are often called the cats of the dog world and are independent, intelligent and even groom themselves like the felines.
Italian Greyhounds are sensitive and like to sunbathe like cats, while Whippet enjoys lying around and chasing prey.
Well, Definitely Not A Cat In A Tree. Caldwell Fire And Caldwell Police Responded To A Dog Stuck In A Tree, This Afternoon. After Much Coaxing, The Canine Was Brought Safely To The Ground
On Today's Episode Of My Dog Being A Cat. In Her Cat Sweater On The Cat Bed, While Being Glared At By The Small Dog
Enough People Called So They Had To Put Up A Sign
Some dogs are just naturally independent. Greyhounds, Basset Hounds, Maltese, and poodles can exhibit such traits. The individualistic behavior is often ascribed to cats, but it isn't uncommon to see in dogs too. Some pooches, just like us, prefer more company, while others less of it.
How Can I Tell Amaterasu She Isn’t A Kitty Cat? She Only Wants To Be On My Desk When I’m Trying To Work
My Cats Are So Cute
This Dog In My Neighborhood Sits On This Fence, Like All The Time
Health and nutrition might also have a play in this. If the dog receives a high-protein diet, similar to cats’, they might start pouncing on toys or scaling the sofa as well. The proteins that are in the food might heighten their energy levels, leading them to cat-like behavior.
Pupper Near My Grandma's House Sleeps On This Very Car Everyday
Australian Cat-Tle Dog
Dog Invades Cat Tree
However, sometimes it’s not just the individual dog’s traits that have them acting like a feline. Health issues might also be involved. For instance, some dogs may try escaping pain and discomfort by seeking high places due to arthritis or other conditions. Hiding away while sick is a very cat-like characteristic.
Spying On Cats In The Laundry Room
Is Anyone In The Mood For A Corgi In A Cat Tree?
Waiting For His Owner To Be Done With The Laundry Like A Good Boy
Can't he read the "No Loitering" sign? Modern education is failing us.
Meanwhile, active self-grooming can be an indication of skin diseases or mites. Cats do so to keep themselves clean, whereas dogs typically have a precise reason for it. Certain skin conditions may cause discomfort, which can be relieved by licking. They may also resort to grooming themselves when they’re anxious or bored. This is their way of finding something to do or cope with the nervous feelings.
Saw A Dog With Cat Software Today
My Dog Likes To Climb The Tree In Our Backyard And Get On The Neighbor's Roof
Brother’s Cat Knighting The Dog
Therefore, if the owner notices a sudden change in their behavior or they’re playing cat too convincingly, it might be beneficial to have a visit or a chat with a vet. If they’re habits that the pooch exhibits frequently, there’s probably nothing to worry about—they're just imitating their feline friends or like some time to themselves.
Pretty Sure This Dog Was A Cat In A Past Life. She Chases Laser Pointers Too
Took A Dab Look Out My Patio 1st Thing I Saw
He Thinks He Is A Cat
Even though we see that cats and dogs can very much enjoy each other’s company and aren’t really the natural arch nemeses, it’s still important to supervise their play. To keep each pet safe, it’s important not to force them to interact and to ensure that they’re socialized as early as possible. The secret to building a long-term friendship is not to rush anything and let them get familiar at their own pace!
Neighbor's Dog Chillin On His "Roof"
That's quite the set up the owner has macgyvered to keep the gate closed! Doggo, however, remains unimpressed.
My German Shepherd Dog Visits My Work (Vet Hospital). Misunderstands The Cat Bed But Is Still Grateful
Cute Cat-Puppy
Channeling Her Inner Cat
Being A Mailman In An Area Where Dogs Are Evolved To Ninja Dogs
"Honey, I wonder why we didn't get any mail for a whole week!"
Raised Comfortable Bed vs. Cheap Box For Dog Toys
Oh my 😆 I always get the impression that there are two kind of dogs: one likes elevated spots for a good view, the other one likes closed up spaces like kennels or baskets to relax. And you don't know what kind of dog yours belong to until you invested some money in one of the two things
My Dog Is A Cat
What Happens When Your Pit Bull Is Raised With Cats
If I Fit, I Sit
Not Sure If The Cat Thinks He Is A Dog Or The Dog Thinks She Is A Cat
I Am Cat-Dog
So Our Dog Has Grown Up With Cats. This Cat Acts Like A Dog Sometimes And The Dog Acts Like A Cat Sometimes. Here They Both Are Being Little Loafs
If I Fit I Sit
Dog Thinks He’s A Cat
I Maintain That Caira Is In Fact A Cat
Poppy Is A Cat-Dog And Likes To Be Near The Cat Who Barely Tolerates The Intrusion Into Her Mojo Dojo Casa House
Stray Dog Sleeps On My Neighbor's Car
When Your Dog Is Convinced She's Actually A Cat
Cat Or Cattle Dog?
Anyone Else Think Their Shiba Is A Cat?
I Was Asked To Dog Sit But I'm Not 100% Convinced This Isn't A Cat
The Heck Are You Doin Up There Guy?
Anyone Else’s Shiba Think They Are A Cat And Constantly Try To Get On Tables?
When we brought our stray dog home we were told she possibly wouldn't know what a table was and jump on it. Turns out she didn't know laminate flooring, too, so not only didn't she jump anywhere, she was also too afraid to touch the floor with her paws. We carried her around the first days^^
When Your Dog Is Having An Identity Crisis
Felt Like I Was Being Watched While I Was Parking Today
Part Cat
Bc a Cat's the only cat, that knows where it's at
Load More Replies...Bc a Cat's the only cat, that knows where it's at
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