For many of us, college was a crazy time. Whether you were going to wild parties every weekend or pulling all-nighters in the library while chugging Red Bull and cramming for exams, you probably look back on your days as a student fondly. 

And if you’re currently in the throes of earning a degree, we wish you the best, pandas. And we come bearing a list of hilarious posts from Wholesome College Memes on Facebook! Enjoy scrolling through these pics that you may find painfully relatable, and be sure to upvote the ones that perfectly encapsulate your college experience!


    One of the most special parts of being in college is that it’s a shared experience. You’re not in it alone; you probably have a roommate, dozens of friends and thousands of people living in close proximity who are all going through the same exact things as you. Whether you’re struggling to keep your grades up while maintaining a social life or living off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because that’s all you can afford, it’s nice to know that so many people nearby can relate.

    And even if you’re looking for a community of people in the same boat online, Wholesome College Memes has got you covered! This Facebook group was created on October 21, 2020, and since then, it’s amassed an impressive 167K members. Here, you’ll find hundreds of photos of relatable memes and lots of friendly people who know the struggles of being a student all too well. 


    Whether you actually went to college or not, it’s likely that you know quite a bit about the experience of being a student just from media exposure. There are countless films and TV shows detailing what it’s like to be a college student, from going to ragers to navigating the social scene and working hard to pass classes taught by ruthless professors.

    According to the Education Data Initiative, there were 15.397 million undergraduate students enrolled in colleges in the United States in the fall of 2022. And since 1976, the amount of women going to college has increased by 82.9%. But college enrollment in the U.S. actually hit its peak in 2010, when there were 21.02 million students enrolled.   


    The majority of all college students, or 60.7% to be exact, are enrolled full-time, and 62% of high school graduates will go on to attend college. But there are also plenty of students in the United States who traveled abroad to attend university, as the Education Data Initiative reports that there were over 1 million foreign students enrolled during the 2022-2023 academic year. 



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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One semester I went to an engineering lecture every Thursday morning and slept for 2 hours. As exams loomed, the lecturer pulled me back to offer help, he said he appreciated that I always turned up so he was happy to give me a bit of help because he felt I had not been listening. I mumbled that I was not an engineering student and ran away. How could I tell this kind soul that his monotonous voice had been the reason for my attendance? Best nap time between my actual lectures.

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    When it comes to what kinds of colleges these students are attending, nearly three quarters will go to public universities. And of the over 5 million who will attend private colleges, the vast majority are enrolled in nonprofit schools. However, when students return to college to earn another degree, only half of these graduate students will attend public universities. 

    And the majority of students currently working towards a bachelor’s degree study in one of five fields: business, health professions and related studies, social sciences and history, biological and biomedical sciences or psychology.  


    There’s often debate about whether or not it’s truly worth it to go to college nowadays. Especially considering the fact that over half of college students rack up debt while studying, and the average student has to borrow over $29,000 to pay for their degree. 

    But there are many benefits that make going to college worth it for a lot of students. In fact, 47% of Americans believe that getting a degree is worth it if you don’t have to take out loans, and nearly a quarter say that it’s worth it even if loans are necessary.

    When it comes to the benefits of going to college, Bankrate notes that it’s a great way to ensure you’ll earn more during your career, as those with degrees in the United States tend to earn about 68% more than those without. College is also a wonderful place to make life-long friendships and build professional connections. Experiencing college together is absolutely a bonding experience, and I’m extremely grateful for the friendships I made along the way. 


    College is also the perfect time to explore a variety of different career options. Changing your major might seem like a huge hassle, but it’s better to find out what you like when you’re still in school than ten years later! And having a degree can also provide you with job security in the future. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment rates are nearly twice as high for adults without degrees than those who have completed their college education. 



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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Off-topic here but when the local municipality passed an ordinance requiring dogs to be on leash everywhere all the time, I taught my best-behaved dog to do this. It got a lot of laughs and though I hoped someone would challenge it, no one ever did.😀

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    And, of course, going to college can teach young adults a variety of valuable life skills. For many students, this is the first time they’ve moved away from home, started living with roommates and had to balance working and going to school at the same time. There are plenty of new responsibilities that come along with going to college, and it might be the first time many have been surrounded by all sorts of different types of people from all over the country, or even the globe. Students can learn so much about life and themselves during their journey through university.   


    We hope these memes are taking you back to your college days, pandas! Keep upvoting the ones that you find most relatable, and let us know in the comments below what you loved most about being a student. Then, if you’d like to check out even more funny pics that might remind you of what it was like to be in university, we recommend checking out this Bored Panda list!

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By the end of grad school, the professors would give us an assignment 2 weeks before finals and use that as our exam so we didn't have to come in

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live across the street from our high school. I've been out of school for...never mind how long...but I still stand on my porch and cheer for the new grads.



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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would usually just wing it in one go. Didn't bother with re reading or editing any papers. Just let it fly baby.

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