50 Impressive Woodworking Projects That Deserve The Internet’s Attention (New Pics)
It’s difficult not to be impressed with people who can create masterpieces using their bare hands. It’s an admirable trait shared by sculptors, artists, composers, and, as you’re about to see, woodworkers.
These attention-grabbing images are from the Woodworking subreddit. The 5.6 million community members deeply appreciate the artistry one can create using a piece from a tree.
In this list, we feature handmade bookcases, desks, bathroom doors, and random whimsical carvings that deserve the internet’s attention. Scroll through and see why!
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I’m 14 Years Old And Made This Shaker Style End Table For My Parents. How’d I Do?
You did amazing well! I happen to like shaker styles and you nailed it! Congratulations.
My Work
Tried Making An Ice Cream Bar Out Of Walnut But It Melted
The most essential aspect of this craft is, of course, the wood. But with the hundreds of thousands of varieties worldwide, it would be challenging to narrow down if you’re an absolute beginner.
Fortunately, we have the Seattle-based Ebanista School of Fine Woodworking to guide us. If you want to learn the craft, you can start with fir, maple, cherry, oak, sycamore, or ash.
These wood variants provide structural integrity and density and offer a full-color aesthetic palette.
Side Quest From Scrap Bin: Oak Leaf Made Of Oak, And Maple Leaf Made Of Maple
My Dad Built A 35 Ft Rustic Bridge
Ever Since I Picked Up This Hobby 5 Years Ago I've Always Dreamed Of Building A Dining Room Table That I Could Be Proud Of. Checked Off That Goal Today!
Woodworking can be approached as a profession or, as seen in some photos, as a hobby. As strenuous as it may seem, it provides stress relief.
In an article for Family Handyman, author and homesteader Chris Deziel described how woodworking can be relaxing and a creative outlet. Seeing your work come alive may be enough to uplift the spirits.
“[It] lets you manifest your imagination in the real world, boosting your confidence and self-worth,” he wrote.
I Make And Leave These Guys On A Hiking Trail Near Where I Live For People To Find
The God Of DIY, Part Of My Ongoing Project Of Building Shrines To Gods That Don't Exist
New Door Just Built
Woodworking is as much a mental activity as it is physical. For starters, it involves a lot of measuring and mathematics outside of the classroom. As Deziel points out, it keeps the mind nimble.
But perhaps its most practical benefit is that it saves you money. Many pieces of top-quality wood furniture may cost you an arm and a leg. Why burn through your bank account if you can build one yourself? The nice thing is that you can also be creative with the design.
I Built An 8-Foot Tall Whimsical Bookcase From Plywood, Lauan, Poplar, And Padauk. This Was A Fun Build And My Wife Absolutely Loves It! Build Link In Comments
I Whittled A Chess Set
My Daughter Drew An Ice Cream Cone Made Of Fat Cats And Said I Should Carve It. Too Cool An Idea Not To Try
Woodworking may also be a beneficial activity for kids, and Philadelphia’s The School in Rose Valley has made it part of the curriculum. The school believes it can help youngsters practice perseverance, develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and learn discipline.
“The desire to make things is so general in children that they are willing to go through much hard work to reach their ends,” said Principal Grace Rotzel.
Desk I Made Recently
I Made A Cubone, What Do You Think Of It?
Totally My Hand Carved [my Verification Post]
Now, it’s your turn, readers. Which of these photos fascinated you the most? Did it give you a new perspective on woodworking as an art and a craft? We’d love to know your thoughts in the comments section!
Ombré End Grain Cutting Board
I Made A Strange Creature That Is A Pet Bed And Side Table
I’ve Been Wanting To Give This Double Tambour Coffee Table A Shot For A While, Couldn’t Be Happier With The Result!
We Now Have A Fancy Bathroom Door
Mahogany Bookcase I Made
Latest Project For The Wife
The Floors Under Bad Carpet In My Previous Home. Built In 1904
I Have To Gush - Look At The Coffee Table My Boyfriend Made Me
Logcabin Playhouse I've Been Building For My Kid For Over A Year Is Finally Ready!! Over 700h Of Work Done. Cabin M X 1,7m, Porch And Loft 2m X 1m
Mid-Century Recreation I Made
End table for holding books/newspapers I assume. It's lovely!
Coffee Table I Made Over The Summer
My First Bench. Proud Of Myself!
We’ve Peaked
This is not a great photo of an absolutely incredible piece by Alison Crowther. My partner was heavily involved in creating his piece. Need a different photo, then it would be way higher up the list!
I Made A Desk With Antique Anglo-Indian Motifs Hand Carved In Jet Black Mun Ebony Topped By A Starburst Pattern Made From Highly Figured Coromandel Ebony
Drafting Table Build
My Daughter Wanted A Lemonade Stand, She Got A Lemonade Stand. All That’s Left Is Paint
5000 Bottle Wine Room Made From Sapele For A Private Collector. Took 2 Weeks To Mill Out The Stock From 4 Quarter Boards
Little Guy With Sneakers Side Table I Made
The Coffee Table Is 100% My Hand-Carved Design
Playing With A New Profile On The Sides
Just Finished This Entertainment Unit For Our House
I loved how the irregular characteristic of the natural material is incorporated into the design.
Opinions On Table?
End Grain Floors
Made A Guy To Hold My Wife’s Tattoo Inks At Her Shop
I Made A Wooden Cat And Painted It With Intricate Mayan Patterns Inspired From My Culture. Thoughts On This?
https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/1exs4ti/i_made_a_wooden_cat_and_painted_it_with_intricate/ The painted version in the link
I Designed And Built This Coffee Table With A Tambour Door And A 'Floating' Table Top. The Tambour Can Slide All The Way Around And Theres A Drawer On Both Sides
A Nightstand I Recently Built
A Guy Was Giving Away Some Old Growth Douglas Fir Beams On Marketplace, So I Built Myself A Dining Table Out Of Them
Master Bathroom Vanity
Im No Carpenter, But Built This Princess Castle Bed For My Little Girl 1 Year Ago. I Was Beyond Proud Of It. I’m Sad To Say She Is Now Scared To Sleep So High Up And Wants It Gone. Wanted To Post It One Last Time Before Tearing It Apart
Is it possible to lower the height of the bed, say midway? Then it could later be raised again when she's older. If you can't, I would give to another family
I Do This For A Living. I’m Literally Hating It And It Used To Be A Passion
My Wife Grew A Whole Human Being In The Time It Took Me To Finish This
Staircase I Just Finished
Umm important detail: They should have left what is called a "nosing" for the safety of the users. Nosing is the small protrusion of the thread over the rise where one's toes/heels go while going up or down the steps/stairs....Also, seen from the top, the top thread and the one below look visually the same. The limits/edges of the threads are not distingusihable, which is a safety issue.
Super Proud Of These Dining Chairs I Just Finished
Chair* ? 🙈😛 or are the rest camo painted? edit: it was a joke 🙃😥 /jk
Another Project Done (1st Outdoor Furniture I've Made)
Although I do not belong to any online forums/groups that have to do with any crafts.. I really love seeing what other people are conceptualizing, designing and creating... So I think you for creating this post. I adore "MAKERS"!! ❣️ Some of these projects are spectacular and you can tell there's a lot of skill and years of practice behind them. I have so much respect for that.
Although I do not belong to any online forums/groups that have to do with any crafts.. I really love seeing what other people are conceptualizing, designing and creating... So I think you for creating this post. I adore "MAKERS"!! ❣️ Some of these projects are spectacular and you can tell there's a lot of skill and years of practice behind them. I have so much respect for that.