Pet cats have their own little quirks, one being the ability to slip into the most unusual places around the house. Before you know it, you’re finding your furry feline friend balled up in a small cardboard box under your bed.

Many cat owners have since documented these funny episodes and shared them in a subreddit called “The Cat Trap Is Working.” Scrolling through the page, you’ll see photos and videos of house cats in fish tanks, on top of clothes, and cozily snuggled in the kitchen sink. 

As always, we’ve picked out some of the best still images from the page. Whether or not you’re a cat owner, here’s your dose of giggles for today.


    I Was Sent Here To Show You How Effective Cat Traps Can Be At The Foot Of The Bed. Everyone Tucked In Nicely, Nobody Gets Squashed In Their Sleep!

    Cats sleeping in various boxes, creating a humorous cat trap scene on a bed with plush toys and hanging lights.

    Im_Asia Report

    All cats are natural predators, and hiding in a small, confined space is their way of scoping their surroundings for potential prey. It’s likely why they naturally gravitate towards the inside of your kitchen drawers. 

    "They are actually more comforted by being in dark locations where they can see the things that are around them,” veterinarian Dr. Cherice Roth explained in an interview with Business Insider.


    This Is Gary's Cat Trap!

    Cat snugly fitting in a heart-shaped cutout basket on a table, featuring humorous cat trap pic.

    Ksilverstar25 Report


    Someone In The LEGO Sub Said You Guys Might Like This

    Black cat sleeping inside a model coliseum, demonstrating a funny cat trap scenario.

    lukaron Report

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I am Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

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    Tiny Trap, Tiny Catch

    Cute cat peeking out of a small cardboard box, creating a funny cat trap scene.

    Fragrant-Day5274 Report


    If you notice your cat’s seeming fixation with cardboard boxes, Dr. Roth says it’s another way for them to channel their predatory instincts. But in this case, they prefer the texture of cardboard’s surface to run their claws onto.  

    As Dr. Roth explains, it’s all about satisfying their urges to scratch something, which they will either hold onto or dispose of. 


    This Was Bound To Happen

    Black cat sitting on a washcloth on a wooden floor, creating a funny cat trap effect.

    ztaker Report


    He's So Proud Of How Sneaky He Thinks He Is

    Cat humorously trapped in storage box, looking curious and playful.

    BogFrog87 Report


    The Store Clerk Asked If He Could Throw Away The Box. I Said I Needed It

    Cat sitting in a small cardboard box on a wooden floor, looking playfully at the camera.

    Gevagar Report

    A cat’s bodily structure also allows them to squeeze through tight spaces. As the Maryland-based Catonsville Cat Clinic explains, a feline’s shoulder blades are attached to their bodies by muscles, not bones, making it easier for them to contort. 

    These features also give them an evolutionary advantage. As International Society of Feline Medicine head Nathalie Dowgray explained to Live Science in an interview, cats' ability to fit into tiny crevices allows them to hunt small prey while enabling them to hide from potential predators.


    My 20 Pound Maine Coon Requires A Larger Trap. This One Works Every Time!

    Fluffy cat sitting comfortably in a white laundry basket, showcasing its playful side in a funny cat trap scenario.

    11exgreib Report


    This Is Ted. Ted Was A Stray For At Least Four Years Before He Let Us Befriend Him. He's Been Living The Indoor Life For Two Months Now And He Loves It

    Black and white cat sitting snugly in a small box on a patterned rug, showcasing a funny cat trap moment.

    yellingsnowloaf Report

    However, cats may squeeze into spaces in your house that are not safe for them. Washers, dryers, and unseen crawlspaces are examples, and owners should be aware of these. 

    Cats Protection UK advises blocking off areas where your beloved pets may find themselves trapped to avoid possible mishaps. This includes closing your toilet lids to prevent them from climbing in and drowning. 


    Louie Usually Gets Trapped In The Sink

    Cat curled up in a kitchen sink, embodying a funny cat trap scenario.

    bigtastie Report


    16 Weeks Old And Trapped Already!

    Cute cat sitting in a glass bowl, showcasing a funny cat trap moment on a kitchen counter.

    thorisabore Report


    I Told My Wife There Was No Point Buying An Expensive Trap

    Cat sitting in a cardboard box, ignoring a soft cat bed next to it, embodying funny cat trap behavior.

    snotfart Report

    We would also like to hear from our readers, especially feline parents. Do you always find your pet cats in the oddest places in your house? Which was the most peculiar of all? Share them in the comments below!


    After Making A Pan Of Brownies, I Covered It With A Hand Towel To Protect It From Curious Cats. This Only Attracted Racer To A Comfy Brownie Bed

    A cat lying on a kitchen counter wrapped in a towel, looking like it's in a trap.

    Shiitakia Report


    Socially Distanced Kitty Trap

    Cat sitting on a marked spot in a store, creating a funny cat trap scene.

    Souled_Out Report


    Mobile Traps Deployed And Working

    Cats lounging on parked scooters in a row, creating a funny cat trap scene on a bustling street.

    punkgeek Report


    The Elliptical Trap. At Least Someone Uses It!

    White cat sitting snugly on an exercise machine, showcasing funny cat trap behavior.

    CatastropheCat99 Report

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Beautiful short-haired Ankara. I'm guessing female from the eye color. We had one of these. She was the first cat to adopt us after we got married. Deaf as a post.

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    They’re Huge Fans …

    Two fluffy cats humorously sitting in a disassembled fan, illustrating a classic funny cat trap scenario. Report


    Shes So Smug About It As Well

    Tortoiseshell cat lounging on an open laptop, exemplifying funny cat trap pics in a cozy living room setting.

    yfirvaria Report


    Unconventional, But Effective

    Black and white cat lounging on a fake skeleton seated on a chair, creating a humorous scene.

    cervenit Report


    How Often Should I Feed My Pet Fish?

    Cat humorously sitting inside an empty terrarium, resembling a cat trap, with a cozy indoor backdrop.

    rainyrew Report


    I Was Hoping This Toy Would Be A Hit But, All He Does Is This

    Cat peeking out from a crisscrossed tunnel toy, creating a funny trap effect.

    graycegal Report


    Only Packing The Essentials

    Two cats lounging in open suitcases on a bed; a playful funny cat trap scene.

    Educational_Net_8943 Report


    Out Of The Entire Couch She Chose My iPad To Sit On

    Cat sitting on a laptop on a gray couch, creating a funny-cat-trap scene.

    moonshoesluna Report


    Trapped In A Bird Feeder

    Cat humorously trapped in a snowy birdhouse, showcasing funny cat trap antics.

    bay_rak_tar Report


    It's Misty's Birthday And She Got Her Dream Present - A Box From Costco With The Perfect Chin Scratcher

    Cat relaxing in a fruit box labeled "limited edition" on a carpet, showcasing funny cat trap moments.

    Gesiquea Report


    I Left My New Jeans Out While I Went Out, Came Back To This Trap Situation

    A black and white cat sitting on blue jeans arranged on a couch, creating a funny cat trap illusion.

    reyrain Report


    I Got A Big Bowl Out To Start Cooking, Then Grabbed Some Ingredients. This Is What I Turned Back Around To

    Cat sitting in a metal bowl on a kitchen counter surrounded by groceries, a classic funny cat trap scenario.

    lbm222 Report

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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see a packet of raw ground beef there. That would have vanished the moment you turned your back in our household.

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    Calico cat humorously sitting between shoes on a mat, resembling a funny cat trap.

    DannyTheOctoling Report


    Wife And I Assembled The Bassinet And Our Cat Thinks We Bought It For Her

    Cat sits in a crib, amusingly watching TV, creating a funny cat trap scene.

    operator401 Report


    He Did Not Fit…and Yet He Sat

    Funny cat squeezed into a small Sephora box, surrounded by wrapping paper and books on the floor.

    MissDelaylah Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    You Don’t Even Need An Actual Box To Catch Cats

    Black cat sitting in a tape square on the floor, a classic example of funny cat traps.

    Thumb_Master Report


    Caught Some Big Game In This Small Trap

    Tabby cat humorously squeezed into a small cardboard box on a tiled floor.

    CrazyBleakUnicorn Report


    Dilemma: To Remain In The Snuggle Box Or To Go For The Salmon??

    Cat sitting humorously in a box on kitchen counter next to food prep, embodying funny cat trap pics concept.

    justajiggygiraffe Report


    You Leave The Table Unattended For One Second And This Idiot Sits In The Empty Bread Basket

    Cat relaxing in a small basket with Christmas-themed decor, a cute example of funny cat trap pics.

    kogan_usan Report


    The Box Is Also An Arm Rest

    White cat in a small box on wooden floor, showcasing a funny cat trap moment.

    Dizzy_Journalist4486 Report

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    I'm Sorry, It's The Only Size We Have In Stock

    Gray cat amusingly squeezed in a small box, with a curious white cat in the background. Funny cat trap scene.

    CarNyxus Report


    I Can’t Believe He’s Actually Using The Box I Bought Him!

    Cat comfortably sitting in a festive box on a crafting table, embodying a funny cat trap scenario.

    CyborgKnitter Report


    The Secret To Peaceful Coexistence Is A Trap For Each Cat…

    Three cats sleeping in small cardboard boxes on a sunny windowsill, showcasing funny cat trap behavior.

    MissDelaylah Report

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    Cereal Box
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The orange bois got deluxe models! What's that on the right? I can't believe you caught anything with that!

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    Peekaboo! I Caught You

    Cat snugly sits in a cardboard box surrounded by pink blossoms, creating funny cat trap vibes.

    clover219 Report

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    Max Robitzsch
    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Okay, Mike. Now go back to work and let me sleep. I'll wake you at 3:12am tonight."

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    Red Trap Is More Effective Than The Blue One

    A fluffy cat curled up in a red basket next to an empty blue basket on a white table.

    Dany_HH Report

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    For those who revel in the amusing antics of their feline companions, there's a wealth of entertainment to be found online. While browsing for humorous moments of cats finding refuge in cramped spaces, one might also stumble upon adorable images of cats comfortably tucked in. These snapshots provide a heartwarming glimpse into feline behavior and showcase the amusing predicaments they find themselves in.

    To delve into more charming and cozy images, check out these pictures of kitties enjoying their cozy spots under blankets on adorable cat pictures.


    Presenting Bootsy: My Friend’s Kitten

    Funny cat trapped in a slipper on the floor next to shoes and a book.

    Beautiful-Way6812 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Trapped Herself Exactly One Foot Away From A Cat Bed She’s Never Touched

    Sleeping cat curled inside a vacuum hose circle on a wooden floor in a funny cat trap.

    coconutkween Report


    She Has 6 Beds But Chooses To Nap On A Wreath

    Cat nestled in a holiday wreath on a gray sofa, illustrating a funny cat trap scenario.

    Lost-Ad-7412 Report


    The Results Are In And The Smallest Box Wins!

    Fluffy cat sitting in a small box, surrounded by larger empty boxes on the carpet. Report

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    Roz Appreciates The Stone Circle We Made For Her

    Calico cat sitting in a circular stone enclosure, looking curiously trapped.

    cobyhoff Report

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    These Are Mine

    Gray cat sitting in a box of toy mice, looking up with curious yellow eyes.

    TheGrayCatLady Report


    (I Was Told This Belongs Here) Plastic Trap Working Its Best

    Black cat sitting snugly in a transparent container, illustrating funny cat trap scenarios.

    gabtinha Report

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    He Made Himself Comfortable And Sat Like That For 5 Minutes

    A black cat humorously sits in a small blue toy, creating a funny cat trap scene in a living room.

    dontblink_1969 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Finnegan Perfectly Trapped By My Expensive And Fragile E-Ink Tablet

    Orange cat sitting on a notebook, embodying a funny cat trap as another cat looks outside.

    pocket-sauce Report

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    Pookie Fell For The Trap

    Calico cat sitting on a plate on a kitchen counter, a classic funny cat trap moment.

    trythisfuckingone Report