20 Comics That Highlight Hilariously Relatable Cat Behaviors, Illustrated By Lucas Turnbloom (New Pics)
Interview With Artist“How To Cat” is an extremely relatable comic that illustrates hilarious cat behaviors that all of them possess. The artist behind the work is Lucas Turnbloom and his muse is Sweetie, a cat he adopted.
The artist shared some readers’ responses that prove how his content is spot on: “I often hear from people, “My cat does the EXACT same thing!” or “Are you spying on my life?!” Whenever I hear these things, I know I’ve done something right. It’s a great feeling.”
With over 188K followers, “How To Cat” comics is still climbing in popularity, and after this post, you might want to join this cat lover club as well.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | x.com | patreon.com | howtocat.threadless.com
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Once again, we reached out to Lucas, who shared what has changed since his last post.
“I’ve had a lot more readers follow HOW TO CAT since I last talked with Bored Panda. Sweetie the cat and I are very grateful and happy for the new fans!”
The artist also shared what a typical day is like for him when he’s working on a new comic.
“A lot of my comics writing involves me just sitting around and thinking. Or walking around and thinking. Sometimes I overthink things, and the ideas don’t flow. Then the cat knocks over the lamp, or a cup of coffee, and BAM — inspiration hits!”
We were wondering if Lucas has ever scrapped a comic idea after starting it, to which he replied: “Oh, absolutely. I always aim to have no more than four panels. I find if I can’t get to the punchline by panel three or four, the joke doesn’t really work. I admire people who tell long-form comics well. I just can’t do it."
More than once on my way to work, crossing a grassy area under some trees, I encountered a pair of neatly folded pigeon wings -- just the wings -- still attached to each other at the back. The tower hawks had struck again.
Lucas shared what his biggest influences are regarding comics and storytelling style.
“When I was a young kid, Peanuts, Garfield, The Far Side, and Calvin and Hobbes were what got me into comics. These days, I adore Beetlemoses, Fowl Language, The Awkward Yeti, Sarah Scribbles, and Chris Hallbeck. Those people really are the best of the best.”
What drives me crazy is that they deliberately walk BEHIND things on a shelf even if the object isn't close to the edge.
Lastly, the artist added: “Aside from HOW TO CAT, I make a graphic novel series called STEVE L. McEVIL for Random House. The last book of the series, STEVE L. McEVIL and the TWISTED SISTER, comes out on March 11, 2025. It features a sassy TALKING cat called Mrs. Cuddles! I’d love for people to grab the book so that the series goes out with a bang!
Saw a meme where a owner bought 3 different beds and the cat still preferred a small amazon box. Lol
The bed was always the scariest, but I never knew if I should wear thick jeans or not to protect my ankles.
This is a must for a clawy kitty! cawo-frott...medium.jpg Just like Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy..
I have to put a blanket or towel over my pillow so I won't get allergies from mine when I'm at work.
Why are you hating on I_Am_So_???? What did they do wrong
I love the How To Cat series! Hilarious because they're true and so well drawn.
I love the How To Cat series! Hilarious because they're true and so well drawn.