Artists Of ‘War And Peas’ Invite You To View Their Best Comics Of 2024 (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistA creative duo of Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich are back with their best comics of the year for the “War And Peas” collection.
This time, the artists have chosen 32 hilarious comics. Regarding the selection process, the creators wrote: “Selecting the best comics for 2024 was like sifting through a pile of existential dread, but this time with glitter on top. Themes of AI anxieties, eco-guilt, and the universal struggle of choosing a streaming platform definitely stood out. We also noticed a spike in love for comics featuring snacks, which says a lot about humanity’s priorities.”
And if you don’t really know anything about “War And Peas,” it’s a fun comic with unexpected plot twists that explore various themes like aliens, witches, relationships, moon landing, and much much more.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | x.com | warandpeas.com
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In an interview with Bored Panda, creators also shared whether there are any new or unexpected themes in this year's collection that they hadn't delved into before.
Artists wrote: “We found ourselves drawn to the idea of time this year – not in the broad "we're all hurtling toward entropy" sense, but in the small ways it bends and stretches. Like how a two-minute microwave countdown feels eternal while a good conversation with a friend disappears in a blink. Our comics flirted with these little temporal dissonances, asking questions like, “What if the universe’s best secrets are hidden in loading screens?”
They need to come up with a solar powered vibrator. Save a ton in batteries...
War and Peas often balances humor with poignant or satirical commentary. We asked whether there were any specific moments in 2024 where this balance felt particularly challenging or rewarding to achieve.
Creators replied: “This balance, to us, feels like juggling a flaming torch, a rubber chicken, and a live goldfish. Sometimes, the goldfish flops right into the torch, and we’re left wondering if humor and poignancy were ever meant to coexist in the first place.”
As to unique creative blocks or breakthroughs in 2024 that reshaped Johnatan’s and Elizabeth’s approach to storytelling or illustration, they wrote: “Oh, there were blocks. One afternoon in June, we both stared at a blank sketchbook for four hours, convinced it was mocking us. The breakthrough came not from some profound epiphany but when we admitted that the blank page wasn’t mocking us – it was just...blank. We realized that storytelling doesn’t always have to be clever or layered; sometimes, it’s enough for it to simply be. After that, our approach softened, like we’d given ourselves permission to let the stories find us instead of hunting them down.”
i love this one mostly because god says, "yeah whatever sweetie" rofl so cute
Lastly, the creators added: “If life feels absurd, it’s because it is. Lean into it. Laugh at it. Draw silly pictures about it. And when all else fails, remember: someone out there is crowdfunding a smart toaster with Wi-Fi, and they think you’re the weird one.”
Remember, the big fish is the product of all the little fishies he ate. Or you can use billionaires if you don't like fish.
I prefer my orgies to be inside. You don't know how hard it is to get those stubborn grass stains out!
Looks like a zombie already got to his brain. Why not visit your friend in the tower above. I hear she's got new batteries.
Kate Mulgrew!! Unexpected in that show (after Captain Janeway) and I loved it!
That's obviously his step father ... Biodad would be dead. Good man, trying to help praying mantis son navigate the difficult world of dating when homicide is the norm...
A little risque, but I loved it. Not everyone on BP is ten years old.
War and Peas comics always make me laugh. Bring on the global domination, man, they rule!
A little risque, but I loved it. Not everyone on BP is ten years old.
War and Peas comics always make me laugh. Bring on the global domination, man, they rule!