30 Now-Exposed Fake Facts, Misinterpretations And Plain Old Lies That Were Spoon-Fed To Millennials
Every generation has its own set of unique characteristics and events that shaped them. For example, millennials are known as the first tech-savvy generation because they literally grew up with the Internet and figured out how to use it.
Despite all the things they enjoyed, growing up as a millennial wasn’t easy. They were taught so many things about life that made no sense, and it’s only now that they’ve grown up that they’re realizing the truth. This list explores all the realizations Gen Y has had to come to terms with.
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That no man in this nation, even the president is above the law.
Be loyal to a job and stay there for your entire career and that job will look out for you. .
The last time this was true in the US, Willie Loman was at the height of his sales career.
Boys tease you/bully you because they like you!
Holy f**k did that advice send the wrong message.
Generations are separated based on their collective attitudes, significant happenings, and even popular culture. Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 is considered to be a millennial or a part of Gen Y.
The reason they are called millennials is because the oldest members of their group became adults at the turn of the millennium. Even though Gen Y folks still consider themselves to be incredibly young, what’s shocking is that they’re predicted to make up the majority of the workforce by 2029!
Gen Y has had to learn and adapt to so much with changing cultures, trends, and attitudes. The only thing is this list definitely makes it seem like a lot of what they were taught about life was really misleading.
The DARE program told me that around every corner there was someone looking to offer me free d***s. 40 years later and I'm still waiting for my free d***s.
We never had anything like this when I was at school. Maybe it was considered, but they thought it wasn't a good idea to tell us where to go, who to find, and what to ask for.
The food pyramid. That thing was everywhere .
To be fair that food triangle above looks really healthy. Sweets/junk food at the teeny top, fruits and veggies at the big bottom. Just do that.
Even though people, at their core, are the same across decades, there are a few big differences between millennials and the generations before. Compared to baby boomers, research shows that Gen Y is more team-oriented but also a bit sheltered.
Millennials are definitely a lot more comfortable around technology and the Internet. They are also influenced by the culture and have grown up knowing how to communicate online. This is one of the reasons why this generation is so easily able to adapt to and accept new ideas.
The coolest thing about Gen Y is how diverse and more tolerant they are than other generations of different races, religions, and cultures. Luckily, this seems to be one valuable idea they learned well and that the next generations are following, too.
You won't always have access to a calculator.
My teacher said that when half the class already had mobile phones. This was like 1999/2000.
If you go to college you’ll be set for life.
And so you will. No one says it is going to be happy and prosperous life.
A big “lie” that Gen Y was told a lot growing up was that if they worked hard they’d be able to afford a house and live comfortably. Unfortunately, inflation and other factors have changed that concept drastically.
According to Pew Research, millennials have more student debt than Gen X or baby boomers. This could be attributed to the Great Recession, which is also why they have been slower to start their own households. Many Gen Y folks still live with their parents and are okay doing so for a longer period of time.
That quick sand is around every corner and super deadly. It turns out, that just ain't so.
Having lived next to a bay with a high tidal change uncovering vast areas of sand, quicksand is a very real issue and it will kill you - mainly because you will drown if you get stuck in it and the tide comes back in. You simply don't go out on the sands without a guide. It's not generally a problem is you stay on the land!!!
Tongues have different taste zones. The tip of your tongue is where the Sweet taste buds are, up front on both sides is salty, back on both sides is sour, bitter is in the very back and the middle tastes umami.
Turns out that’s b******t.
If you work hard you can afford to live.
If you work hard you have a better chance of surviving than if you don’t. That’s the only guarantee. The game is rigged
Baby boomers and Gen X were definitely doing their best when it came to raising millennials. The only thing is that they seemed to skip out on teaching them certain essential skills. A few gaps that research has identified are in things like budgeting, sewing, car maintenance, woodworking, and even survival skills.
This might be due to the fact that the older generations took such things for granted and grew up using all of those abilities. They might not have seen it as essential to specifically teach young millennials how to do all of that.
"Don't swallow gum, it will stay in your stomach for x years".
I was awake for my first colonoscopy and they turned the monitor around so I could watch live and in color. No chewing gum. No piles of red meat. Just pink and shiny colon.
Margarine > Butter
Ya… okay… what a load of c**p.
This was understood in the 1980s. Not sure who was still peddling that nonsense years later.
“It’s illegal to have the light on in the back of the car while mom is driving.”.
Ahem, it may not be stated as such in the law, but it can be considered reckless endangerment, since having a light on inside the car while driving when it's dark outside, will severely diminish your ability to see the road, other traffic, or objects (people, animals) beside the road.
It definitely seems like millennials are doing incredibly well despite some of the weird things they were taught. Luckily, they were able to figure everything out for themselves and hopefully have passed their new learnings on to the next generation.
What is something you learned as a kid that you now feel makes absolutely no sense? We’d love to hear from you, so do share your thoughts in the comments.
People hide d***s in Halloween candy.
My mom used to "check" my candy. The next day half the bag would be gone because she found glass, razor blades, pins, unexplained needle holes etc. I grew up in fear of my neighbors because of this only to realize when I was older she just straight up stole all the good stuff!!
"Homework is serious business. If you try to be creative or funny on your assignment you're just going to annoy your teacher."
Having briefly worked as a teacher, this is the opposite of true. The teachers think the assignment is boring too, and they have to get through a whole stack. As long as you demonstrate understanding of the material and assignment, making them laugh will generally improve, not harm, their impression of you.
"You're going to be expected to write in cursive when you grow up.".
Good grades means better jobs which = better pay.
Far from true. I am seeing people in real estate and businessmen making way more money.
Not just that but I have seen people with 2.0 GPAs get 6 figure salary jobs meanwhile some with 4.0 GPA still working at a low end job.
I saw a stat today - the LOWEST paid Premiership footballer, who almost never plays in public, is paid £2000 per week. I retired after 40 plus years, being made a manager in 1988 in the largest company of its kind in Europe, and the most I ever made was £1000. You can be dumb as hell but if you can catch or kick a ball, you can make a fortune.
That running in a zig zag pattern away from alligators works. As a Floridian, my world exploded when I found out that wasn’t true. They lied to us in school.
“Just go in and ask for a job”.
It's not so much "debunked" as no longer relevant. Back in the days before the internet when you needed to rely on job adverts in newspapers or signs in windows, going into places to enquire if they have any jobs going and drop off your CV was one of the most efficient ways to find out who was looking for staff, especially retail.
"If you make good choices, you will be rewarded"
Sure, rewarded with more responsibilities (more work).
Then the 'good choice' would be to find a different job that came with a wage to recognise your added responsiblities or a better work/life balance. The bad choice is just staying put and complaining.
That Beanie Babies would be worth a bunch of money when I got older. Am older. No such luck.
The focus on making as much money as possible, but not priortizing having a satisfying life.
Whilst this has truth everywhere, it seems as if that single-minded drive for money is more prevalent in the US. In Europe, while there are people of the same mindset of course, there also seem to be more people that prioritise happiness and a fulfilling life over money. No-one wants to be in poverty, nor should wish it on anyone else, but being rich is in the end, not the be all and end all.
If someone does something you don’t like, just ignore it.
Bullies Count on you turning the other cheek, because it means there are no consequences. It is tacit approval for them to continue.
"You'll never get paid to play video games".
I mean most people really won't. Sort of like you won't get paid to play baseball or football. And small handful of people will. But you, statistically, will not.
The crust of the bread has all the nutrition which is why we have to eat it. .
The permanent record is b******t. You can have fake college, fake jobs, and fake references. Most jobs never call or look into them.
As a recruiter and someone who has handled onboarding for 7+ years, this is absolutely NOT TRUE. If you lie about a job, education etc, and we run the background there is a good chance (depending on company policy and any regulations they have to follow) that your offer would get revoke. Now obviously, if you put you started March 2024 at a Job but it was really April 2024 that is a different story, but I can personally attest to at least 150 people over the years (in both regulated and non regulated) who had offers revoked for flat out lying
Don't forget the if you run into a bear play dead. Personally I find this suspicious. I think this was made up by bears. 'Lay on the ground, cover yourself with honey and you'll be safe!' 😁
In Canada we have a rhyme: If it's brown, lay down; if it's black, attack; if it's white, say goodnight.
Load More Replies...You forgot waiting an hour to swim After eating. So pissed at all the swimming time lost. Just a conspiracy so the adults had A break from pool supervision
Headline says "trickle-down economics". Not a single entry on the list has anything to do with that.
Now it says "30 wild myths debunked by millennials." unfortunately this is not because they listened to you but because they constantly change the titles so you think you are clicking on a new article
Load More Replies...Don't forget the if you run into a bear play dead. Personally I find this suspicious. I think this was made up by bears. 'Lay on the ground, cover yourself with honey and you'll be safe!' 😁
In Canada we have a rhyme: If it's brown, lay down; if it's black, attack; if it's white, say goodnight.
Load More Replies...You forgot waiting an hour to swim After eating. So pissed at all the swimming time lost. Just a conspiracy so the adults had A break from pool supervision
Headline says "trickle-down economics". Not a single entry on the list has anything to do with that.
Now it says "30 wild myths debunked by millennials." unfortunately this is not because they listened to you but because they constantly change the titles so you think you are clicking on a new article
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