Some situations in life are so ironic, you might not know whether to laugh or to cry. But here at Bored Panda, we usually opt for the former, so today we’re focusing on some of the funniest instances of irony people have managed to catch on camera.
Covering all sorts of scenarios, from cycling on roads not meant for cycling, to Domino’s delivery mopeds falling like dominoes, and ironic fire alarms, among other things, the pictures ought to make you giggle; or facepalm. So, if you are looking to unwind with some amusing internet content, scroll down to find the irony-drenched pics on the list below, and make sure to upvote your favorites!
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He Doesn’t Understand Irony
An Employee Cleaning The Floor Of A Roomba Store
I Honestly Don't Know If The Museum Is Open Or Not
Oftentimes, something being ironic makes it quite funny, too. That might be related to the fact that it is based on incongruity, which is also what one of the three main theories of humor is based on (the other two being the relief theory and the superiority theory).
According to the incongruity theory, people find humor in unexpected twists and turns or in concepts that are fundamentally incompatible. Needless to say, a dog carrying around a “no dogs” sign, for instance, as well as other examples of irony on this list, surely provide some at least somewhat incompatible sights.
A Protest I Can Really Get Behind
The Immigration Museum Is Looking Remarkable Accurate Right Now
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, discussing the role of incongruity in humor, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant suggested that, “In everything that is to excite a lively laugh there must be something absurd (in which the understanding, therefore, can find no satisfaction). Laughter is an affection arising from the sudden transformation of a strained expectation into nothing.”
It's Fine, Not Like One Of These Cost $40
When smol, dad bought the cat a nice raised cat bed, all soft and protected, she decided to sleep on an old towel draped over the chair arm, trying to put the towel in the bed to get her to sleep there just resulted in her carrying the towel back to the chair arm.
This Is So Ironic
Deeply Ironic
And it came with a note that explained that it would be the last one ever to be sent in plastic, a claim that they have so far lived up to.
Coming back to Kant’s idea that laughter arises from the “sudden transformation of a strained expectation into nothing”, it’s not difficult to see why people would find the situations on this list amusing. Take an image of a truck that didn’t fit under a bridge, for instance; under regular circumstances, a person would expect the vehicle to drive underneath it with no problem. But when it can’t due to its height, the person’s expectations disappear, just like the top of the truck after colliding with the bridge.
Needless to say, the slogan on the truck saying “We fit” can only make the situation even funnier, thanks to both the incongruity and the irony in the situation.
In Court For Shoplifting
This Church Number
Well That Didn't Work
Though many people find irony amusing, quite a few might find it perplexing, too. In a piece for The MIT Press Reader, experimental psychologist, Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis, and the author of Irony and Sarcasm, Roger J. Kreuz, delved deeper into the topic by covering how to “distinguish the notoriously slippery concept from its distant cousins coincidence, satire, parody, and paradox.”
According to Kreuz, irony is something most people seem to understand, yet it’s surprisingly difficult to define. The fact that the same term is used to describe very different things does not really help in the situation, either.
My Wife Bought The Same Book Twice By Mistake. How Ironic
Well, the right one is slightly smaller, so it IS working!
Oh The Irony
The Way My OCD Medication Is Packaged
Comparing coincidence and irony, Kreuz wrote that the two are more like cousins rather than siblings, as the concepts only share a few attributes in common. “Coincidences involve juxtaposition and incongruity, but they aren’t counterfactual and don’t involve pretense. They may allude to failed expectations, but they aren’t explicit echoes. Coincidences may involve victims, humor, or criticism, but they are rarely truly humorous or poignant.”
The expert then continued to explain how irony differs from paradox, satire, and parody, and while all three are arguably something you’re well familiar with, discussing such differences might prove to be a challenge bigger than expected.
I Dropped My Bob Ross Coffee Mug. The Irony Isn't Lost On Me
I Think Zara Needs A Career Change
Oh she seen it, she just couldn't be bothered to tell anyone as they keep saying shes a fake lol
A Limb Fell Off My Tree Last Night And Broke My Ax
Another thing that might be quite difficult to distinguish from irony is sarcasm. In his series on irony, Ted-Ed educator Christopher Warner explained that verbal irony refers to saying something when you mean the exact opposite, while being sarcastic is saying the opposite, too, but with an added intention of mocking the person or the situation.
“Beware, though. While all sarcasm fits the definition of verbal irony, not all verbal irony is sarcastic. Verbal irony is where what is meant is the opposite of what is said, while sarcasm adds that little punch of attitude,” Warner noted.
Damn, This Guy Is Good
My Friend Burned Herself. I Just Wish Something Would Have Warned Her It Was Hot
Irony Is Dead
They should have had a "Make it Eunuch" t-shirt but they didn't have the ...for it.
If you wish to continue down this road and browse more of similar ironic content, continue to Bored Panda’s previous edition of some of the most ironic images, or take a look at these ironic moments next.
Falling Like Domino
The Irony In This Photo
My Friend Saw This At The Doctor's Office
Irony At Its Finest
Maybe They Want You To Struggle
Be Different It Is
No You Can't
TNT is so terrible at their supposed work that they've been on my Revenge List for years. Smashing into a bridge seems pretty par for the course to me and not at all something I personally arranged.
"Follow Us To Quality Parking"
Saw This Tonight. It Gave Us All A Good Laugh
Trees Rock
Oh The Irony
"We Fit" Halfords Lorry Wedged Under Rail Bridge On South Eden Park Road Near Eden Park Station
It's All About Freedom
*Does a Homer!* edit:
I Moved The Flour Away From The Kid So He Wouldn't Make A Mess, And I Knocked It Off The Counter With My Elbow
This kind of bottle/lid is designed not to "close" it's designed to only let out soap when squeezed, My bet is someone squeezed it over the counter/sink and just left the mess 71RSWFbjjH...0eacef.jpg
Very Biblical
Reminds me of the time the owners of the Ark Museum or whatever the hell it's called - it's creationist BS - sued insurance over water damage (widely reported as flood damage, but an AP correction [] says it was over a period of two years. Then again if 13 billion years is 6,000, two years is equivalent to about 29 seconds)
Safety First
The Saga Of The RoboVac Never Fails To Keep Us Busy. Irony At Its Best
Accepting Resumes
"Memories Will Last Forever" Yeah Right
How My Hand Cream Arrived In The Mail
Absolutely None
BILL POSTERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. I'm still not entirely clear on what Mr Posters did.
Nothing Indeed
Think they spaced it wrong. Should read: Stain, less steel
Ironic Fire Alarm
there's a piano at my synagogue that has a sign on top like 'please don't put things on top of our piano, it's 100 years old' or something. And like it's a light sign know.
The Irony Of This Sign At A Restaurant
You mean in my underwear on the couch with crumbs down me and dip balancing on my stomach. That is a terrifying thought for the camera to see that.
I Was Watching The Tour De France And Thought This Was Ironic And Funny
Too Easy
Oh, The Irony
Ironically, a lot of people don't know what "irony" truly means. However, these pictures do demonstrate it for the most part.
Are you saying it's NOT like rain on your wedding day?
Load More Replies...Ironically, a lot of people don't know what "irony" truly means. However, these pictures do demonstrate it for the most part.
Are you saying it's NOT like rain on your wedding day?
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