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- BA in Arts (Fashion Design), VDK, 2020
Activity & Interests
- I Love video games like Assassin Creed, The Sims 4, Overwatch 2, Dead By Daylight and etc..
- Cat distribution system hasn't blessed me, YET
- Art and aesthetic lover
- Homebody who likes binge watching Korean TV Shows and Dramas
- Want to learn 3D character and environment modeling
- Listening to music calms my nerves
- I can read, understand and speak more Korean than Russian
Hi, I'm Eglė, and I am a visual editor at Bored Panda who searches for the best pictures for the articles that I create. Always trying to exceed the expectations and deliver an interesting, infuriating or cute article, depending on the topic. I graduated from VDK with BA of Arts because I really love art in any form. When I'm not working, I like building miniatures, playing video games or board games and listening to music. Other times, I like cooking food and making things instead of buying.