Let’s be honest: everyone loves funny compliments. We may be socially awkward and unable to respond to them without looking like a blushing mess, but inside our hearts, we appreciate every kind word people throw at us. And, of course, the same thing should be reciprocated.
But most of the time, you don’t know what to say to someone who means so much to you without making your funny phrases sound dumb—or worse, fake. It’s time to break out of the boring praising box and make a real connection with the people you care about!
You don’t have to be cheesy or over the top to make someone feel good about themselves. There are plenty of funny things to say about people you can use without sounding cliché or generic. And nothing leaves a long-lasting positive memory more than a well-delivered funny compliment that is also unique!
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of funny compliments and funny random things to say in a text that will make anyone feel like their best self. And isn’t that what it’s all about? As always, upvote the sayings you liked the most, and share your experiences with funny compliments in the comments!
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I don’t think you’re clumsy. The floor and the walls are just really friendly to you.
Puppies and kittens probably share photos of you with one another in their very own social network.
How Do You Compliment Someone in a Funny Way?
Would you like to compliment someone without turning it into a bona fide soap show? We get it, as we’ve been there so many times! In fact, complimenting someone in a humorous and lighthearted way is proven to relieve tension and cozy up the atmosphere in an unobtrusive way. That’s why we love these funny things to say about people so much!
Always remember, though, that sense of humor is quite a subjective thing—something that’s funny for you might not always be funny for them, so use it with caution and thought. That said, this list has plenty more funny advice and phrases to choose from!
Your hair belongs in a shampoo commercial.
You’re someone that I don’t want to punch in the throat.
This one is so funny, I used it as a caption on a pic of my husband
How Do You Respond to a Funny Compliment?
Responding to a compliment or something funny addressed to you might depend dearly on the situation. If you didn’t care much for the compliment, a polite “Thank you” might be enough to show them your appreciation but no further want to continue the humorous back and forth. However, if you did like the funny phrases, responding with humor is a great way to keep the lighthearted tone strong. Here are some funny things you could consider as your response:
- “Well, I did learn from the best—the mirror.”
- “I'd like to thank my parents for this award-winning sense of humor!”
- “Oh, stop, you're making me blush. Or maybe that's just a mild sunburn.”
- “Is that so? I always suspected I had a hidden talent for being hilarious without even trying!”
- “If I had a dollar for every funny compliment I've received, I'd be able to buy you a drink. Deal?”
Don’t forget to tailor these funny sayings to your own individual liking and mold them to your particular situation for the most impact. But most importantly—have fun! Now, for more funny random things to say in a text and dish out as compliments, simply scroll down below for the continuation of our list.
Talking to you is the best part of my day, aside from when I'm sleeping and when I'm eating.
You know that pal in scary movies, who is like, 'hey, let's split up?' that friend is dumb. You are not that friend.
The stuff you say is so stupid I have to think really hard about what it means.
I honestly think you can do anything you put your mind to. But I know what kind of thoughts you have, so maybe hold off on that for now.
Your ability to consider a problem from multiple angles and perspectives is a gift and a curse.
I look at you the same way we all look at giraffes, which is basically like, “You are a magnificent creature.”
Sometimes, when a brilliant idea pops into my mind, I run it by you to make sure it’s not super stupid, which is often the right thing to do.
I tell everyone how amazing you are. Especially that one time you coughed and farted simultaneously.
You finally look like a human being.
That sounds like a backhanded compliment, not something I'd really say to anyone.
I’m quite certain that you’re the only person I can have a serious debate with about a fictional scenario that is ridiculously stupid.
You’re such a darling that if I suddenly turned into a psycho-maniac murderer, I’d kill you last.
It sucks that you don’t see what I see in you. Because if you did, you’d just stare and keep smiling.
Your humor is like a dog whistle. It mostly goes undetected. But to those that get it, they really get it.
You’re the only person I trust with my passwords. I’m not going to give them to you, but if you happened to discover them, I probably wouldn’t change them.
I have plenty of friends that I worry about. You're not one of them because you’re impeccable.
If you were a dog, you’d either be the leader of the pack or the laziest one in the world. Sometimes, I just can’t tell with you.
If you were a box of crayons, you’d be the gigantic branded variety with the built-in sharpener.
If there’s one thing that I like about you, it’s that I like more than just one thing about you.
We all have those days where it’s like, “Yeah, I’m not getting anything done today.” And on those days, I know I can trust you to join me in accomplishing nothing.
I’m so lucky that you’re not a drug. If you were, I would turn into an unreasonable addict, and then I’d have to go to rehab.
You're like that one sock that disappears out of the blue. I don't know what I did to lose you, but I want you back.
If cartoon blue birds were real, a couple of them would sitting on your shoulders, singing right now.
You’re like a good bra to me. Fully supportive, never stabbing me in the back, and always lifting my burden no matter how heavy.
If you accidentally die, I’ll immediately travel around the world to search for the seven dragon balls.