Every job has its caveats, particularly if it’s a customer service job. In the case of being a movie theatre usher, it must be teens high on sugar, Fortnite, and the thrill of sneaking in, resulting in mayhem and noise complaints. Take it from a person who spent two years working in a cinema.

However, there are two things that are even worse: one, clogged toilets, and two, annoying parents. As u/Dragon_Crystal recently shared in his Entitled Parents story, it was the latter case which started his working day. After kicking rowdy teens out the previous night, he got to meet the mother of these hell spawns for not letting them lurk in the cinema till she collected them. She didn’t call in the National Guard but she did threaten to sue… Why need a stage and a production team when you have Karens causing scenes on a whim, free of charge?


    After kicking out rowdy teens who were ruining cinemagoers’ experience, this employee had to deal with one final thing: their furious mom

    Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: olia danilevich (not the actual photo)


    Image credits:  Liza Summer (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Dragon_Crystal

    In the world of customer service, entitlement has become an unwelcome guest at the table. As service providers strive to find the delicate balance between customer satisfaction and realistic expectations, the battle against entitlement rages on.

    As mentioned in another article last week, it was revealed in 2021 that around 50% of hospitality workers expressed thoughts of leaving their jobs, with 40% attributing their decision directly to the behavior of customers who don’t treat workers as human beings.

    And while we all know that encountering entitled individuals can put a serious damper on our mood, did you know that being entitled can actually take a toll on your own happiness? That’s right, having those sky-high expectations often leads to nothing but disappointment and psychological strain.

    Many people had similar stories to share


    Others simply couldn’t believe the entitlement of some parents