There’s just something about celebrities that makes us endlessly interested in the lives they lead. From reactions to the Met Gala outfits to The Oscars moments, we can’t seem to stop talking about them. Our obsession with famous people is everywhere. After all, there’s plenty of entertainment and lots to like when it comes to people in the public eye.

But as they say, reputation takes a lifetime to build and only a second to destroy. When celebrities fall from grace, devoted fans are on the lookout to express their disappointment, and one thread over on Ask Reddit proved to be the perfect outlet. A while back, user theresabeeonyourhat posed a question: "Who is a celebrity you used to admire, but no longer do, and why?"

Thousands of people delivered interesting responses and revealed the scandals and rumors that changed how they viewed their heroes. A small note of warning: we can’t guarantee whether some of these stories are facts or fiction, so remember to take everything with a grain of salt. Continue scrolling and be sure to weigh in on the topic in the comment section below!

Psst! If you're interested in even more celeb goodness, check out our earlier post about A-list celebrities who people no longer respect.


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I was an Elon Musk fan.

Mass Effect is one of my favourite franchises, and I saw Elon and SpaceX as a way of achieving something like the future in Mass Effect.

Later I learned that he basically just takes all of the fame from the engineers, pumps and dumps crypto, is an idiot, and exploits the f**k out of his workers. He's a garbage human being that should shut up, and leave the companies he has as they have potential beyond his smug face.

I still like SpaceX and I think they will probably lead to our future in space exploration, but Elon is on top of my s**t list, just like most if not all billionaires and millionaires. Especially the ones that are garbage to the people that made their company what they are today.

RaccKing21 Report

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Sofie Carmine
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok I agree, but also anyone else notice the man can smile upside down, and still look like he's smiling?

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Might get dragged for this but Kanye West. His contribution to hip-hop music is undeniable, especially his first six solo albums and his work as a producer in the late 90s/early 00s. His public persona was always a bit annoying, but ultimately harmless.

2020 changed that. His presidential run was a bridge too far for me, especially since it was funded/managed by right-wing operatives who probably wanted to use him as a spoiler candidate. And the quality of his music has also diminished. Not a lot of redeeming qualities left to hold on to.

HutSutRawlson , David Shankbone Report


To find out more about our fascination with celebrity culture and our eagerness to learn more about their day-to-day lives, we reached out to Kelli S. Burns, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of South Florida and author of Celeb 2.0: How Social Media Foster Our Fascination with Popular Culture. "Celebrities possess the qualities that many regular people desire, specifically money, fame, success, and physical beauty," she told Bored Panda.

"While celebrities lead glamorous lives enjoying beautiful homes, luxurious vacations, expensive restaurants, and designer clothes, fans are also fascinated with celebrities when their lives are seemingly relatable to regular people." The professor added that this is the reason why content like Us Weekly’s feature Stars—They’re Just Like Us! is so popular. Moreover, "Paparazzi photos of celebrities grocery shopping, walking dogs, and dropping children off at school remind us that celebrities aren’t perfect."


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Gwyneth Paltrow. Her b******t pseudo health/anti-vax information she spreads is terribly incorrect and cringe worthy. It’s sad how many people are actually influenced by it as well.

whiterice34 Report

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Kathi Schäffer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't know what OP is talking about. I've always felt like the one thing that's missing in my life and in my apartment is a candle that smells like Gwyneth's vagina 🕯️

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Jennifer Lopez.

Many years ago, a friend of mine in Houston waited on her and her entourage at a very nice restaurant. She demanded that the place's very starstruck manager go to the store and get the kind of bottled water she liked, because she wasn't doing that tap bull***t and they didn't carry the kind she liked. She and her people needled the hell out of my friend until the manager got back from the store with it, and then complained when it wasn't served cold, even though he of course brought glasses of ice with it.

She ran my friend ragged, and laughed the whole time. B**ched and called him names at every opportunity. We were both servers at that point, and I'd gone to his restaurant and asked for him at times (hey, if you're gonna tip someone, might as well keep it in the family), so I know he was damned good at what he did. I saw how he treated all his tables. He loved his job and did his best at all times.

She and her friends stiffed him. Zero tip. After camping out at that table, in that private room that was given just to her and nobody else, for 3 hours. Just because she could.

I never liked her after that. "I'm just Jenny from the block" my *a*s*.

ChaoticForkingGood Report


It’s easy for us to show admiration to our favorite superstars and hope that one day we might become just like them. However, Burns explained that sometimes we get slightly too invested in our heroes' lives. "Some fans can experience a condition called celebrity worship, which is an extreme feeling of attachment to a celebrity," she noted.

"Celebrity worship often starts with parasocial relationships, which are one-sided relationships that fans feel when they experience celebrities via the media. Social media can intensify feelings of attachment because fans have increased access to a celebrity through the photos and videos shared not only by the celebrity, but also by other fans," she noted. It turns out that this unlimited access to celebrity lifestyles can increase desires among fans for what the people in the public eye possess.


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Beyonce, how all her songs were about woman empowerment and irl she's paying Sri Lankan children pennies to make clothes and turning them into millions back home.

Could never look at her in a different light after knowing this.

Metadeth_ Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Tom Cruise.

Dude went bonkers into Scientology. The s**t he did to his ex's is, to me, akin to what Britney Spears is going through.

drunkenWINO Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I'm gonna add Oprah.
I used to think she was just a regular daytime TV host who built up an empire and did a lot of good things.
Then I started noticing all the absolute bulls**t she shills and the damage it does (Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil being prime examples). She's blindly supported and promoted so many quacks and snakeoil salesmen that I can't even imagine how many people have been f**ked by her endorsements.

But everyone loves her because she occasionally throws some money around.

ColdAndGrumpy Report

"While parasocial relationships are considered normal, celebrity worship can have detrimental consequences for both the celebrity and the fan when taken to the extreme," she noted that unhealthy levels of celebrity obsession often come with a cost. "A celebrity may become the victim of an obsessed fan who becomes a stalker. Fans who worship celebrities often suffer from poor mental health, although it’s not clear whether the obsession caused the mental health issues or the mental health issues caused the obsession."


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Bill Cosby.

I'm not sure if those asking for "why" are being serious, but I'll go ahead and add it. Because I grew up with his comedy and The Cosby Show and absolutely loved him. When the accusations against him started to come out I gave him the benefit of the doubt for as long as I could. There was just too much evidence against him. Broke my heart.

aksf16 Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Eric Clapton for his music, until I found out he was a racist, anti-vaxx idiot.

anon , Raph_PH Report

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Mixed Reality Portal
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hilarious that a guy who spent a significant amount of his life off his head on drugs and alcohol, has such a problem with vaccines ... I guess if he had any braincells left he'd see the irony...

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Quentin Tarantino.

I just heard his interview on the Howard Stern Show, and he was defending Roman Pulanski in the worst ways, saying she wanted it, she bragged about it, etc.

The girl never wanted it or asked for it, and Pulanski was 43 while she was 13. As disgusting as Howard & his crew can be at times, they were clearly in horror cause they gave him chance after chance to realize how f****d up his line of thinking was, but he wasn't having it.

theresabeeonyourhat Report

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Sofie Carmine
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A 13 year old wanted it from a 43 year old man. Yup sounds right 👍🏻 (yeah I know some of us were horny 13 year olds (i was) but really?)

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When asked why people stop respecting their beloved celebrities, the professor mentioned it’s important to remember that they are regular people who also make mistakes. However, their slip-ups are more likely to trend on Twitter and be discussed in entertainment news and by everyone online. "Fans often stop admiring celebrities when they realize their values are not in line with those of the celebrity," Burns added. "For example, the celebrity might make a racist comment, cheat on a spouse, … or resort to physical violence."

"Fans idolize celebrities and put them on a pedestal where they are seemingly immune to mistakes. When celebrities are involved in a scandal, fans can feel hurt because their perception is now out of line with reality. Being disappointed in someone you admired and respected is a natural reaction when they make a mistake."


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I’m surprised to not see them mentioned yet but Caitlyn Jenner. The support for her when she came out and she was honestly brave enough to do it. And then 2016 happens and she’s spewing about taking away LGBT rights and continuing to do so in her wanna be political career. To me she came across as someone who was willing to bite the hand that fed her.

openingMinute09 , US Mission to the UN Report

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Stardust she/her
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why tf does she want to take away our rights if she is a part of our community? Edit: this blew up unexpectedly

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Amber Heard cause I loved her work in Aquaman, everyone knows why we hate her now.

velocity_ken Report

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Zoe's Mom
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't think she did well in Aquaman. It's just my personal opinion but I think she was dry as cardboard.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities James Corden. I used to think his self deprecating style and his ingenuity with comedy and the carpool karaoke idea were great. Then I saw story after story from fan encounters where he is a complete and utter douche. Now that I know he's a fake, his schtick is unwatchable.

Edit: as one responder pointed out, I forgot about the time he played the question game with Jimmy Kimmel and couldn't name two of his own cameramen.

Schlag96 Report

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Donnie Mc00
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hes one of the people i have always disliked. His own biggest fan.

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According to Burns, those who follow the lives of famous people should consider whether their admiration and interest is a healthy or unhealthy practice. "For some fans, a celebrity may inspire them to follow their dreams of becoming a musical artist, Broadway actor, or film director. Many celebrities also support causes that fans might benefit from knowing more about, such as mental health."


"At the same time, fascination with a celebrity can cross the line into an unhealthy obsession where fans spend an inordinate amount of time trying to interact with celebrities online or feel depressed about their own lives when comparing themselves to celebrities," the professor concluded.


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Demi Lovato. They act like everyone is responsible for their triggers. Taylor Swift isn't fatphobic for drinking diet coke. A Fro-Yo shop isnt fat shaming people for offering diabetic-friendly options.

The worst part is that Demi has also supported using detox/skinny teas but then says that these people are promoting eating disorders.

BittersweetAndi Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Kevin Spacey. I used admire the s**t out of his acting skills and still do, but then the allegations came out about his inappropriate relationships with youngish boys. His excuse in the "apology?"

"Oh, I'm gay."

Sorry dude, that's not gonna fly. I don't care about the gay part, but implicitly trying to use that as a reason to forgive the other? Just, no.

Mr_Lumbergh , Maryland GovPic Report

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Jane Alexander
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

'San Quentin Quail' they called us back in the '50's. We were/They are a No No! It's not consensual 'cause they can't consent. Leave the Kids Alone!

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Dr. Phil. I wasn't the biggest fan but I did admire him. It's been a few weeks since I learned how he treats those vulnerable people in his asylums(Ranches??)

buggerrrnaut Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Ellen DeGeneres.

I thought she was really wholesome, and watching her show used to make me feel warm and fuzzy but then I started getting really soul-leeching sort of vibes from her and now it just feels like she’s using people. I’m sure it’s always been like that…I mean, she’s there to be paid to entertain people, after all.

I’m sorry I don’t have concrete examples but I get real psychic vampire vibes from her (á la Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows).

UhnonMonster Report

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Chris D'Asta
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I loved her stand up comedy. The talk show was pretty awful as you said. I cannot agree with you more, and thanks for the Colin Robinson reference, she most likely is a Psychic Vampire.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Roman Polanski.

I saw The Pianist when I was very young and it was one of the first movies I saw that taught me just how powerful movies could be. It kicked off my love of film.

Then I read about what he did to that child… sick f**k belongs in prison.

lord_doucheington , Georges Biard Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Kat von D. I thought she was so pretty and a talented tattoo artist. She's just a racist anti-vaxxer nutjob.

that80scourtney , Mariano Vivanco Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Steve jobs. I admired him for being the best in technology and always looking forward.

When I realised he left his wife behind because she had cancer…

anon , Matthew Yohe Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Tyra Banks. I thought she was a progressive “girl boss”. The older I get the more I realize that she’s kind of a bully and bitter.

vixxie , John Mathew Smith Report

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Jo Johannsen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I cringed every time I saw her on America's Got Talent. She appeared to think she was the star of the show. (My opinion only)

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Marilyn Manson .

He always seemed like a really chill dude behind the cameras, his concerts were fun to attend and everybody talked about what a nice guy he was. Turns out he'd been abusing his girlfriends for years.

anon Report

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Carol Emory
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I loved when Johnny Depp testified that he gave Marilyn Manson a pill just to shut him up.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Mario Lopez.

I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and there is a move called “knee on belly” which is exactly what it sounds like. Typically when you’re training, you don’t go full force because its an a*****e move especially when you’re training. Well, Mario was at my gym one day and he decided to go full force on me and I heard some snap crackle and pop sounds coming from my ribs which led to my rolling around on the floor for a bit. He never checked on me or apologized for doing that.

It takes a special kind of human to lack that much empathy to completely ignore someone writhing in pain that you clearly inflicted.

Ever since then I can physically feel my blood pressure rise whenever I see Extra or Access Hollywood or whatever cr**py show he hosts.

Green-Ad939 , Gage Skidmore Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We all knew he was a douche when his first marriage to the doritos girl was annulled within 5 minutes

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Hyde was my favorite character on That '70s Show, but now Danny Masterson is a r**ist Scientologist, so f**k that noise.

DogStilts Report

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Ben Stiller for getting in an argument arguing there isn’t nepotism in Hollywood. He literally is the son of two famous comedic actors.

captbaka , Montclair Film Report

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Rabbit Carrot
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also he’s kinda rude. Was at a premier in London and he just blanked everyone. Was an a**e to everyone working the event.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Jared Leto. Used to be a huge 30 Seconds to Mars fan (still love the first 3 albums), and he seemed like a solid guy from the interviews I had seen back in the day.

Over time though I started to realize how pretentious he is. Like he has some Bono-complex, he sees himself like some profound artist who is changing the world.

anon , reddit Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Joe Rogan, he has recently been giving more and more really horrible takes on topics he doesn’t know anything about, and has also seemed to have left the “I don’t know anything” mindset

hayden-d , Steven Crowder Report

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Ray Martin
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Joe Rogan has always been human garbage, who will take any insane "conspiracy theory" and run with it, as long as it gets him attention and money. He's on the same level as Alex Jones.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Sia, because of her movie Music.

She basically completed the entire checklist for how not to make a movie about autism.

1. Cast a neurotypical person.

2. Use Autism Speaks as a consultant

3. Have a very cliched and unrealistic depiction of autism, and show dangerous and inappropriate means of controlling autism as if it were normal.

4. Throw a tantrum when people criticise you for the above.

5. Backtrack and offer a half-hearted apology when you realise they have a point.

RedWestern Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Illuminaughtii made an EXCELLENT video talking about how this movie negatively impacted the autistic community. She's also made several videos talking about Autism Speaks and why so many autistic people don't support it. Highly recommend checking those out, if you're curious.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Morrissey. I related to his music in a pretty big way as he seemed to embrace being the weird outsider who didn't relate so much to traditional roles and behavior. He was funny, bookish, and seemed custom made for outcasts & underdogs.


He grew into a bitter old racist xenophobe who can't stop talking horrible s**t that goes completely against my values, and what I'm willing to tolerate in another human being.
So Morrissey can eat the poo-poo.

Booji-Boy , Caligvla Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I saw an interview he did with Jonathan Ross. He was awful.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I used to respect Chrissy Tiegen for being "real" as a celebrity, but I found out about the cruel DMs she had been sending to Courtney Stodden (the child whose parents basically sold them to an older man who paid for a bunch of cosmetic surgery and kept Courtney drugged up). Chrissy verbally harassed Courtney, telling them to kill themself repeatedly, while Courtney was being sexually traumatized by their 51 year old "husband".

ellysa714 , David Shankbone Report

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Joss Whedon. Loved his shows, his writing style, and the surface stuff like his stance on feminism were worth admiring, too. Turns out, he’s at best, a complete prick.

Zeelthor Report

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T'Mar of Vulcan
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How he treated Charisma Carpenter is shocking. To 'get back at her' for having a BABY he ruined a wonderful character and character arc. Frak him.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I was watching The Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson plays a loveable goofball, and it honestly makes his scenes surreal. This is the fault of no one involved in the film (except OJ of course) but I can't suspend my disbelief enough to buy that he's a harmless adorable dork, considering what I know about him in real life. But that's how everyone saw him at the time.

darkLordSantaClaus , wiki Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Conor McGregor. Because of alot of incidents including sucker-punching an old man at a bar and mocking his rival's recently deceased father and a bunch more things. Just being an all around bitter nasty guy nowadays.

johnnyb1917 , Report

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Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Conor is a horrible person. Let’s not forget the time he threw a metal wheelie-dolly at a bus full of fellow UFC fighters and injured several with the broken glass from the windows he shattered! Conor is an egotistical piece of trash. I loathe him ALMOST as much as I loathe Jon Jones.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities James Charles. any grooming situation honestly makes me sick, the fact that they were a part of it made me so angry.

riana_the_raining Report

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Random person
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to love James Charles... The makeup looks were always really nice, but now... I still like the art, but hate the artist. ETA: spelling

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities John Cena.
When I was a kid he was my all time favorite celebrity. My idea of an “American hero”
But when he apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country, I realized he’s a weak, greedy coward.
It really is a shame.
My brother was right. Batista was better.

cjtbomb , Gage Skidmore Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Shia Laboeuf. I thought it was great that he went from a silly show like Even Stevens to making and starring in some tremendous indie flicks.

But when you do something so gross that Olivia Wilde (a great director) has to fire you from her upcoming movie, I’m forced to see you differently.

hurtfocker , Georges Biard Report

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Drake. Guy puts out the same generic music year in, year out…. And his advances on Millie Bobby Brown have me wondering if he’s deliberately obtuse to the optics of the situation.

CourierNouveau Report


This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities Bill Murray.

He beat his ex wife up and threatened to have her killed. He's no different than Chris Brown.

Grape_rape_rate Report

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Sanne H.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

With the Depp/Heard case in mind, I’m a bit hesitant to immediately judge.

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This Thread Has People Revealing The Moment They Stopped Admiring These 40 Celebrities I used to love Marlon Brando until I heard of that infamous "butter scene" and what really happened in it.

Subject-Active , None visible/Paramount Pictures Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There was no actual rape but there was a theft of agency, humiliation, and exploitation of a 19 year old's "authentic reaction" to a surprise scene. The person to blame is the director Bernardo Bertolucci, though, not Brando.

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