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Denis Tymulis
BoredPanda Staff
838 posts
192.7K points
Denis is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After getting his bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design, he tried to succeed in digital design, advertising, and branding.
Also, Denis really enjoys sports and loves everything related to board sports and water.
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Denis Tymulis • submitted a new post 1 week ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 2 new posts 1 week ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 2 new posts 3 weeks ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 6 new posts 1 month ago
Art, Funny
The Queen Of England Gives A Speech In A Green Dress And The Photoshoppers Know What To Do (35 Pics)
Photographer Takes Pics Of People In Public From 2 Perspectives And It Shows How Easily The Media Can Manipulate Reality
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Denis Tymulis • submitted 15 list additions 3 months ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted a new post 7 months ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 4 new posts 2 years ago
Social Issues
"This Is Literally Only Enough Money Not To Be Homeless": People Are Validating This MIT Report By Sharing How Much The Basic Necessities Actually Cost
Social Issues
Woman Gets Called Out By Coworker For Wearing "Barely Any Clothes", Claps Back At Him, Wonders If She Crossed The Line
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Denis Tymulis • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted a new post 7 months ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 19 new posts 2 years ago
Social Issues
"This Is Literally Only Enough Money Not To Be Homeless": People Are Validating This MIT Report By Sharing How Much The Basic Necessities Actually Cost
Social Issues
Woman Gets Called Out By Coworker For Wearing "Barely Any Clothes", Claps Back At Him, Wonders If She Crossed The Line
"I'm Not Grounding Them! That's Awesome!": 40 Proud Parents Share What Made Them Discipline Their Kids But Just For Show
Social Issues
"Can't Approve Overtime? Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime
People Frustrated With American Tourists Share 22 Stories About Them Being Oblivious To The Fact That They're Foreigners
People Are Sharing 40 Things That Are Completely Normal In Their Culture But Would Be Considered Weird Elsewhere
Guy Is Flabbergasted By This Recruiter's Audacity In Offering Him A Job For Half The Salary He Currently Earns
Woman Shares How She Got Abandoned At Airport At 4AM By Friend's Mom After A Nightmare Holiday, The Internet Doesn't Take It Lightly
Curiosities, Home & Design
35 Times Designers Forgot Things Need To Be Cleaned When Creating Them, As Shared On This Facebook Group (New Pics)
Digital Art, Funny
Guy Makes Honest And Funny Charts That Sum Up Our Lives, And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones (New Pics)
"Mentally, She Was Not There": Person Gets Their Dog Back From The Groomer, Realizes It’s Acting Weird But Keeps Living With It For Four Months Until The Truth Comes Out
Denis Tymulis • submitted 15 list additions 3 months ago
Denis Tymulis • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Denis Tymulis • commented on a post 4 years ago
Denis Tymulis • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Intestinal_Hurry reply
When my daughter was 6, a boy in school was bullying her. He was confronting her one day, in front of his buddies, and said, "I bet you don't have the nerve to kick me in the nuts." She did. We got a call from the school. My ex and I had to stifle laughter while making to the principal. We exploded once we were outside, then had to rein it in once we met up with our daughter. Heh. The kid who was bullying her left her alone after that.farmyard_meedy reply
My 8 year old girl was being bullied by two boys at her school. So she took them both down. Put one in a choke hold (briefly) and the other kid ran. Surprise bi***es, she's being doing Brazilian jujitsu since she was five! Anyway she came home and told me she took both boys out. When I looked at her in astonishment she said "Don't worry though! I did it on the grass and not the concrete!" I was amused and hella impressed. A year later and she is now best friends with one of the boys. :DMeggie82461 reply
4 year old wanted to go to the zoo. I didn't. I told him we would go to the park by the zoo, because that didn't cost any money. Then I told him I wanted to get coffee first. His response? "Oh, so you have money for coffee?" I was impressed with his very appropriate and timely response. Edit: calm down people. I had money for both zoo and coffee. The problem is that my kid wants to leave the zoo after approximately 8 minutes, but still wants to go every single day. I don't like spending $40 to go to the zoo to leave after 8 minutes. Edit 2: also, it's common knowledge among parents to not give your kids what they want all the time. Then they turn into assholes. Our main job as parents is to not have our kids turn into assholes.alwaysevolving1 reply
My 3 year old dragged a chair from the lounge to the kitchen and climbed up to help herself to an icecream from the freezer, I caught her in the act and was prepared to be angry until I realized that before getting herself one, she had taken 2 out for her little brother and sister, unwrapped them and sent them out to the balcony to eat so they wouldn't make a mess. I decided she deserved the icecream.TallyWhackerLacker reply
My 16 year old son and his buddies decided to call their dodgeball team "Snipe" so that they could "accidentally" stand in front of the whole school with their lettered t-shirts spelling out "Penis." Such a proud mom, I was!RLS30076 reply
Use a scale to measure things. It's even easier if you set the scale to grams, not ounces. Much easier to scale a recipe up and down that way.swiebertjeee reply
The thing I learned it, a good sharp kitchen knife makes cooking more fun and even if you think your knife is sharp enough it probably isnt. Made all the difference for me.ElNolec reply
Smash the garlic. It makes peeling and cuting it way easier/faster. Plus you get to smash the garlic. 10/10morelbolete reply
Use freshly grind pepper and not the powder. It's true in general that freshly grind spices taste better (and/or smell better) but for pepper it is a difference between night and day.oddsnsodds reply
Oven controls are wildly inaccurate. Get an oven thermometer and figure out how hot it really gets.gamergirl007 reply
Clean as you go. Nothing worse than cooking a lovely meal and having a giant sink of dishes w waiting for you. I make sure I have an empty dishwasher before I start cooking and then every dish I dirty while cooking goes straight into the dishwasher. Once we are done eating the only plates to clean are the ones we ate off and any pots that need a scrub. It takes so much pressure off to clean as you go.TheLadyEve reply
1) Clean as you go. 2) If you're breading anything, always keep one hand dry at all times. 3) Always lay a protein away from you in a pan to prevent any splash back on you. 4) Wear gloves when you handle hot peppers. I don't care how high your tolerance is for spice, you do NOT want to touch your eyes later or, god forbid, go to bed with your partner later and remember when it's too late "oh yeah, I chopped a bunch of Serranos earlier."overduebook reply
It's a baking tip: If you're going to be cutting butter into some kind of pastry (scones, pie crust, etc) **freeze the stick of butter and grate it**. It makes everything SO much easier. I'll never ever go back to the older method of cubing the butter and then endlessly trying to cut it into smaller pieces etc. Plus doing that takes so long half the butter melts. Using the grated butter means I only have to spend about a minute mixing everything together so it's much easier to avoid overworking the dough. Puffy scones, flaky crusts.maszah reply
If you want the best fried mushrooms, fry them without any butter or oil. There is so much liquid in mushrooms, that the won't burn for quite some time. Frying them like that, makes them sort of hyper concentrated. Once all the water has cooked of, add butter. They will suck up all that flavor.walkstwomoons2 reply
Gather all your ingredients before you begin. Read all the directions before you begin. Don’t begin until you know what you’re doing. Advice from my grandmotherThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Denis Tymulis • 140 followers