“I Cried When They Canceled ‘Firefly’!”: 34 Shows That Ended Too Soon, Vote If They Should Continue, Be Rebooted Or Left As Is
TV shows like Kaos, Firefly, and The Queen’s Gambit: what do they all have in common? They were all either canceled or just ended! There are 30 canceled shows that we all binged in this poll that left us wanting more. Untimely cancellations and endings of these shows left the fans upset and even heartbroken because they could not get to see what happened next. In these polls, though, you get behind the wheel and decide whether they should continue the show, make a reboot, or leave it as is because the show ran its course.
Let’s vote!
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Our Flag Means Death
Was a really great comedy. It was a queer show, written by mostly queer writers, with mostly queer actors, and a few golden allies, like Rhys Darby and Tika Waititi. It's really funny, and if you're straight but don't mind seeing two guys kiss (that's as heavy as the romance gets, mostly), you should watch it. It will make you lauhg.
Dead Like Me
More wonderful Bryan Fuller work that alot of people apparently missed.
My Name Is Earl
Really should have been given the 5th and final season the creators intended. The abrupt cancellation left a lot of untied threads dangling. Raising Hope used some of the story lines originally intended for Earl, but there's no character overlap. A lot of guest appearances by cast members from Earl.
We were so annoyed when this one didn't get a second season. It didn't fit into the paint by numbers template, so it got ignored. Ten years on things have gotten even worse. We have networks that make the same show three times in three different locations, and then run them back to back.
A favourite. So dark. You could almost feel the heat and smell the stale sweat. Another which has been left too long to continue.
United States Of Tara
Loved this so much..the lead is phenomenal (her name escapes me...loved her also in muriels wedding!!) I definitely wouldn't be a fan of a reboot because I loved the old cast. Perhaps a continuation might be OK but best left as is.
My So-Called Life
Young Sheldon
Chuck Lorre makes great television shows, but without Sheldon's dad it's not funny anymore.
The Oa
I gave up on it after the first season -- it felt like the showrunners had no 'grand vision' and were just making things up as it went along, adding more mysteries but never really feeling like there was an overall point to any of it. I gave up on Silo for the same reason -- just like "We have no idea what to do with this, so we're just going to keep throwing random things into the mix and hope people like it."
Inside Job
The only reason to redo it is to get rid of the filler and the silliness (same character dying THREE times and coming back to life?).
I love how the poll answers show that in nearly every case the idk option is the overwhelming majority meaning that BP readers have either never heard of, never watched or simply don't give a sh1t about the programs concerned.
My problem with the poll answers is that "Leave It As Is" could mean either "it's great and shouldn't be changed" or "it's terrible so leave it alone".
Load More Replies...The majority of these I have never even heard of. Probably many people were the same, judging by the high proportion of "idk (I don't know)" responses
I love how the poll answers show that in nearly every case the idk option is the overwhelming majority meaning that BP readers have either never heard of, never watched or simply don't give a sh1t about the programs concerned.
My problem with the poll answers is that "Leave It As Is" could mean either "it's great and shouldn't be changed" or "it's terrible so leave it alone".
Load More Replies...The majority of these I have never even heard of. Probably many people were the same, judging by the high proportion of "idk (I don't know)" responses