“Really Creepy”: 35 Frightening Parts Of Working Certain Jobs That Do Not Get Talked About
There is a very good reason it’s generally best to not know just how “the sausage gets made,” unless you are deeply invested in not consuming any more sausage. But the truth is that most jobs and professions do some with some hidden details which are not at all for the faint of heart or stomach.
Someone asked “What's the scariest fact you know in your profession that no one else outside of it knows?” and netizens spilled the beans. So strap in before you scroll through, as some of these get a bit unnerving. Upvote your favorite posts and be sure to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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Probably how painful and long dying naturally can take. I work in memory care and have cared for sooooo many people dying. It's not a nice conversation with a loved one and then peacefully drifting off to sleep like in the movies. Sometimes it can take days, up to 2 weeks once they transition before they take their last breath. Sometimes they scream and writhe for days while unconscious until they pass. morphine should be a human right. Assisted suicide should be a human right.
Morphine is given routinely in hospice care here. My grandma spent 5 days agonising before passing and a nurse would come home to give her morphine. Towards the end it was my mum who gave it to her. Dementia is really terrible until the very end.
I work in homelessness. There’s lots of ‘scary’ stuff about this work that people are probably aware of, or are intentionally ignorant of. But one of the most scary/shocking things I learned in this work was pretty early on in it.
There are lots and lots of reasons that people experiencing homelessness may be dirty or not shower frequently, but I have had it reported to me multiple times that a female client is refusing to shower/practice hygiene because being dirty/unclean/stinky prevents men from r**ing her when she’s sleeping outside. Both very scary and very sad.
I work in a shelter. Some of our guests are from middle and upper class backgrounds. Bad choices, bad health, bad treatment, and bad luck can happen to all of us, sometimes very quickly. As far as I can tell, the only thing all homeless people have in common is trauma and loss.
I cannot explain to you how quiet and how fast drowning is. Even people with some idea tend to think, "OK, so barely any noise."
No. There's nothing. You might get some splashing right at the beginning if someone's just panicking; but I've seen an adult man get into trouble with absolutely no sound. Even if someone can get their mouth out of the water, they're so locked in on breathing and not dying that they won't yell. Their arms and legs are under the water, and they're struggling so hard that that nothing can make it to the surface to splash.
You WON'T hear it. Please, please, PLEASE do not take your eyes off your kids in water (even the bath) for even a second. That's all it takes.
(In my career, I've seen drowning, but I have been fortunate enough to not see drowned. Would love for it to stay that way.).
If someone is making a lot of noise, screaming for help, they are likely not drowning, or not close to drowning yet. But that doesn't mean they aren't in distress either. Never joke about it.
I used to work in child protection. The people most likely to harm your child, or you, are people you already know, most likely family members. You can bar the door against bad men lurking in dark alleys, but when you do, remember who you’re locking in with you.
I thought we already knew this. Abusers hide in plain sight. They're often the nicest, kindest, most generous people you could wish to meet. This is what makes it so hard for victims to be believed. When they speak up they're accused of lying, trying to cause trouble, attention seeking, trying to give someone a bad name.
I’m a teacher, and all I can say is that you should teach your kids. Teach them since early age. Teach them at home. Drop your phone and teach your kids. Trust me, no one else will. As for us teachers, we are too busy implementing useless strategies to pass inspections and keep the admins happy.
Teach to ask good questions and know what answers need to be . Develop curiosity and kindness.
I’m a teacher. The education system in the US is largely f****d. We’re producing kids who can’t read, do math, or follow simple instructions. This is quickly going to become society’s problem. .
Going to become? The US is slipping bigtime in world rankings bc government spending isn’t where it needs to be. It seems the individual states have to do the heavy lifting, and that leaves ALOT of states behind at worrying rates. Education (and a good healthcare system) is the foundation of successful countries
As a mechanic I have to say that the colder and more distant a mechanic is, the more likely they are to be honest. It's the really friendly ones who are ripping you off while they're being chummy with you.
Supply coordinator for a hospital here.
Our supplies are ridiculously cheap. That IV you were charged $1000 for? We paid 79 cents for it. We get diapers for about $1 per case.
Exactly how ecologically disastrous turf lawns are. We are f*****g ourselves to make our properties look sterile and boring. It's endlessly stupid.
A lot of people don't realize it, but graduation success rate can basically be predicted based on their 3rd grade reading ability.
Early education is important, folks.
There is nothing wrong reading to your infants and never a too young of an age to introduce them to books.
I used to work in banking and it was eye opening to see how many people were victims of fraud, how little recourse there is to get the money back, and how little the police can do for you too.
You could write a whole series of books about what the police cant/won't/can't be bothered to help you with. Unless you're a just-murdered billionaire CEO of a health insurer. Then you'll have the biggest manhunt in US history trying to find your killer. Hopefully someone is inspired by his killer's good deed and guns down some more of these a******s.
Statistics are often manipulated and misrepresented to fit a narrative. Few look at raw data, or question the validity.
Statistics and research methods should be a high school course.
This was a subject in math when I was in school. Is it not anymore since 5 years ago? I used to work in statistics, doing surveys with random people. The context of the questions and surveys tends to be clearer when you see it in front of you, and can take the time to think about the agenda. It's different for the people being interrupted from their day, and be bombarded with questions. I can attest, surveys tend to be filled with lazy answers and taken out of context enough that it's all just a waste of time.
Climbing into an unventilated manhole can kill you in seconds and you wouldn't even know anything was seriously wrong.
You think that's air you're breathing now?
Manholes can fill with gases that are heavier than breathable air. You think are breathing normally but instead you fall unconscious and suffocate from lack of oxygen.
Therapist for children and youth.
The amount of kids I’ve seen in the last few months who have had a suicide attempt is stomach turning.
Everyone is scared about being tracked by the government. Corporations and brand marketers know pretty much every time you take a pee.
Things Americans don't understand: It's illegal for the US Govt to spy on you. It's not illegal for the US Govt to pay corporations for the information they collect while spying on you. This is a massive revenue stream for corporations. Alexa was the name of a private intelligence company that Amazon bought years before there was an Alexa device to put in your home. Think about that.
As a librarian, you'd be horrified how many books we get returned and have to throw out because they're absolutely *covered* in bed bugs.
We put a block on accounts and notify patrons, but I'm specifically told not to mention this problem to the public whatsoever by management.
Am a nurse. I’d say it’s probably the fact that people know when they’re going to die. They will straight up tell you “today is my last day, thank you for being kind” and you reassure them because their vitals are good, they are taking to treatment well, nothing happening that would indicate a drastic decline. Then, inevitably, you will hear a flatline on the machine and run in and sure enough that patient has passed away.
If it hadn’t happened SO many times, I would chalk it up to a few people who just didn’t have the will to live anymore, but I’ve seen it enough, I know that’s not it. Really creepy when you think about it too hard.
Kids are incredibly, *incredibly* behind where they should be in terms of education levels and they just keep getting pushed through.
As in, I have a graduating high school senior that doesn't know what 5 x 4 is and can't pronounce the word "illuminate".
A kid I grew up with was so mentally challenged that he was held back three years and when he left high school at age 18 without a diploma he expected to join the military. He failed all military branches entrance test. He is now a leading member of the Proud Boys.
I stop hundreds of cars a year from running over children *and* adults as a crossing guard. I'm only there 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, during the school year. Its insane how dangerous it is for kids to walk to school
edit: if anyone sees this please remember that your local crossing guard stands there 10 hours a week. They know which kids are safe, and which kids will run out without looking. If we're making you wait longer, there's probably a very good reason, like a kid on a bike is coming that you can't see. Please, we aren't there to inconvenience you!!! Do you think your local town *wants* to spend like 8-10k per guard per year at each crossing???
Fun fact, in Australia crossing guards can also be called 'lollypop ladies'!
Lawyer here. Cops lie A LOT. They don’t know what rights you have and don’t have to the degree that they should. They WILL cover for each other in the lies, and a TON of judges give their testimony way less scrutiny than they should.
Edit: adding that I’m referring to lies during traffic stops, in their documentation, AND under oath on the stand.
Former child actor. Quiet On The Set is probably one of the most accurate depictions of the child entertainment industry you can currently get. The industry is not built around keeping your children safe and happy. They WILL be exploited, whether that's through making them do sexual stunts/lines/scenarios, turning their physical appearance into the butt of a joke, or simply being unable to express discomfort about something they're asked to do.
I was very lucky. No one ever abused me that way. But there are things I've done that I don't think I, as a painfully self-conscious, depressed teen, needed to do. I don't think I needed to be hired to do a "is the main character gay" bit because I am androgynous. I don't think I needed to have my cleavage accentuated at fifteen years old. It absolutely affected the way I viewed myself and damaged my self-esteem permanently. I weighed about 100 pounds and had a goal weight of 85. I was not allowed to be "the fat kid.".
So sorry.... Hope you keep getting better. Self-esteem CAN be revived! (retired therapist).
Your IT department can see how much time you do or do not spend actually doing work.
Your IT department also often throws up stumbling blocks when HR or management want his data to make the process inconvenient and/or annoying.
Be nice to your IT department.
I've always told my users when they make a comment about monitoring them: "I don't care whether you're working or not; that's between you and your managers. I only care whether you give us a virus, expose us to something nasty, affect the performance of the servers or hardware of your computer, and the safety of our data." But yes, I've run interference occasionally when I see a power/ego play or intent to cause problem by a manager or HRs actions.
You know how you worry about getting your frozen and refrigerated groceries home and put away before they spoil? Overnight stockers don’t.
My mom worries about this all the time. Once she's tossed a few things I had just bought because I had walked home and some meat was out of the freezer for about 45 minutes from when I picked it up at the store. I tried reasoning with her but she refused to listen. I go 2 hours or more with frozen stuff out of the freezer then putting it back in the freezer when I get home. I highly doubt that is the worst thing that is done to my food.
Kids that were in grade 2-6 during the pandemic are frighteningly far behind their older counterparts and have a deep deep reliance on technology.
Schools have handed out tablets rather than books, and require children to read passages rather than the whole book. Essay writing is a thing of the past, it's multiple choice mostly now. So much blaming children on this list. Educators must take some responsibility.
80% of humans will have cancer at some point in their lives; most will never know it, since the immune system eliminates the threat without any indication of any illness.
As a nurse, it's unsettling how many patients I've seen who come in for routine procedures and end up with life-altering complications. It's often a result of rushed care or overlooked details. People assume hospitals are infallible, but the reality is that even in the best facilities, human error can lead to devastating outcomes. Always advocate for your health and never hesitate to ask questions.
My uncle went to hospital for a routine op. Weeks later he was in agony. He had a scan and discovered that a surgical instrument had been left inside him. He had another op to remove it. Weeks later he was still in agony. Another scan revealed that while the original surgical instrument had been removed another one had been left inside him. He had another op to remove the second instrument. He now has a phobia of hospitals. To have it happen once is bad enough but twice makes you really wonder about the competence of healthcare professionals.
The laxity in healthcare facilities, the staff is under such stress(here in canada anyways) that a lot of corners are cut to try and save time, but it eventually always comes back to bite you in the a*s.
Hygiene protocols not respected
Patients left in their filth because you have 1 nurse for 40people with alarms going off everywhere.
Sterilization processes not being followed as they should, increasing the risk of nosocomial disease..the list can go on.
I remember starting to work and being all happy about helping people, and in the long run you have to adapt to the s****y place because if you try to follow the norms you will quickly get reprimanded by wasting time/resources or whatever by your superiors. The longer i work by helping the more bitter i become. You’re basically fighting a battle that cannot be won, no matter the effort you put in.
It is sad, because at the end of the day, the patient will be the one to suffer. Not saying all employees do their work correctly, hell no, i see plenty of lazy a*s people but the system rewards those people the same as the one breaking his balls off trying to fix it.
The longer i try to do good, the more cynical im becoming in this society.
sending wishes for most bestest for you. Deepest gratitude. I am strengthened in knowing that someone in this world fights for good.
I'm a massage therapist. I don't care if you didn't shave. But please wash your feet.
When you go to trial, the truth doesn't matter one lick. It's only what the evidence can show. So many clients struggle with this concept.
In a criminal case, if you go to trial and lose, you will most likely get a harsher sentence than you think. Elected judges believe they have to appear tough on crime and hope that threat will convince you to take a plea deal so they have fewer cases on their trial docket.
Any visit to traffic court will show you truth is unimportant in legal proceedings. It's just trading higher fines ( revenue) to not get insurance points.
How many dirty correctional officers there are that lug in d***s/weapons for inmates for money.
The amount of worms in fish from the ocean is astonishing.
I'll never forget slicing and seeing loads of red worms in the flesh. It put me off eating fish for years.
The entirety of the internet is held together by a very outdated and very vulnerable routing protocol.
As an engineer, I know some bridges and structures you drive on daily are technically past their design lifespan.
How much of our worldwide technical infrastructure is held together by duct tape and some sketchy Perl script someone who doesn't work there anymore coded 20 years ago.
Wow, I can't go back and adjust a comment I made, which seems to be getting some downvotes through a misunderstanding , because it was to a pic that's not in top 35 anymore... because I'm not paying for Premium Bored Panda... poached content is now Premium.
Having to subscribe to premium to continue reading an article is so annoying
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Having to subscribe to premium to continue reading an article is so annoying
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