I’ve never been one to idolize celebrities. That said, it would be foolish of me to claim they haven’t touched countless lives. So, when they’re gone, it’s no wonder their loss is felt so deeply.
Just last week, I paused mid-scroll during an otherwise mundane social media browse to learn that David Lynch had passed.
It felt strangely personal. His work, creative talent, and unshakable authenticity had always inspired me. He was a dreamer unlike any other, and it saddened me to realize there won’t be any more projects under his name. I’m still thinking about him.
As it happens, Redditors recently reflected on other celebrity deaths that struck a similar chord. Their stories moved us to put together a list of their choices as a tribute. Read them below, and let’s honor their legacies together.
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When I was a boy, my dad would vocally discuss how he didn't want me.
Mister Rogers was an adult male who seemed to like me just fine. I would watch his show as a child and my mom say I would *plead* with the television when he started putting on his shoes.
"Stay today! Just this time, please, just stay this time..."
I heard he died at the end of my work day. I couldn't finish my supper, I went into my room, closed my door and cried my eyes out. I was 24. I really, really, really wanted to just tell him thank you.
Chadwick Bozeman.
Chadwick Bowsman that dude was dying and still visited sick folks in the hospital. He was a good man.
Imagining who he could become is heartbreaking. Imagining him fighting largely alone is heartbreaking.
Anton Yelchin. He was an only child, too.
This one was hard, not just because of how young he was, but because of how he died...absolutely horrific.
Steve Irwin.
Steve Irwin could have done some some amazing things in the last 20 years.
His kids are making him proud though.
Grant Imahara.
He was full of life, totally healthy, uplifting, jovial, enthusiastic about science, the exact kind of voice we need in this current time. And he died due to a very sudden brain aneurism. Basically, absolutely nothing you could do to prevent that. It's just a thing that...happens.
A lot of celebrity deaths are tragic and heart-breaking. But Grant's death also felt just straight-up *unfair*.
Grant Imahara from myth busters was on a date with his fiance when he complained of a headache and then passed out in a restaurant.
Sudden aneurysm at age 49 with virtually no warning.
My best friend as child died of the same thing. He had a terrible headache and just died. My sister told me and I was stunned for days. We both grew up in the 70s which was magical time for kids long before computers and cell phones. I hope to meet him in Heaven and thank him for being my friend.
Betty White dying just 17 days before her one-hundreth birthday was so sad. She was a wonderful person. Her death was sad enough, but seeing that picture of the empty Golden Girls couch that was doing the rounds that day hit me the hardest.
Matthew Perry hit me HARD! My partner is very much like chandler and I am “a Monica.” People compared us all the time. I had JUST finished his memoir, then less than an hour later heard he died. I have never cried over a celebrity death, I’m not really a cryer (control freak) but I came close with him.
John Candy broke my heart.
David Bowie.
My favourite image following his passing. https://pin.it/5U8UTPMCU
Phil Hartman.
River Phoenix. He'd be just as big as Joaquin if he didn't die.
Marvin Gaye— getting murdered by your dad during an argument is definitely one for the books.
Jim Henson. Refused to go to a doctor and ended up with Disney running The Muppets.
I’m still sad that Gilda Radner died way too soon.
Bill Paxton. It still hurts to watch Twister.
There are so many, but Otis Redding has to be on the list. He recorded "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" three days before he was killed in a plane accident. It became the first posthumous No. 1 single in the US.
Vic Morrow, on the set of Twilight Zone: The Movie.
He and two child actors were killed by a helicopter blade.
So that the child actors can also be honoured, their names were Renee Shin-Yi Chen and Myca Dinh Le.
Anthony Bourdain, Prince.
Prince. Broke my heart, still does. As a huge fan (22 albums I have) and his talent, gone. To find the loss was due to over prescription of pain meds absolutely destroyed me. Love or loathe him, his talent and musical abilities were astonishing. "Sometimes it snows in April".
Naya rivera.
Chester Bennington for me. I think his death was actually the first celebrity I cried over. RIP Chester
Yes! I kept scrolling through these waiting to see his name. One More Light kills me now.
Load More Replies...That one hit hard. I still watch what I think are his best bits on YouTube. Carrot in the box, R****m of the Year...
Load More Replies...Chester Bennington for me. I think his death was actually the first celebrity I cried over. RIP Chester
Yes! I kept scrolling through these waiting to see his name. One More Light kills me now.
Load More Replies...That one hit hard. I still watch what I think are his best bits on YouTube. Carrot in the box, R****m of the Year...
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