I’m all for giving others the benefit of the doubt—being understanding, forgiving the occasional misstep, and letting things slide when possible. After all, none of us are perfect, and if I can show a little kindness in this cruel world, I’ll gladly try.
That said, there’s a definite limit to how far any judgment-free zone can stretch.
These Redditors know exactly what I mean. Recently, they shared the things people do that instantly make them unattractive, and honestly, they’ve made some pretty solid points. Scroll down to see their takes, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
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Be unkind to animals, the less fortunate, or customer service workers. It’s a literal deal breaker for me.
ETA: Pretentious snobs that attempt to hijack completely unrelated posts to push their beliefs or politics under the false pretense of “humor”.
Treat animals badly. You can tell alot about a person by how they treat pets.
People who are cruel to animals and just nasty cowards who pick on things that are smaller than they are to make themselves look big and hard.
Use their phone on speaker in public.
I was on the bus with this guy who was watching videos on his phone at full volume, and got incredibly annoyed. Then, whew, I got off the bus... and ended up sharing the bus stop with a second person watching videos on their phone at full volume. I'm currently under arrest on suspicion of murder, but I'm pretty sure it'll be ruled justifiable homicide.
Not accept responsibility for their own actions.
Lack of personal hygiene is such a dealbreaker to me.
* Treating animals like they’re accessories.
Have zero interest in other people, but expect everyone to be fascinated by the minutia of their lives.
Hi, it's me, the most interesting person ever. Aren't you lucky you met me? Now, let me just tell you all about my trip to the supermarket today. I needed to buy some milk. I actually did think about being naughty and getting strawberry flavoured milk instead of regular milk but I talked myself out of it by noting that it was twice as expensive. So I grabbed the regular milk which was hard to get to because there were only a few bottles left and they were pushed waaay up to the back of the shelf. But then - get this - just as I was on my way out I decided on a mad impulse to also buy some frozen chicken tenders. I had to choose between Southern style, chilli and garlic 'n' herb but I picked Southern. Then at the checkout - this is where it gets really crazy-
The least attractive thing someone can do is treat others with disrespect or disregard their feelings. No matter how charming someone may seem, when they show a lack of empathy, it completely diminishes their appeal.
Also, when people look at you strangely for caring or getting angry for showing concern for others.
Acting like a child that needs a mommy to handle basic household tasks or life in general.
Be unfaithful to a spouse.
It depends on the situation. When your spouse is nothing but kind and considerate then it's a no-no. On the other hand if your spouse is violent, controlling, abusive and you meet someone who actually treats you like a human being then it's justifiable.
Be rude, or act entitled.
Went on a date. She went on a her phone in the cinema and started scrolling Insta for half the film. She was actually a very good looking woman but that was... *ugh*.
A one upper. Or someone who always has to make things about them selves. I have this thing where I can instantly identify them and subsequently not be able to respect them or their opinion right away.
Have a lack of empathy and understanding.
I meet so many people like this. They say they're successful because of all the wonderful things they did and everyone who can't do what they did is a loser. They have a complete lack of empathy for people who can't achieve what they did, even if how they got what they have is because of luck, parents, or family money. They always claim they "worked hard" for what they have and everyone who isn't in the same financial bracket as them is lazy and unworthy. Their attitude is they've got theirs and to hell with anyone else. They're almost always Trump supporters, too.
Smoking is f*****g gross.
I agree, smoking is a deal breaker for me. However, my cousin smokes and I was complaining about it to my sister who brought me back to reality really quick. She said something along the lines of we all have our vices. I, for example, eat too much sweets. It's not "healthier" than smoking it's just more socially acceptable. So I remember that every time I get irritated with smokers. Unless you're smoking in my home, in a no-smoking area, or purposely blowing smoke on me (unless I've been a Karen and lectured you about it lol!), then what you do is your choice!
Chew with their mouth open like they’re auditioning for a cow documentary.
That Michael Cane line in Miss Congeniality comes to mind every time. 'I was distracted by the half-masticated cow rolling around in your wide-open trap.'
When they have no sense of physical boundaries.
Being rude to someone who doesn’t deserve it.
I hate hypocrites so much.
For me, it's when someone constantly interrupts in conversations. It feels disrespectful and dismissive.
Saying they’re interested in you but never have time for you.
Taking credit for others' work.
Overly critical or judgmental of others! Let ppl be themselves.
When I was growing up my mother was like this. Everything I did and everything I liked was met with negativity and criticism. I felt like I was on trial all the time. Over time it really grinds you down, especially when all you're doing is trying to please them.
Being on their phone during a hang out.
Sometimes i like to take pictures. oh wait! I thought you said "during a hanging". My bad.
Disrespect my time.
Why isn't misogyny here? There is no bigger turnoff than a man or a woman who thinks another man or woman needs to be inside the traditional little box society has made for them. Please, keep those old, stupid platitudes and the people who bleat them as far away from me as possible.
Something I hate but can't remember the term is when people think they're alone in the world, like running around the corner of a building not thinking someone else could be walking right there and just railroad them. Or crossing the street without looking both sides.
Why isn't misogyny here? There is no bigger turnoff than a man or a woman who thinks another man or woman needs to be inside the traditional little box society has made for them. Please, keep those old, stupid platitudes and the people who bleat them as far away from me as possible.
Something I hate but can't remember the term is when people think they're alone in the world, like running around the corner of a building not thinking someone else could be walking right there and just railroad them. Or crossing the street without looking both sides.