23 Hilariously Absurd Comics By The Canadian Artist Cameron Spires (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistWe’re pretty sure we know you well by now, dear pandas, and we’re always happy to bring you a good laugh with some hilarious comic series. Well, today is another one of those days! You can thank us later... in the comments below!
Remember “Goat to Self” by Cameron Spires? That’s right, he’s back on Bored Panda with even more jokes that have us chuckling. As the author shared with us last time: “Things tend to go terribly wrong in my comics, either because of a misunderstanding of words or motives.” Is that what you find funniest about Cameron’s work? There are so many reasons to love his comics, so without further ado, let’s dive in and explore his latest strips!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | ko-fi.com | goattoself.com
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To find out even more about his funny comic series, we reached out to its author once again. Knowing that the 4-panel format often relies on precise timing to land a punchline, we asked Cameron how he approaches the rhythm of his strip to ensure it flows well. The artist responded: “I actually love working within the four-panel structure. I find it forces you to be concise. You have just enough time to set an expectation and then break it. Those constraints themselves ensure the rhythm of the joke!”
Next, we wanted to know if there are any jokes or visual cues that Spires enjoys revisiting in his comics. We were also curious how the cartoonist reinvents them to avoid repetition. We learned that: “Great question. It’s got to be the pun. It’s one thing, but it sounds like another thing. These days, I won’t avoid them exactly, but I have a bit of a rule that the pun can’t be the only joke. There’s got to be some kind of extra gag or funny button on the pun. For example, I have one comic where a ‘bath bomb’ is a literal bomb, but the real joke is that the character is aware he’s in a comic, so he knows it’s going to be a literal bomb.”
English isn't always literal. For example, it isn't Former Con-Arist of the United States.
Many artists follow creative routines to stay consistent with producing new work. We were curious if Cameron has a similar approach. He told us: “I wish I had time for that! I’ve got a couple of kids and a full-time career in advertising, so I do comics when I can find a spare minute. One thing that helps is to do a little bit at a time so I don’t have to commit [to] sitting down for an hour. I just tinker on one comic a few minutes at a time over a couple of days.”
Catman *tap* "Wait no!" *tap* "Seriously STOP!" *tap* *crash*
Lastly, we were wondering if there were any particular comics or characters that became popular with readers in ways Spires didn’t expect. The artist shared with us: “By far ‘James’ in my ‘Did you eat s**t in the driveway’ comic became way more popular than I expected. People message me all the time that it’s their favorite comic. Something about his face seems to delight people.”
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