30 Unhinged Pics That Ended Up On This Online Group, Dedicated To The Weird And Questionable (New Pics)
Spending enough time online will sometimes lead you to some of the weirdest parts of the internet. One good example is the WTF subreddit, which lives up to its name, for better or worse.
From this online group, you’ll find bothersome images on different levels. Some of them involve farm animals in the backseat of a car, while others feature utterly creepy photos from their late grandmother’s collection.
This list continues from a previous one we compiled. Scroll through it and prepare to be weirded out today.
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Started Work This Morning, Put My Headset On, Felt Something Furry In My Ear, Looked And There Is A Bat In My Headset
John Wayne Gacy Did Construction For My Grandparents And We Found His Business Card While Going Through Some Stuff Today
Since our last article, the WTF subreddit’s followers have grown from around 700,000 to its current 7.1 million. It continues to be a resource of photos and videos showing the bizarre side of life. You’re about to see still images that may induce goosebumps.
Saw A Ton Of Vultures On A House Today. I'm Not Sure What This Implies. Google Says Either A Gas Leak Or A Body
I Freaked Out A Little When I Met This While Cross Country Skiing
My Tarantula Had Babies
Left to right: "Richard", "Beth", "Adolf", "Hermann", "Elizabeth", "Eva", "Aaron", "Stanley", "Nick", "Norah", "Asta", "Hezekiah", "Winthrop", "Adele", "Wednesday", "Mary", "Henry", "Coleman", "Trump", "Hans", "Anne", "Robert", "Fester", "Walter", ""Marcello", "Sarah", "Alva", "Heinz", "Dolly", "Elon", "Jeffrey", "Milhouse", "Jezebel", "Annabelle Lee", "Austin", "Dargah", "Simone", ""Optimus Prime" , Nigel", "Harold", "Suzanne", "Norman", "Jesus", "Nipper", "Sylvester" , "Caligula" , "Thelma", "Eden", "Diphtheria", "John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo", "Nicole", "Cap D'Adge", "Simms", "Snidely", "Astrid", "Nancy", "Scarlett", "Tracey", "Kaiser", "Frazier", "P.J.", "Judy", "Karina", "Newton", "Alzheimer", "Harvey", "Homer", "Marge", "Bart", "Lisa", "Alphonse", "Chrysler", "Bridgette", "Nonlinear", "Ants-Pants", "Smiley", "Huguette", "Auna", "Abraham", "Dashiell", "Oculocutaneous", "Simpson", "Duesenberg", "Fergie", "Joan", "Faith", "Wilma", "Ellsworth" , "Cindy", "Sampson", "Morton", "Charmaine", "Gary", "Garry", "Rudolph", "Rebecca", "Sandy", "Cartwright", "Cynthia", "Quasimodo", "Wilson", and "The Spider Formerly Known as Prince"
This growing list suggests one possible theory: humans may be innately drawn to disturbing images. According to media scholars Annie Lang and Bridget Rubenking, there is an evolutionary explanation.
“An attentional bias toward disgust—no matter how aversive—would better equip humans to avoid harmful substances.”
As psychology professor Frank McAndrew explains, creepy images and things are about “the uncertainty of threat.” Our gut sounds the alarm about possible danger, but the signals aren’t clear enough to urge immediate action.
“So much of [what is creepy] is about wanting to be able to predict what’s going to happen, and that’s why creepy people creep us out – because they’re unpredictable. We find it hard to know what they’re going to do next,” McAndrew said.
Who Brings Their Goats To The Supermarket With Them?
Some experts draw a line between being scared and creeped out. As philosophy professor Dr. David Livingstone Smith told ABC Australia, "Creepiness is an attitude of simultaneous fascination and repulsion."
"When we encounter something creepy, we're drawn to it at the same time as wanting to get away from it," he explains.
Someone In Oregon Caught This Ling Cod, Complete With A 'Belly Full' Of Octopus
Every Damn Time I Visit My Local Shopping Center, This “Frog-Head Child Cult” Water Fountain Gives Me The Creeps
Despite their longstanding involvement in many children’s parties, clowns often fall under the creepy category for many people. This fear is called coulrophobia, which affects 1 in 10 adults.
Studies have shown that the clown’s painted face distorts the person’s real appearance, stirring feelings of distrust. Dr. Smith concurs.
“Their fixed facial expression is mask-like — it belies that characteristic of a living breathing human being,” he explains.
All The Brown You Can See Is Spiders
An Octopus With 32 Tentacles That Was Found In The Waters Of South Korea
A 2016 study published in the New Ideas In Psychology journal theorized that men are more likely to be perceived as creepy because “males are simply more violent and physically threatening to more people.”
The study likewise theorized that women are more likely to perceive a sexual threat from someone classified as “creepy.”
Met This Guy Who Had His Wife's Eye Professionally Turned Into A Ring😶
Mcdonald’s- Drying The Mop Over The Fries
I bought mine back during the prison years. It's never going to be for sale again.