Try making a list of your ten favorite comedies! Already made up? Now please tell me, how many of them are in one way or another dedicated to a wedding theme, or is tying the knot a keystone for the plot? Well, I can almost guarantee that there are at least one or two similar movies in your top ten.

And do you know why? Because any wedding is an almost inexhaustible source of incredible funny, cringy or simply weird stories. About how someone got drunk, got into a fight with someone else - or even one of the newlyweds-to-be literally fled right from the altar. So please feel free to read yet another selection of crazy wedding stories carefully collected for you by Bored Panda!

More info: Quora


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My brother was getting married and wanted my son, 3 years-old at the time, to bring him the rings at the altar. I spent days before the wedding repeating to my son: “When I tell you, you go directly to your uncle and you give the rings ONLY TO HIM!”

My brother signals to me, and off goes my son direct to the altar with the cushion and the rings. I am proud of him! But the priest interferes: “Please give the rings to me, my child, I will bless them”. And my son screams in an offended voice: “No! No! I give them to Uncle Peter!!” Big laugh from the attendance.

Claudine Gehrenbeck , Pixabay Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community DM - dear mum

Also my dm turned up to my wedding in the most enormous hat on the planet. Apparently the House of Fraser personal shopper had told her that if she wore a big hat it would make her look slimmer. She took that advice to heart and wore a hat so big you can’t who she is in any of the photos. She just looks like a hat with legs.

ButternutCrinkleFries , Quang Nguyen Vinh Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community This is a true story I swear on a stack of bibles. My baby sister was about to marry a tall Texas cowboy Marine officer who had just also graduated from THE University of Texas. He invited all of his VERY rough cowboy U of T classmates to the wedding as Best man and Groom’s Man. So far so good. The day of the Wedding my baby sister calls me to ask a special favor. Meet her to be husband at a local Conoco gas station with my “handy dandy” toolbox No questions asked right away. OK Can do ! When I get there, I am in a 3 piece suit with a 50 lb. toolbox and Bill is already wearing his immaculately clean officer’s parade dress uniform. What he tells me next really blows my mind. He wants me to hack-saw off a Masterlock combination padlock that his buddies had secured around the narrow part of his scrotum the night before at his bachelor party after he passed out from being snot-sling drunk. The two of us went into the bathroom with the toolbox and stayed there a good while. I wondered what the owners thought about that? Bill was a real tough guy and held “everything” still as best he could with two hands. Unfortunately, I only had an old rust chipped saw blade that skipped frequently. I did saw it off in time. The things you do for your little sister !!!! ( I must say my sister was going to get a fine specimen of a man who could win a blue ribbon at a county fair on any August day. I was tempted to ask him if he was going to treat my sister ‘right”).

Steven L. Gaudry , Nikhiel CS Report


We have already written - and more than once - that there are several main reasons why weddings generate tons of awkward content. The first is alcohol. The second is alcohol... sorry, the crowdedness of wedding audiences, where people with completely different, and often diametrically opposed, viewpoints and manners meet at the same table. The third is alcohol... or, better, nervous tension, because a wedding is a big day, and it should be remembered forever. So it is remembered - but not always in a good way...


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I caught the groom giving the best man a BJ, he was just about to finish when I walked in on them, let’s just say the best man could not stop and the groom turned to look at me. Why they didn’t lock the door is beyond me. I did not know them but I was a friend of one of the bridesmaids. I didn’t say anything to her, well not on the wedding day anyway. My friend told me that it was common knowledge and the bride was happy about it as long as it didn’t interfere with her marriage. I am fairly sure she would not have been very happy had she had found out it was going on on her wedding day. , Rene Terp Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My son was marrying a beautiful girl, beautiful inside and out. But her parents were a mess. She was oldest, and parents would disappear seperately for days, leaving her with 2 younger siblings, no food in the house. She is remarkably well adjusted.

Anyway somewhere between my son and her, her parents split up. Dad got into motorcycles, his friend introduced him to the woman that broke up her parents marriage.

She wasn't going to let her dad come to the wedding, or walk her down the aisle. We convinced her to open her heart and allow him to come to the wedding and walk her down the aisle. Her condition, his current wife, the one that ruined her parents marriage couldn't be there.

Shortly before the ceremony was to begin, she found out that this man who introduced that woman to her dad was in the church, uninvited. She said she wasn't coming out if he was there. Her grandmother asked me to deal with it, please.

I said I would. I'm a peaceable man, and I really didn't want to see a fight break out in the church before the wrdding mass. Taking a cue from Gulf War 1, I got my 2 older brothers, my nephew (a physically big guy who could rumble) another nephew, and my youngest son ( a big 6′3″ guy)

They wete lined up behind me when I approached this man and his wife. I explained he was an uninvited guest, he retorted the brides father invited him. I explained the couple didn't invite him to the wedding and the bride would like for him to leave

I'm 6′ tall, this guy abour 5′6″ or less. He steps into the aisle and bows up like he is going to to take me on. I snoryed a quiet laugh, and he realized I had brought overwhelming force. He grabbed his wife and left.

The wedding went off without a hitch, they are still happily married more than 10 years.

Yes, to me it was very strange.

Anonymous , Aleksandar Andreev Report

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Susie Elle
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm glad the wedding and everything went well after that, but really you shouldn't have pressured the bride into admitting her adultering dad if she didn't want him to be there.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community It was a cold day in November, in Northern Ontario, Canada. The Motel (only thing close to the venue) was old but clean.

At the end of the evening, we returned to a cold room. I turned up the thermostat, we loaded all of the gifts on the second bed in the room, and went to sleep. Had a wake up call early to catch our flight for the honeymoon.

I was dreaming that I was choking, and when rolling over, realized that I was coughing. Awoke, and the whole room was foggy. Once my eyes adjusted, saw the room was on fire. The bedding from the other bed was caught in the electric wall mounted heat register, and had caught on fire. The wall was ablaze. My husband was sound asleep! One too many celebratory beverages! I dragged him outside, and once he hit the cold air he woke up. We scrambled to retrieve as much as we could, and climbed into the car. No one at the hotel desk, so we knocked on doors, to try to alert people about the fire, and my husband was using the ice bucket and garbage pail to try to put out the flames. A few other people joined him, and eventually, they put out the fire.

I often wondered what might have been had I not woken up. Throat was sore, had a cough for a few days. Motel closed up afterwards, went out of business. We had been in contact about the experience, trying to see if we could recoupe some of the costs. Lost most of the wedding gifts, cards and money up in flames, along with the wedding dress! They they may have been afraid of a potential law suit, It was quite an adventure. Made for a good story!

How was the wedding night…? Smoking hot!

Lillian Saric , Pixabay Report

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Lil Miss Hobbit
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol! Horrible but such and adventure and sounds like your relationship is going well!


Perhaps the whole point is that the groomsmen and bridesmaids, whose role was originally conceived as a kind of wedding troubleshooters, now often themselves become generators of all sorts of problems and comic situations - both during the ceremony and before it. There is always room for a laudable exception - like this bride, who had no idea how many problems the MOH and the bridesmaids saved her “perfect wedding” from, but often those who should be the first line of defense against troubles do provoke these troubles themselves.


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community Oh dear, this wedding was an absolute [disaster]. Let’s tell it from the beginning. The wedding was for a work friend of mine. The wedding looked like it was going to be great! We received very fancy letters in the mail that invited me and my children. We were ecstatic. We arrived at the wedding right on time, everyone was dressed nice and the venue was beautiful, it looked as though it must have costed a small fortune to put together. But as the bride walked down the isle by herself, her dress busted. The buttons popped and, to make it worse, her makeup was running from how much she was crying. Apparently her dad had bailed and made her walk the isle by herself, then her dress fell apart. A few minutes later she came back out, her dress stitched up and went up to the alter. Her soon to-be husband followed, but as they were reading their vows, the husband stopped. He admitted he was just about to marry her for the money, then left. HE LEFT HER AT THE ALTER RIGHT THEN! Everyone was asked to file out as so many people were crying and yelling, it was chaos.

Alicia Imona , Hebert Santos Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community A cousin was getting married. They were young, the girl was 17 and pregnant, and my cousin was only a year older if that. But they were nice kids. I take that back. The bride was a very nice girl. My cousin was a lazy jerk. Still, family, you know?

The bride was Catholic and the wedding was going to be in her church. My family wasn’t Catholic, with the exception of my uncle’s wife. Aunt Mary telephoned the bride the night before the wedding, to welcome her to the family and to express Catholic solidarity. She tried to make the girl feel welcome, started talking to her about the wedding preparations and then asked the seemingly innocuous question, what does your dress look like?

According to people who heard Mary’s end of the conversation, Mary then totally went off on the girl. What? How DARE you wear a white dress to a Catholic wedding when you’re pregnant! How DARE you desecrate the Host like that. I understand she left the poor girl in tears.

So the next day we went to the wedding, then across the street to the Knights of Columbus hall for the reception. It was quite a blowout, with a live band and a cash bar. The bride looked radiant. The groom looked stoned.

I was hoping there weren’t going to be any more scenes from Aunt Mary. There weren’t. But then my Aunt Dorothy, my mother’s sister, walked up to the bar, waited until there was a pause in the music, and started shouting at the bartender. “How DARE you serve alcohol at a teenage wedding? If it wasn’t for people like you she would have never gotten KNOCKED UP in the first place!”

A little later I went up to the girl and apologized for my whole family. The marriage, such as it was, lasted six months. She had the baby, moved back in with her parents, and filed for divorce.

Mark Thomase , Alonso Reyes Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My mum rearranged our seating plan on the morning of our wedding-which we didn't realise until we sat down for the meal and instead of being able to see at the nearer tables the family we loved and the friends we wanted, we were faced with two tables of my mums friends, (including one of their husbands who was a pervert and whom
She was aware had made me very uncomfortable all my life), and most of whom we didn't know.
She had managed in doing so to additionally seat one of her friends who is a vile racist in very close proximity to a table full of my colleagues from work, most of whom were from Nigeria or the Carribean and who had shown up looking stunning in their national ceromonial dress. He could loudly be heard referring to them as 'bongo ladies' throughout the meal.
Apparently she wanted her friends to have a better view Hmm

TheLastNigel , Craig Adderley Report

"Some of what happens at weddings is bad luck," Stephen J. Betchen, D.S.W., writes in his dedicated article on Psychology Today. "A client told me that her uncle suffered a heart attack and died on the dance floor. She said he was in great shape, and that the incident was a total shock to all family members. Of course, he wasn't healthy, but he might not have known what was to fall him."


"While we cannot control everything in our lives, most wedding mishaps seem psychotically induced by the nature of the event itself. And it's not just a future 'mother-in-law' who is to blame… although it certainly can be..."


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community At my brother’s second wedding (out of 4), the bride’s grandmother collapsed and [passed away] right in the church during picture taking. Later, a hurricane hit while they were in the Caribbean for their honeymoon. Signs of things to come for sure! , Los Muertos Crew Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community Well my husband left my wedding to go buy some “feel goods" for him and his friends. My maid of honour left early and I was stuck to fix my own dress after toilet breaks. I didn't have one bite of my own wedding cake. I didn't get a dance with my father. My husband was too high to make out that night (when he got back from his pick up trip) His friends bombarded our room the next morning at 7am. No privacy.. anyways nothing too spectacular. Probably part of my reasons leaving him….

Charms B , YI REN Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My mother (nc now)

Showed everyone the label in my dress that said extra large and took the piss.

Showed everyone my dress before I wore it.

Told my (now ex) husband that I was a slag and he would be better off with her.

Deliberately deleted the wedding video.

Wore the same colour as me 'accidently'.

Cancelled my DJ and got her mate instead.

Gave a cringe inducing speech including information I didn't want my ex husbands family to know.

Started grinding all over a guy that she was obsessed with, to the point he went home.

And so so much more.

My ex MIL just didn't speak to me as she thought I was a gold digger, there was no hold to be dug anyways Grin

I wouldn't get married again.

Whydomypubeslooklikeanest , Daniel Moises Magulado Report

Well, be that as it may, literally anything can become the cause of a wedding mishap. From an annoying guest who for some reason decided to be present in every wedding photo, to an overly flashy server's outfit, which makes the bride decide that the poor girl wanted to outshine her... And thousands, thousands of other reasons.


This collection contains over three dozen stories, so please feel free to read them all, crack up at some of them, and maybe add your own in the comments below. After all, if you have a funny tale in your memory, why not share it with others?


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community Best man was so drunk he fell over while doing his speech (which had been incoherent up until then anyway). Bride and groom had a screaming row about it at the top table. Groom stormed off in tears with the best man and disappeared for over an hour and a half. Mother of the bride wouldn't let the food be served until he came back so we were all starving and by the time we got it, it was cold and congealed. Groom later vomited red wine onto bride's dress. Father of the groom got absolutely wasted, pulled his trousers and underwear down (in front of children) and had to be carried out whilst urinating. All in all it was a disaster and I felt very sorry for the bride.

peachgreen , cottonbro studio Report

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Sunny Day
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Brides always think it's going to be a perfect Broadway production, and instead it's always a drunken frat party.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community DH - dear husband
DM - dear mum

My dm is very traditional and really wanted invitations to be rsvp’d to her. We sent out invites to approx 150, judging cost on about 100. A lot of dh’s family and friends are in Australia so obviously wouldn’t be coming but we felt we had to invite anyway. It turned out my dm has decided that no one wanted to come to our wedding and we’d be devastated that so many people didn’t want to see us marry. So, for every decline we got dm invited one of her mates. It was £150 a head and I only knew about half the people at my wedding in the end! My wedding photos are full of ‘Angela who dm used to work with’ and ‘Nigel from dm’s swimming club’. It also meant dh was actually a bit upset on the day as he thought some of his friends had made the effort to come from Australia, only to find out it was actually it was just my mums pub quiz team.

ButternutCrinkleFries , Samantha Gades Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Does it really save that much time to type "dm" instead of "mom"? Saving that one letter probably meant this took 2 hours less time to write, right? /s

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I was a bridesmaid for a cousin when I was 17. My aunty's pervert husband kept making inappropriate comments about my cleavage and what he'd do if he was a younger man.

My father was told what was going on, he sneaked up behind him to hear for himself, tapped him on the shoulder and warned him that one more comment would earn him a hiding. The pervert did a drunken bluster and bravado attempt and stepped back to better face my dad which resulted in him doing a back flip over a 1 foot wall with a 6 foot drop the other side.

My father thinks this is far better than a smack in the chops and walks off satisfied it's dealt with*. He did have a hard time explaining the grass stains to his wfe though which was the most entertaining bit of the wedding for me.

*I don't know what happened post wedding but we never saw that particular pervert again although he stayed married to my aunty until her death

NoodlesLivesHere , Rene Terp Report

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Mike F
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love the expression "hiding", so many possibilities in one little word.

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The vicar spent a large proportion of the ceremony discussing the bride's and groom's personal failings in some detail: "...and you, Jennifer, are prone to spending money without thinking of the consequences, a habit you will have to rein in. You once spent nearly £100 on a pair of shoes which didn't fit! Of course, we all know James has an eye for the ladies and for his part he must learn to behave more modestly if he expects to keep you." On and on he went.

It wasn't remotely funny or endearing, just cringeworthy. The bride and groom looked like they were ready to cry.

Saracen Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I got locked in restroom 😂😂.

So it happened some 20 years ago and I was a kid at that time. It was my aunt's marriage and at that time marriages used to happen in normal halls like not very lavish ones.

As usual we kids were engrossed in eating and playing. Aunts were busy in showing off their new dresses and uncles were taking care of arrangements and guests. Suddenly I got an urge to pee and I rushed to washroom. Door of washroom was very old kind of where latch will be there on top corner and we have to push from bottom. I was in hurry so I jumped and pushed the latch. After I was done and got up to open the latch suddenly I felt my height is reduced 🤐🤐.

I am unable to open the door. I jumped multiple times but everytime it was a failure. I jumped, jumped and jumped but all in vain.. I was drenched in sweat and almost crying.

Suddenly what I hear.. yeah jump jump good . What I see is there was a ventilator and from there two uncles were seeing and encouraging me that I can open the door. This didn't make me happy but I got scared that they were seeing me 🤣🤣.

I bent down to hide myself haha… they tried to make me understand that they were there to help me. After all these struggles they broke the door and when I went out everyone was gathered to see who is the kid but I was searching for my parents. They had no idea where their poor kid is..

I came out like a warrior trying my best not to cry 😂🤣.

Story doesn't end here.. after I reached in my family group my mother was telling to someone..

“Pta nahi kisi ka baccha bathroom me lock ho gya tha , kaise parents hai baccho ko akele bhej dete hai bathroom me”

Translation: “I heard that someone's kid got locked in restroom. What kind of parents send their kid alone to washroom”

Before I could say anything, my cousin came and narrated the whole incident . Needless to say everyone had a good laugh but mommy was seeing me with helpless eyes :-)

Manpreet Kaur , Tim Mossholder Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community At the reception of my cousin’s wedding, the groom was making his speech. He finished with: “… it's my birthday in December and, just so you know, I like a nice drop of Scotch.”

My four year old son piped up: “And I like a nice drop of Blue Nun!”

Everyone collapsed into laughter. I was mortified! Apparently, it's all still on the video.

Joanne Larner , Victoria Priessnitz Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We attended my cousin's wedding when my son was just learning to talk. My cousin and his wife wanted him to be an honorary ring bearer, so he was up front with my aunt (the groom's mother) during the ceremony, which was fine, but then he said "Uh-oh" very loudly through the whole thing, and it could be heard on the video. Fortunately everyone just thought it was funny.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I went to one where the Milwaukee Brewers’ racing sausages showed up and danced with everyone. I was 7 months pregnant, dancing with the bratwurst.

Another one, literally everyone over 13 was drunk as a skunk, and during “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” a dude took off his shirt and got down on all fours and started trotting around the dance floor like a horse, complete with bucking. Then this girl hopped on his back and he literally gave her a horsey ride until she fell off. Upon which the bride’s 400-ish pound father hopped on dude’s back, and dude KEPT GOING.

Lynn Wagner , Ian D'Andrea Report

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Serena Myers
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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ah. I have been getting increasingly confused by these posts, mostly because some of them have been badly translated, but I had to google "Milwaukee Brewers' racing sausages" Turns out they are mascots. racing-sau...3723f8.jpg racing-sausages-66751b73723f8.jpg

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community Worst thing that happened at my wedding, is when the pastor that was suppose to marry us didnt show, had to call another church to send a pastor to perform the ceremony. After guests, waiting for an hour for the ceremony to begin, we proceeded with the vows. The pastor only got two sentences out and the best man (groom’s brother) started to have an epileptic seizure. The groom left and came back with a vase full of algae water, threw it on his brother, than propped him in a chair and we said our I do’s (maybe 3 minutes) and kissed. Groom escorted his brother to the back, and I walked down the aisle alone, to greet guests as they were leaving. Should have taken this as an omen, we were divorced 10 years later.

Linda Anderson , Marius Muresan Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Totally distracted by the dress in the picture. I know it has nothing to do with the tale. Something church… something, some other church related person. Actually important health risk! Epilepsy is no joke. This dress though.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I went to a wedding where the mother of the bride wore a calf length cream dress, very similar in style to the wedding dress.

No one else was outraged because they expected this of her.

To make matters worse, she'd told the bride she was wearing a different outfit prior to the wedding and the bride had coordinated her wedding colours to the mother's outfit.

EnglishRose13 , Esther Ann Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My mother got engaged.

It was my cousin’s wedding. I was in my mid twenties. We get to the reception and everyone is having a grand old time. My mother’s boyfriend, who had been off and on with her for over thirty years, decided to commandeer the DJs microphone and go into this long, drawn out speech about how she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He went on to how the only good thing that ever came out of Brooklyn was his daughter (who the rest of my family was unaware of so they all assumed he was claiming paternity of me at first), and topped off the whole sodden mess with asking her to marry him.

My family was furious, I was red with embarrassment, and I went out front to smoke a cigarette and calm down. Which is when my other cousins basically told me to get “that jerk (and other colorful names)” to leave before there was a riot. So rather than watch a spectacular fist fight, I convinced him and my mother to leave, which wasn’t that difficult seeing as how she was beyond ashamed at having taken the spotlight in such a way from the bride and groom.

No one ever spoke of it again.

Helen Carames , Gift Habeshaw Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community Answering anonymously, because the groom is a quasi-relative. The bridal couple invited many more guests than the number for which they had paid the venue. The meal was not buffet style; severs brought plates out on large trays. The guests soon realized that there were many fewer plates than seats. A mad scramble ensued, in which guests went and grabbed meals from the large serving trays! Several guests shared their meals with slower, less nimble guests. The groom’s brother and children left and ate at a local fast food restaurant, returning for the dance portion of this disastrous reception. I guess that many answers to this question will make my story pale in comparison.

Anonymous , Vidal Balielo Jr. Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Reminds me of a wedding reception I went to where the sole refreshments were 1 bottled of sparkling cider and 3 small bowls of M&Ms for each 8-person table. The cider was supposed to be for the toast to the bride and groom who showed up more than an hour after the guests were assembled. Needless to say, it was a pretty dry toast because the cider was long gone. So were many of the guests.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My wedding day! Should have been the happiest day of my life. My father, whom I loved very, very much, ruined it terribly for me. To begin with: my husband and I did not plan to marry yet. I was only in my second year in university and we wanted to wait until I graduated. But he graduated from medical school and the communist government in Hungary would send him to a village to practice. We would have been separated. So we married before planned. It was difficult because after WWII there was a huge apartment shortage in Budapest, and we did not have one yet. So we had to continue living separately , with our parents,while hunting for an apartment. My father opposed our marriage and did not want to come. My wedding day started with me crying and begging my father to come. He finally did, but we were more than an hour late from our own wedding. Then when I wen t home, my father’s words were the most hurtful ones in my life. Even though as a university student I had a fairly big scholarship, which I gave to my parents to cover their expenses related to me, this is what my father said: “your husband did not come to me, asking me how much he should contribute to your support. You should be his responsibility now. But obviously he just wants a free mistress. I felt I wanted to [pass away]. I was terribly hurt. My response was a surprise to myself. I never thought talking to my dad like that before. But my husband never asked for and never received a dowry, still in demand those days. So I said: “Dad, my husband will allow you to keep your expenses related to me from his dowry.” But that conversation upset me terribly.

Magda Selmeci , Becerra Govea Photo Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So this was after WWII, which ended 80 years ago. OP was in second-year university, so we can assume she was around 20 years old. That would mean that a 90-something-year-old wrote this? Not implausible. Pretty interesting, really

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community We lived in Cornwall in 78 and got married in a portacabin. All my family stayed in a local hotel which celebrated its first birthday the night before the festive nuptuals. My entire family of 11 got totally wasted and could hardly even stand the next day. This set the tone for years of abject misery.

Mike Faulds , Omar Lopez Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community This was at my oldest sister’s wedding.

Some background: before the wedding my middle sister had developed a romantic relationship with an English guy she had met and started travelling with in Europe. Not long after, Graham turned up in Canada and started hanging around my hometown (not a tourist destination). They were still dating, but apparently things weren’t going well for him as my sister’s feelings were waning…I distinctly remember him moping about, playing that sad Phil Collins’ album Face Value over and over.

So on to the wedding, in which my middle sister and I are bridesmaids. We’re in the Elk’s hall, everyone is sitting down and all talking has ceased in preparation for a few speeches. Right at that moment, the doors to the hall fly wide open and in walk my middle sister’s plus one Graham with one of my older sister’s friends, both of them looking very disshevelled and suddenly very guilty. All eyes in the house slowly swivelled from this pair on over to my middle sister up at the head table directly across the room, presumably expecting fireworks. Thankfully, at that point my sister couldn’t care less what he did, so what could have been super embarassing and/or painful ended up becoming one of my family’s amusing “remember when” stories.

In hindsight I feel for the poor guy. At the time my sister was 22 and I was still in high school, having never had my heart broken. If we had proper role models she could have handled the situation better and broken up with him before things got to this point.

Valerie Farina , Scott Webb Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community DM - dear mum

I had 2 bridesmaids who completely took over the dressing room to the extent that I couldn’t get ready myself and had to rush to be ready in time. One of them then asked me to take photos of her and make her tea. A friend of mine got really drunk and processed to hit on my dh’s 60 yo friend. She then tripped over my dress and screamed at me. Grin My dh’s best man gave a cringe inducing speech, but at least he made the effort unlike my dad who an hour beforehand decided he wasn’t going to make one... luckily my dm stepped in and gave an awesome one!!

cadburyegg , cottonbro studio Report

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4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Speeches at weddings are dumb. Nobody wants to do it. Nobody wants to hear it. People get annoyed if people don't do it because it's expected. And it seems not uncommon for people to say things mildly offensive all the way up to relationship-breaking. Just stop having it as a tradition, and all these problems go away.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My son married, the first time, in 1992 in Florida. He was twenty-one, and since I had him at nearly the age of nineteen, I was forty at the time of his wedding.

My father had a sister who lived nearby, and she and her husband were invited to the rehearsal dinner.

After the rehearsal at the church, we all went to a restaurant for the dinner, where the extra guests met up with the wedding party. My uncle, my aunt’s husband came up to my son and me, as we two stood alone together. He smiled warmly at us. I smiled back. I hadn’t seen him for twenty years or more. Nice guy. Good to my aunt. Love his kids, my cousins. He put his arms on us, one hand on each of our shoulders, and then he spoke.

“Son, you’ve a good looking bride.”

As in, I was the bride.

I could sense that my son had thrown up a little in the back of his throat.

“Uncle Joe! I’m Cindy. The groom’s mother. His bride is over there,” said I, pointing across the room.

“Damn shame,” said Uncle Joe.

My son didn’t hang around me much before, during, and after the wedding.

Sigh. That was his lot in life, my son. When his first son was born and we three went to the grocery store together, I pushed the cart while my son carried his baby in a snugly on his chest. He walked in front of me while I struggled with a bad cart with one wonky wheel.

A man came up to my son and said, “That right my boy! Let the wife do the heavy stuff.”

Immediately, my son left the store and waited for me in the car.

Where’s his sense of humor! LOL!

(Are you kidding me? I loved for people to think I was nineteen years younger than I was!)

Cynthia Coleman , Maycon Marmo Report

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community My own! My girlfriend and I had been together for five years and decided to get married while visiting my son in Florida. It seemed right because he went on our first date with us.

We made an appointment for that afternoon at the courthouse. After the paperwork, the Justice of the Peace gave us our vows but forgot the ring exchange. We had to admonish him by saying that we understood that he was nervous.

Then we went to have a cocktail in celebration, but the restaurant we chose was empty, and when we told the bartender and another customer that we had just gotten married, they merely looked at us like we were crazy.

Little did they know; we are…..

Tom Gee , Jeremy Wong Report


31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community About five years ago, a couple I been friends with decided to get married. At the beginning of the wedding her dad walked her down the aisle. She wore a top that was really not fitting for the wedding. Anyhow, when arriving at the altar, she turn away went to a chair and removed that bad looking top. When she return to her position she was topless! That place had went dead silent. The preacher finally started the wedding. A good friend of the groom arrange a prank. When the question to the people in attendance was there anyone who thinks this couple should not wed. A young girl of proper age got up topless, went up and spoke “You know she has a unhealthy history, I believe that I will love better and willing to get married nude.” The groom looked at this girl then spoke “She is worlds best women in the world. I dont care if she did [substances] or wet the bed, this my women, so you can now get out of here!!” The girl turned and left. They went on and got married. Today, they are the most happiest couple I have met. Come to find out, the girl who offered herself for marriage, worked at a strip club and was murder 2 years ago by her boyfriend.

Hetta Jones , Lais Queiroz Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So it sounded like the bride was topless, then a second girl. I don't follow this at all.

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31 Weddings That Ended Up Being A Total Disaster, Per People In This Internet Community I am not sure you can call it craziest or not, buy

Yeah! I was too busy savouring ice-creams to bid adieu to my eldest sister on her wedding, not my fault I was too young back then , they had to find me as she was searching for me by the car door.

Thanks for A2A.

P.S : My brother was howling like a woman and my nephew turned 14 a day before yesterday😁.

Waquar Ul Islam , JÉSHOOTS Report

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4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The best thing I can say about this is that....nothing seems to be misspelled.

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