Owner Recreates Famous Art Pieces By Incorporating Her Fat Orange Cat, And The Results Are Hilarious (15 New Pics)
If you’ve ever thought classical art masterpieces could use more cats, then you’re in for a treat!
Svetlana Petrova reinterprets famous art pieces by incorporating her silly cat pictures. The artist started by adding her orange cat Zarathustra, but now she has two other cats, David Bowie and Tyger Blake, who continue to steal the show. Svetlana wrote how Zarathustra inspired her to start this project: "He decided himself to become a model and performance artist. He adored posing for photos. He made such coquettish poses and clever faces as if to say: 'Paint me like these French girls…' So I did.”
All of Svetlana's work can be found under the name FatCatArt, so if you'd like to see more of her creations, feel free to check out her social media accounts.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | fatcatart.com
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Furry Starry Night Over The Rhone
Original artwork: "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh.
The Cream Of Edvard Munch’s “Scream”
Original artwork: "The Scream, 1893" by Edvard Munch.
OMG, my food dish is empty! I'm not gonna make it!!
The Visit Of The Supreme Being
Original artwork: "The Visions of the Hereafter: The Ascent of the Blessed" by Hieronymus Bosch.
Why is it the angels are all wearing clothes but the people aren't? Just curious.🤔
Napoleon Cat Crossing The Alps
Original artwork: "Napoleon Crossing the Alps" by Jacques-Louis David.
Irresistible Temptation
Original artwork: "The Temptation of St. Anthony" by Salvador Dali.
Hooman, youz cannot resist us, weez too damn cute!
Merry Catholic Christmas!
Original artwork: "Angel playing lute" by Melozzo da Forli.
This Feeling When Angels Dance On Your Ears
Original artwork: "Mystic Nativity" by Sandro Botticelli.
Venus’ Selfie
Original artwork: "Venus with a Mirror" by Titian
The cat looks like he's trying to preserve his modesty while the Cherubs look unbothered by the fact that they are nude. Ironic when kitty has a Permanent fur coat.
The Temptation Of The Fat Cat
Original artwork: "The Torment of Saint Anthony" by Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Dating A Cat
Original artwork: "The Artists’ Wives" by James Jacques Joseph Tissot.
The Daughters And The Cats Of Edward Darley Boit
Original artwork: "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" by John Singer Sargent.
Flower Or Turkey Pie?
Original artwork: "Still Life with a Turkey Pie" by Pieter Claesz.
I am tim turkey...you made my brother into pie....I'll give you a flower if you don't eat me.
Being Body Positive
Original artwork: "Dancers" by Fernando Botero.
I'm all in for anything Botero. Better watch that right paw big fella. But if your partner is into it, go for it!
Original artwork: "St.George and the dragon" by Paolo Uccello.
Uh, cats have murder mittens and teefs, dragons only had fire breath. A cat dragon would have played with him before dropping his carcass on God's pillow!