You can always count on pet photos to deliver your dose of the warm and fuzzies. But if you add animal parents and their younglings to the equation, expect the adorable levels to be a few notches higher.
Take a look at these photos to see what we mean. You’re about to see what pure love between cute critters looks like, whether it’s a mama dog nursing her newborn pups or a mother swan cuddling her babies.
This list is one of our many pieces showing love for animals. Scroll through it and have a nice feel-good moment.
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A Happy Family
A Family Meowed On My Door And I Adopted Them
Today Our Cat Gave Birth To 4 Kittens, And Her Blissful, Exhausted Face While Hugging Her Baby Is One Of The Most Beautiful Things I've Seen
Similar to humans, maternal instincts are strong among animals like sloth bears. According to the India-based non-profit organization Wildlife SOS, sloth bears carry their cubs all day until age two.
Leopards are the same way. They are very protective of their younglings, who depend on their mothers for basic needs like food, protection, and shelter for the first couple of years of their lives.
Koala Mom And Her Son After Being Rescued From The Fires In Australia
Every time I hear of a fire my first thought goes out to all the animals that might be impacted. It always hurts my heart. 🥺
Pups Learning Important Life Skills From Mama
The Joy On The Baby's Face
I once met a fox cub late at night who had clearly snuck out after mum had gone out hunting. I went and got him a big bit of steak and he snatched it and toddled off toward the den. It was pretty cool
Biparental care likewise exists in the animal kingdom, but the roles are sometimes reversed. For water birds like jacanas, the male does most of the work, which includes protecting their territory, looking for food, and teaching their younglings survival skills.
The female, meanwhile, has several mates and is not at all involved in raising their offspring.
In Istanbul, A Stray Cat Mom Took Her Baby To The ER. Doctors And Paramedics Helped The Baby And Took Them To A Vet
Kiwi And His Goth Wife Have Four Beautiful Half-Goth Babies
The Protective Shells Of Baby Pangolins Are Very Soft When They Are Young, So The Mothers Curl Around Their Bodies To Protect Them
I present you the allmighty, the allroundy Pangolin and Pangopup
It’s almost a similar case with emperor penguins. The fathers usually gather food and teach their young to survive harsh weather conditions. The mothers leave the colony to allow their male counterparts to keep the eggs warm.
The division of parental labor among barn owls is more similar to that of humans. The males are hunter-gatherers, while the females nurture and incubate the eggs.
Dad Meeting His Kiddos
This Baby Hippo Has A Very Supportive Mom
Baby Lamb
Not a cute little lamb farting a cloud of smoke, as I first thought, at all.
Alloparenting also happens between animals. Female elephants, being matriarchal in nature, usually become foster parents to newcomers.
Similarly, rhesus macaque monkeys form social bonds with each other and can quickly build familial relationships with orphaned babies.
Fed Mama Cat One Time, And The Next Day She Brought Her Baby And Husband For Dinner
First Family Photo. Santa Barbara Zoo
Mother And One Of Her Sons
We’d also like to hear from you, readers. Do you see similarities between human and animal parenting? How close or far apart are they? Let’s liven up the comments section!
Our Cat Ada Gave Birth 2 Days Ago
3-Week-Old Sumatran Orangutan At The Philly Zoo, Looking Up At Mama
These Three Tawny Frogmouth Birds
Hi There, Little Guy
little dude just went "peekaboo" but had to stand on tip toes so we could see him
Family Trip
One Very Proud Mom
Fantastic Fox Family
My Cat Is A Very Proud Mom
Babies Leaving Their Nest
My Local Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Had A Box Of Cats Dropped Off At Their Door, And These Babies Were Inside
The Stray I’ve Been Feeding For Months Came To The House To Have Her Babies! First Family Photoshoot
it's such an honor when an animal decides your home is the safest place for her babies!
Sweet First-Time Mama Cat
We Just Announced The Birth Of 4 New Asian Lion Cubs To Mother Gira And Father Shanto. These Adorable Four Were Born 8 Weeks Ago
"This Is How We Do It"
They’re Both Moms. Had Litters At The Same Time, And They Take Turns Feeding The Babies
Mom's Love
Mom And Her Child In My Garage
Ends Up That She Wasn't Fat After All
Good Job, Momma. We Weren’t Expecting 3
The Strongest Bond
Those are two precious pups! The little one has such big eyes and the momma is adorable.
Mom And 13 Baby Ducks
Mom Is Taking Care Of The Little Boys, And Dad Is Checking On Mom
Mama Cat Desperately Protects Her Children During The Heavy Rain
I see a few small herds in western mass where I live. They are so pretty. When I was in Scotland I mentioned seeing them at home and my friends thought that was unusual.
Baby Donkey Kissing Mom Hours After Birth
Happy Mom With Her Puppies
"Look Human, The Baby I Made"
Being A Mom Is Hard
Proud Parents
Smiling Dashi And Her Daughters Pippa And Bow Bow
I Really Like This Picture I Took Of A Calf With Her Mom
Everyday Is A Parents' Day
Here's A Mama And Her Twins About 20 Minutes After They Were Born
My Pet Cow Had A Calf For The First Time Today, She Seems To Be A Pretty Good Mom
Spay and neuter your pets, people. Giving birth is no fun, and the shelters are full to the brim.
Yes!!!!! Kitties, and puppies, and chicks, and calves, and just yay! 😊
Our little one will never have puppies, but I love to see those precious little moments.
Spay and neuter your pets, people. Giving birth is no fun, and the shelters are full to the brim.
Yes!!!!! Kitties, and puppies, and chicks, and calves, and just yay! 😊
Our little one will never have puppies, but I love to see those precious little moments.