This Online Community Shares Unfortunate Haircuts, And Here Are 40 Of The Worst Ones (New Pics)
Most of us get haircuts pretty regularly, but it’s always worth remembering that at the end of the day, you are putting your hair at risk. Some barbers are sloppy, having a bad day, or, even worse, they are feeling particularly creative and now your locks are at risk. So, at the very least, enjoy other people’s misfortune.
We’ve gathered some hilarious, if tragic examples of haircuts that are either horrible mistakes or just very very particular. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own experiences in the comments section below.
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As A 10yr Old Male I Was A 30yr Old Lesbian
Posted Again, This Time Without Any Identification
Iguana Cut
Everyone has had a bad hair day at some point in their lives. It’s just how it is, the right (or wrong) combination of humidity, wind and who knows what other factors. Incidentally, while “bad hair day” might be one of those phrases which is incredibly commonplace, it actually originated in the 1992 film Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Truthfully, terrible haircuts can happen so often that some folks, particularly men, fully consider going bald at some point in their lives. After all, you shave it and never have to think about it, until, of course, you forget to apply sunscreen to your scalp and now you’re in pain for days.
Found The Alpha Karen At Chick-Fil-A Tonight
I'm Not Sure What's More Outrageous, The Haircut Or The Name
I Let My 8th Graduates Cut My Hair Each Year When They Graduate. This Year They Gave Me The Full Van Buren
The hair will grow back or he can just shave. But his students will never forget that or him as teacher. Priceless.
I Would Cry
Gimme Dat Dusting Brush Vacuum Attachment, Fam
Daytona Mugshots Are A Goldmine
The Prom Photo You Always Dreamed About
What? She's got a Chelsea. It's an '80s punk thing. The chains, earrings everything is there to irritate the normies.
Karen: The Final Boss
Okay, I was curious and looked on Reddit. This is what I found: According to @platoniccannibalism Someone in another thread (@gawkerrefugee) tracked down the stylist and this is what happened. So this woman and her daughter had cancelled and rescheduled their appt. 7 times, brought a chihuahua with them (not allowed in the shop), smelled terrible and loudly complained the whole time. When the stylist walked away to mix up the dye, the mother started cutting chunks off the daughter’s hair since she believed the stylist was taking too long. When the stylist came back there wasn’t a whole lot she could do to fix it and give the daughter the cut she actually wanted. The mother complained and the stylist was fired under the “customer is always right” policy they had.
I Can't Stop Staring At Those Bangs
I'm New Here But Wanted To Share My GF's Haircut Job During The First Months Of The Pandemic
Dear Lord
This Guy Has Been Dreading Going Bald For Years
Cuteness Overload With A 'Just F My Sh*t Up' Moment On Ig
Looks like he's going to start complaining about mortgage payments and damn noisy teenagers
Should've Stayed Curly
The Rotary Phone Haircut
BBC News Anchor
High School Was The Worst
Guy Came Into Our Barber School & Asked For Exactly This. Couldn’t Be Happier With The Result (Actual Photo)
The Good Old Days Of Growing Up In The 80s
My Barber Cooked Me
Lime Green Suit Wasn’t Enough
Been On This Sub A While And Haven’t Seen This Posted, So Here’s Our Patron Saint Of Intentionally Bad Haircuts, Will Forte
Perfect set up for committing crimes. One eye witness will say he was bald and clean shaven, another will say he had a beard and full head of hair, police will just give up.
80’s Glamour Shot Background K**lin It At The Mall…
Yes I Walked Around Like That
It's So Evident The Grandparents Did His Hair
Doesn't look as though they did anything, other than brush it badly, just like gramps.
The Superintendent At A Local School District
Not Sure What This Is…
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
Hayao Nakayama, President Of Sega Of Japan In The 90s With His 360° Comb-Over
This Guy Right Here….
One Wonders Why This Tram Is Empty
Who In Their Right Mind Would Choose This?
The Hairstyle Of Wang Qingsong, A Contemporary Chinese Artist. He Assigns Symbolic Meanings To His Hairstyles As Depicted In His Works
Found On A Random Website. Spectacular
Conan O’brien Ain’t Looking So Good
What's really scary is that are people out there whose brains really and truly think they look good all freaked out.
What's really scary is that are people out there whose brains really and truly think they look good all freaked out.